Devon Branch Committee

Jonathan Aylett: Chair

Ray Jones: Treasurer 

Vacant position: Field Events Coordinator

Mary Harold :  Publicity Officer & IYA Website Sub-committee member

Peter Hurst: Branch Butterfly Recorder

Barry Henwood: Moth Liaison Officer

Colin Sargent: Lydford Reserve Officer 

Peter Beale:  Conservation Advisor

Nathan Prescott:  Work Party Co-ordinator

Amy Walkden:  Branch Secretary 

Emma Grice:  Newsletter Editor

Ella Chambers: Branch Media Editor

Lorna Welch: Health & Safety Advisor

Noah Shawcross: Engagement & Education Volunteer

Elizabeth Shawcross: Engagement & Education Volunteer

Non-Committee Posts

Dave Holloway: Webteam, IYA Website Sub-committee member

Vacant position: Transect Coordinator & WCBS Co-ordinator

Vacant position : Little Breach Reserve Officer

Bill Potter: Webteam, IYA Website Sub-committee member

Amanda Hunter: Webteam, IYA Website Sub-committee member

Marjory Taylor: Mailbox Assistant

If you want to contact anybody on the Committee (or one of non-Committee post holders) just email [email protected] and start your email with the name of the person you need the email to go to.