54.144389, -2.779799
Outdoor Events - general advice and information: For all outdoor events, participants should bring suitable outdoor clothing, waterproofs and boots or similar and, sun cream and plenty of water in hot weather. Bring a packed lunch for full-day events.
General safety advice will be given before all our events. We ask all who attend to take personal responsibility for their own safety and possessions, and to pay special regard to trip hazards and the presence of ticks.
Before starting, please advise the walk leader of any medical or other conditions which could lead to you being unable to complete the walk.
Booking is essential. We limit numbers for some events for safety and we require booking with the party leader by e-mail as soon as you are able to confirm attendance. If you need to cancel a booked place, please tell the leader asap so that the place(s) may be offered to others.
Leaders may also be able to answer any individual request for further information. Contact the field trip leader or Chris Winnick at @email.
Note: This walk is steep and narrow in places, and is not recommended to those who would find this difficult
Directions: In Warton village in Main Street, continue towards the church and turn into Crag Lane. Meet at Warton Quarry car park, grid reference SD491723, satnav LA5 9RB.
Post codes are given for satellite navigation but these are only a guide in rural areas.