When you join as a Life Benefactor, you will be pledging for life your support and commitment towards the survival of butterflies, moths and the environment.

To recognise this contribution, you will receive an exclusive Life Benefactors membership pack including:

Butterfly Tote Bag
  • A golden butterfly pin badge
  • A certificate, with a thank you from Butterfly Conservation’s Vice President, Chris Packham
  • Exclusive tote bag

Life Benefactors who are new members of Butterfly Conservation will also receive Butterfly magazine and their new member welcome pack including gardening booklet and car sticker.

Your ongoing membership benefits:

You’ll get all the benefits of Butterfly Conservation Membership unlimited, for life, including:

  • Butterfly magazine three times a year, packed with fascinating features and stunning photos
  • Membership of your local branch, with regular newsletters, invitations to local guided walks, talks, conservation action days and social events
  • Invitation to annual members day & AGM
  • An Annual Review summarising our activities
  • Access to our nature reserves

How to become a Life Benefactor: 

To join, please complete and return this form, or call the membership team on 01929 406015. 

If you would like more information about Life Benefactor membership, email [email protected] or call the membership team on 01929 406015. Open Mon - Fri 9:00am - 4:30pm. The line is closed for lunch between 1:00pm and 2:00pm. 

Plus, you’ll enjoy the knowledge that you are giving extra support towards helping to protect butterflies, moths and the environment… And you’ll never need to worry about renewing your membership again!

Still not sure?

Many of our most threatened butterflies and moths rely on long-term conservation action to protect and maintain their highly specialist habitat. By becoming a Life Benefactor you are pledging to support our work into the future. With your help we can:

  • plan for the long-term
  • create sustainable populations that will thrive and continue to grow
  • manage habitat on a landscape scale so isolated and vulnerable species can expand into new areas
  • protect butterflies and moths, which are among the most threatened groups of wildlife in the UK
  • save endangered species from extinction
  • restore natural habitats and create safe-havens for butterflies and moths
  • and help create a world rich in butterflies for future generations to enjoy!