Make and decorate a moth mask - perfect for spooky season!

You will need:

  • Our downloadable template
  • Card
  • Scissors
  • Sticky Tape
  • Lollipop stick or paper straw
  • Pens, crayons or any other items to decorate your mask

Step 1

Download and print our moth mask template. Thin card works best or you could stick your paper print out on to a piece of cardboard (an old cereal box is perfect). 

Step 2

Carefully cut around the mask template. Then cut out the eyes - this bit can be tricky so get an adult to help you.

Step 3

Now it's time to decorate your mask. You can do this however you like! Our mask template is inspired by the Death's-head Hawk-moth so you could try to copy its patterns or make up your own. Use felt tip pens, crayons, ribbon or even natural materials like leaves to decorate your mask.

Step 4

Tape a lollipop stick or straw to the back of your mask so you can hold the mask in front of your face. Or you could hole punch a hole either side of your mask and attach some string or elastic. 


Moth mask template

Moth Mask Template


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