Here you will find all you need to complete the training module for Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults. This module is for all Butterfly Conservation Volunteers.
Training Resources & Key Documents
Drop-in Sessions
We hold informal, online 'drop-in' sessions with one or more of our Safeguarding Officers. These sessions are designed to enable you to meet us, ask questions and share any concerns or experiences you have with us. The next sessions are listed below but don't forget - you can contact us at any time if you need a quick response or for anything urgent.
Tuesday 19th September 2023 at 6-7pm (online) - register here
Wednesday 20th September 2023 at 1-2pm (online) - register here
Key Contacts
If you have any queries on the contents of this training module, please contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Officers below:
Designated Safeguarding Officer: Engagement Manager (Kate Merry)
01929 507020 (Ext. 260)
Designated Safeguarding Officer: Director of Engagement & Volunteering (Kate Dent)
01929 500363 (Ext. 263)
Designated Safeguarding Officer: Office Manager (Denise Bell)
01929 406020 (Ext. 220)
Further Support
The National Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Children has excellent, freely available resources and also runs a 24 hour helpline. 0808 800 5000 NSPCC | The UK children's charity | NSPCC
Mencap has some excellent guidance and resources concerning
Safeguarding of vulnerable adults and a helpline:0808 808 1111 Safeguarding adults | Mencap