Friday 28th March 2025

Barcaldine (near Appin)


56.513021024004, -5.3193323

The Marsh Fritillary butterfly is a high priority for conservation work because its populations have declined dramatically. In Scotland it can be found in damp grassland and moorland in Argyll and Lochaber, and the Inner Hebrides.

This event will demonstrate the best techniques to manage land for this species, including discussions of grazing and mowing. It is aimed at people who are managing land or advising others on managing land - e.g. farmers, crofters, community groups managing land, and farm advisors.  It will be most useful for those with a plant called Devil's-bit Scabious on their land - this is the sole foodplant of Marsh Fritillary caterpillars, and is usually found in damp grassland (see picture below).

This event will be catered, with free lunch and refreshments for all attendees provided by the onsite cafe.

Date: Friday 28th March 2025, 10am - 1pm
Location: Highland Fold, Achinreir Farm, Barcaldine (near Appin). Full details will be sent to all who reigster to attend.
Booking: book your space by visiting eventbrite here.

We will be inside for part of the event, with presentations on the Marsh Fritillary. We will then go outside to tour Achinreir farm, where Marsh Fritillary was first found in 2024 following management to help the species. If it is a sunny day we may be lucky to see the Marsh Fritillary caterpillars basking on the grass! The tour will be led by Jane Isaacson of Achinreir Farm, who will be able to share her experience on mowing and grazing.

During this event we will also consider actions needed to help other wildlife, including wading birds, birds and bees. This event is being delivered by staff from Butterfly Conservation, and run through the Species on the Edge project, a partnership project of NatureScot and seven nature conservation charities. The project is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

This event is primarily aimed at land managers and people providing advice on managing land.

For more information and enquiries contact Anthony McCluskey on [email protected]