Saturday 6th July.

Highland Safaris, Dull (near Aberfeldy)


56.6174112241, -3.93728825

Join us for a fun morning learning all about moths at Highland Safaris near Dull, just outside Aberfeldy. 

From 9am, Anthony McCluskey will be there open a moth light trap which will be set the night before. We expect to catch at least twenty different species, and they will be shown around the group inside plastic pots. At 11am, Anthony will then lead a one-hour session on the use of moth traps and moth identification. People attending this session will be able to register their interest in taking a moth trap to use in their own garden.

Date and time: Saturday 6th July. Moth trap opening: 9am - 10.30am. Moth trap demonstration and moth identification session: 11am - noon. You are welcome to come either or both of these aspects of the event. The trap demonstration and identification session will be more suited to adults and older children.
Location: Highland Safaris, Dull. 
Booking: registration is essential so we know how many people to expect. Book your space here.   

This event is part of a project being funded by the SSE Griffin and Calliachar Community Fund and the East Scotland branch of Butterfly Conservation. It is suitable for all to attend.