Get your friends together over a cup of coffee and make a list of everything that needs to be done.
It's useful to create a timetable, counting down to the day of your event - break tasks down and give yourself deadlines to meet.
Be realistic about how long things take and build in a bit of extra time to account for unexpected delays. Think about who you can involve in your planning and the event itself too: many hands make light work.
For anything you need to buy upfront. Think carefully about how much money you might like to raise. Companies and businesses are often happy to donate items you need for your fundraising event, it might be worth approaching them.
Did you know?

£20 could buy 20 violet plants, providing food for Pearl-bordered Fritillary caterpillars.
£250 could provide a training workshop for up to 15 volunteers to support our conservation work.
£1,000 could pay for a third of a hectare of coppicing to restore woodland habitat for fritillary butterflies.
If this is your first time organising an event, then the Institute of Fundraising has some helpful tips.