Saturday 22nd March 2025

AK Bell Library, Perth


56.395177531885, -3.4374976158142

Join us for our Spring Gathering of Butterfly Conservation supporters in Scotland!

Location: AK Bell Library, Perth
Date & time: Saturday 22nd March 2025
Booking: This event will be held in-person and streamed live over Zoom. There is a £20 cost to attend the in-person event, and the cost includes a hot lunch. NB This cost is higher than in previous years as the costs of catering and venue hire have increased over each of the past few years and this is the first time we have passed these higher costs on. However if you are unable to afford this please feel free to pay a lower amount for your ticket on the payment page, as we understand that many people are struggling with costs at the moment and we would not like to exclude anyone from this event. 

We are not charging Zoom attendees, but hope that people who attend this way will consider making a donation of £5 to cover the costs of the technical support.

In-person event: Book your place on our Eventbrite page here. Please note that the 'donation' option that we use on that page saves us from paying high booking fees, however it restricts each booking to one ticket. So if you are booking more than one ticket, please book each separately and complete the booking information for your guests on 'attendee information' page.

Free student places: we are able to offer free tickets to a limited number of students to attend this event, and pay for up to £20 of travel costs. If you're a student and would like a free ticket, email Anthony on [email protected] to register. 

Zoom event: If you would like to watch the event live over Zoom, please visit here to register for the online event (please only register for the Zoom event if you are not attending in person, as registrations to the Zoom event are limited to 100).

Speakers and topics include:

Dr Jamie Weir, Edinburgh University - Does timing matter for caterpillars?: revisiting the paradigm of phenological mismatch

Patrick Cook, Butterfly Conservation – Mothing in the mountains: monitoring the Mountain Burnet and adventures in search of the Alpine Coffee Moth

West Coast volunteers Colin and Sheena on their searches for rare butterflies and moths

Laura Sharp, PhD Student SRUC - Understanding and reversing the decline of moorland moths in the UK

Rochelle Kennedy, PhD student SRUC – Searching for an elusive moorland moth: the Small Dark Yellow Underwing

Updates on the year ahead in Butterfly Conservation in Scotland

We will also have live moths to display at lunchtime, from traps all over Scotland! We will have a variety of sales and information stalls. 

The £20 cost of booking will include a hot lunch, tea and coffee on arrival and in the afternoon.

Parking and transport: more detailed information on transport and parking will be sent before the event. More information about parking in Perth can be found here, with options such as the South Inch Car Park being 10 minutes walk from the venue and costing about £6 for the day. Perth train station is also about a 10-minute walk away and has cheaper parking.

This event is being kindly supported by funding from NatureScot and by the three Butterfly Conservation Branches in Scotland.