Sunday 11th August 2024, 11:00am-2:30pm

Benin Road, Perham Down, SP11 9FQ


51.236667916657, -1.6315503761963

We will be looking in particular for Silver-spotted Skipper, of which there is a good colony at this location. We should also see Chalkhill Blues plus a range of other downland butterflies. If time permits, we will move on to Shipton Bellinger to look for Brown Hairstreaks. Bring a packed lunch if you wish.
Estimated end time about 2:30pm

Location: Start point:  Benin Road, Perham Down, Wilts, SP11 9FQ.

Directions: In Tidworth turn right (or left depending on your direction) off the A338 into Station Road. Follow for about 1.5 miles until you reach Perham Down, turn right into Benin Road, go past houses and turn left after approx 400 yds immediately after a red brick shed partly hidden by trees. A little further on you will see the parking area on grass, on the left at SU 260 484 (Map 184). what3words: ///retain.elsewhere.shippers.

If this is the first time on a field trip please read our guidelines which will tell you what to expect and what to bring.