Sunday 4th August 2024, 2:00pm-4:00pm
Rodwell Trail, Weymouth
- Bernard Franklin
- 07711 304412 or email: [email protected]
50.596011, -2.4613412
Families are being invited to join BC on this guided butterfly walk along the old railway line between Weymouth and Portland
This walk is ideal for families and those wishing to improve on their butterfly identification skills.
Everyone is to meet at 2.00 pm at the café in Sandsfoot Castle gardens, Old Castle Road, Weymouth.
The nearest post code is DT4 8QE and the map reference is SY 674 775
It would help us if you could book with the walk/talk/work party leader in advance. This does not commit you to turning up, but it means that if we have to cancel the event, we can contact you to tell you this. We may use your email address to contact you immediately after the event, but it will not be held for any future purpose.