53.323183040882, -3.8462214586654
Joint with BC Lancashire branch
Outdoor Events - general advice and information: For all outdoor events, participants should bring suitable outdoor clothing, waterproofs and boots or similar stout footwear. Bring a packed lunch for whole day events, sun cream and plenty of water in hot weather.
General safety advice will be given before all our events. We ask all who attend to take personal responsibility for their own safety and possessions and to pay special regard to trip hazards and the likely presence of ticks. Please advise the field trip leader of any personal health issue or need of personal medication that might compromise the individual. Well-behaved dogs on short leads are welcome on our daytime events unless shown otherwise.
If you require further information or wish to check whether an event has been postponed or cancelled due to poor weather, please contact the walk leader before setting out. Due to the lengthy journey and in case of wet weather, there is a reserve day of Monday 17 June.
Booking We limit numbers for some events for safety and we require booking with the party leader by e-mail as soon as you are able to confirm attendance. If you need to cancel a booked place, please tell the leader asap so that the place(s) may be offered to others. You must book for this Field Trip. More detailed information at the time of booking.
Directions Meet in Llandudno at 11:30. Park at the northern end of West Parade near the junction with Abbey Road on West Shore, SH 772 821, satnav LL30 2ET. Print the directions if required. Post codes are given for satellite navigation but these are only a guide in rural areas.