Moth Traps
There are many different types of moth trap bodies and different lights to use with them. Some of these are described here.
Moth Trap Body Options

Heath trap - Collapsible rectangular box with funnel
- Light and can flat-pack for storage and transport so great when trapping away from habitation.
- Cheapest trap.
- Holds fewer moths than the other Skinner or Robinson models.

Skinner trap - Normally collapsible, larger than Heath trap with slot entrance
- Can catch close to as many moths as a Robinson.
- Easy to open and observe catch.
- Some can be collapsed when not in use and for transport.
- Cheaper than a Robinson trap.
- Moths sometimes escape once caught.
- Can be cumbersome to assemble.

Robinson trap - Large, round, plastic container.
- Catches large numbers of moths which tend not to escape.
- Perhaps the most efficient trap.
- Does not collapse so takes up a lot of room when not in use and to transport.
- Expensive.

Bucket trap - Medium, round, plastic container – a compromise between Heath and Robinson
- Can catch higher numbers of moth than a Heath trap.
- Cheaper than Robinson and lends itself to DIY - See our Budget Bucket Moth Trap
- Does not collapse so takes up more room than Heath trap although smaller than Robinson.
Moth Trap Lighting Options

Mercury Vapour (MV) - High power bulbs with significant UV
- Attracts highest number of moths.
- Requires mains electricity or a generator and ballast control gear.
- EU ban, but still available.

Actinic - Fluorescent Tube bulbs with high UV output
- Effective, often manufactured for insect control.
- Various wattages available.
- Mains or 12v control gear.
- 12v control gear often drives bulbs at half stated power.
- 12v control gear being phased out in favour of LED options.

Compact fluorescent - similar to household bulbs, but with high UV output
- As effective as high power actinics
- Two types available: Actinic (for insect attraction) and Vivarium (for reptile basking)
- Reptile type bulb is white with up to 40% UV
- Mains powered, but can operate from a 12v battery when used with an inverter

LED - In early stages of adoption and understanding
- Lightweight with many varieties
- Higher power ones on a par with fluorescent bulbs, but often with different catch composition.
- Low power lights may be inconsistent in catch success
- DIY LEDs very cheap - see our LED Strip Light making guide
- Ready-made ones quite pricey.
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