Tuesday 28th May 2024 at 10:30 am
Hartslock, Goring, Oxon
- Peter Philp
- 07434 652770 [email protected]
51.520932248728, -1.1326091516052
Join us on a trip to BBOWT’s Hartslock Nature Reserve: this steep sloping grassland site offers magnificent views of the River Thames and surrounding countryside. It supports a rich flora, including some rare and uncommon species and a good suite of spring butterflies.
We will explore areas of grassland and scrub edges to see some of its spring butterflies and other wildlife. Target species: Dingy Skipper, Green Hairstreak, and if we are lucky Grizzled Skipper.
You are welcome to bring a picnic and chat about all things butterfly, moth and conservation over lunchtime. Weather permitting, we could continue onto the NT Lardon Chase after lunch if you are interested.
Accessibility & risks: steep slopes, firm paths and a long flight of steps. Rabbit holes. Please check for ticks after the walk and let the leader know if you have picked up any ticks. (Tick advice)
Booking required: limited parking –park in Goring Railway Station and we will arrange shared lifts to the reserve. Please check here the evening before the walk to make sure it is going ahead as planned. This page will be updated regularly.
Meet at Goring Railway Station (parking fee) and be prepared to share lifts to the reserve.
Postcode: RG8 0EP
What3Words: films.sourcing.lawn