Butterfly Conservation
Scottish Branches
- Butterfly Conservation Scotland (
- Butterfly Conservation East Scotland Branch (
- Butterfly Conservation Glasgow and South West Scotland Branch (
Moths Count - National Moth Recording Scheme
- Moths Count - National Moth Recording Scheme (
Other useful pages
- Butterfly Conservation (
- Gardening for Butterflies
- BC In Your Area pages
- Habitat & Species Leaflets Downloadable information on specific Scottish species & habitats
Northern Scotland & Island wildlife websites
- Inverness Botany Group (
- Highland Biological Recording Group (HBRG) (
- North East Scotland Biological Records Centre (NESBReC) (
- Moths of Caithness (
- Western Isles Wildlife (insects page)(
- Outer Hebrides Biological Recording (
- Shetland Amenity Trust(
Scottish Websites
- Biodiversity Scotland (
- Forestry and Land Scotland (
- Scottish Moths - a thriving forum, much used for identification queries. (
- NatureScot (Was SNH) (
- Scottish Outdoor Access Code (
Other national websites
- Atropos (
- National Biodiversity Network (
- NBN Atlas Scotland (
- UK Butterflies (
- UKMoths (