The Cryptic Wood White only occurs in Ireland, where it is widespread. It was discovered to be different from the Wood White in 2001 and, more recently, its identification was changed again to this new name. The Wood White is very similar, but seems to be restricted to the Burren region in Ireland.
The upperwings are white with rounded edges. The males have a black mark in the edge of the forewing. The undersides are white, with indistinct grey or greenish markings.
Size and Family
- Family: Whites and yellows
- Size: Medium
- Wing Span Range (male to female): 42mm
Conservation Status
- Butterfly Conservation priority: Medium
- Protected under Schedule 5 of the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act (for sale only)
- European threat status: Not threatened
Caterpillar Foodplants
The foodplants are not well known, but include various legumes such as Meadow Vetchling (Lathyrus pratensis), Tufted Vetch (Vicia cracca), Common Bird's-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), and Greater Bird's-foot-trefoil (L. pedunculatus).
A wide range of open habitats with lush grass including rough grassland, road and rail verges and hedgerows.
- Countries: Ireland
- In the UK this species is only found in Northern Ireland
- Abundance trend: 53% (2009-2019)
- Distribution trend: 1% (1994-2019)

Cryptic Wood White - Andrew Cooper
Cryptic Wood White
Andrew Cooper

Cryptic Wood White - Andrew Cooper
Cryptic Wood White
Andrew Cooper

Cryptic Wood White - James O'Neill
Cryptic Wood White
James O'Neill

Cryptic Wood White - James O'Neill
Cryptic Wood White
James O'Neill

James O'Neill
Cryptic Wood White pair
James O'Neill

Cryptic Wood White (mating pair) - Jim Asher
Cryptic Wood White (mating pair)
Jim Asher
Cryptic Wood White - Sam Ellis
Cryptic Wood White
Sam Ellis

Cryptic Wood White (mating pair) - James O'Neill
Cryptic Wood White (mating pair)
James O'Neill

Cryptic Wood White - James O'Neill
Cryptic Wood White
James O'Neill

Cryptic Wood White (egg) - Andrew Cooper
Cryptic Wood White (egg)
Andrew Cooper

Cryptic Wood White (egg) - Jim Asher
Cryptic Wood White (egg)
Jim Asher

Cryptic Wood White (habitat) - Jim Asher
Cryptic Wood White (habitat)
Jim Asher