Rare in south England and the Burren region of western Ireland, this small butterfly with a slow flight is usually encountered in sheltered situations, such as woodland glades or scrub.
The upper wings are white with rounded edges. Males have a black mark on the edge of the forewing. The undersides are white, with indistinct grey markings.
Males fly almost continuously throughout the day in fine weather, patrolling to find a mate. Females spend much of their time feeding on flowers and resting.
In the characteristic courtship display, the male lands opposite the female and waves his head and antennae backwards and forwards with his proboscis extended.
Size and Family
- Family: Whites and yellows
- Size: Medium
- Wing Span Range (male to female): 42mm
Conservation Status
- Butterfly Conservation priority: High
- Section 41 species of principal importance under the NERC Act in England
- Listed on Section 7 of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016
- GB Red List (2022): Endangered
- Protected under Schedule 5 of the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act (for sale only)
- European Status: Not threatened
Caterpillar Foodplants
Various legumes are used, commonly Meadow Vetchling (Lathyrus pratensis), Bitter-vetch (L. linifolius), Tufted Vetch (Vicia cracca), Common Bird’s-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and Greater Bird’s-foot-trefoil (L. pedunculatus). (Note that some vetches are not used, notably Bush Vetch, V. sepium, and Common Vetch, V. sativa).
The Wood White breeds in tall grassland or light scrub, in partially shaded or edge habitats. In Britain, most colonies breed in woodland rides and clearings, though a few large colonies occur on coastal undercliffs. A few smaller colonies occur on disused railway lines and around rough, overgrown field edges (for example in north Devon).
In Ireland, more open habitats are used, often far from woodland, including rough grassland with scrub, road verges, hedges, and disused railway lines.
- Countries: England, Ireland and Wales
- This rapidly declining species used to be found across much of southern England and into eastern Wales. Its strongholds are now the woods of the West Midlands and Northamptonshire and the coastline of East Devon.
- Abundance trend: -82% (1979-2019)
- Distribution trend: -76% (1992-2019)

Wood White Priority Species Factsheet
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Wood White (underwing) - Bob Eade
Wood White (underwing)
Bob Eade

Wood White (underwing) - Bob Eade
Wood White (underwing)
Bob Eade

Wood White (underwing) - Bob Eade
Wood White (underwing)
Bob Eade

Wood White (underwing) - Mike McKenzie
Wood White (underwing)
Mike McKenzie

Wood White (underwing) - Patrick Clement
Wood White (underwing)
Patrick Clement

Wood White (underwing) - Bob Eade
Wood White (underwing)
Bob Eade

Wood White (underwing) - Bob Eade
Wood White (underwing)
Bob Eade

Wood White (courtship) - Peter Eeles
Wood White (courtship)
Peter Eeles

Wood White (male & female) - Bob Eade
Wood White (male & female)
Wood White (male & female) - Bob Eade

Wood White (egg) - Peter Eeles
Wood White (egg)
Peter Eeles

Wood White (caterpillar) - Peter Eeles
Wood White (caterpillar)
Peter Eeles

Wood White (pupa) - Peter Eeles
Wood White (pupa)
Peter Eeles