Atlas of Butterflies in the Highlands & Islands & Moray
The Atlas of Butterflies in Highland and Moray was produced in 2007 and illustrated the dramatic increases of Orange-tip, Speckled Wood, Peacock and Ringlet. As 2020 approached, the Atlas was 13 years old and Highland Branch decided that an update was needed. Like the previous Atlas, the update is based on records held in Butterfly Conservation's "Butterflies for the New Millennium" database and includes all records up to and including 2019 and as well as covering the Highlands and Moray, unlike the 2007 Atlas, the new Atlas also includes the Western Isles and Northern Isles within the branch area.
The Atlas is available to download free of charge to ensure that everyone has access to this information, however, if you are able to give a small donation to download it would be most appreciated - please click here to donate. Thank you for your support. Please click the link below to see the Atlas, the individual species pages are also available to download separately.