51.749683, -2.2235934
Stratford Park is a great resource for the community and for wildlife. Join Stroud Valleys Project, Stroud Nature and our brilliant expert spotters to find out about the range of species that make the park their home. From bugs to birds, flowers to river flies, we want to find out more about the brilliant wildlife we have on our doorsteps.
You don’t need to come along for the whole day, so if there is a particular group of species you would like to see, or have limited time available, you can choose to join us for as few or as many sessions as you like.
Book your place on this FREE event here!
On the day we will be looking at:
· 1pm to 2pm – Butterflies
· 2pm to 3pm – River Life
· 3pm to 4pm – Invertebrates in the Museum in the Park Walled Garden
· 4pm to 5pm – Invertebrates in the Park
· 4pm to 5pm – Mammals
· 5pm to 6pm – Flora and Trees
· 6pm to 7pm – Birds
This event is part of our Garden Guardians project, which is supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, so there will also be a chance to find out about how you can help wildlife in your own green space.