Kent Branch Committee - 2024

If you have any articles or news stories for the branch newsletter, please email them to Olivia Currie

PresidentDick Vane-Wright[email protected]
ChairRoland Brown[email protected]
Vice Chair, Website & I.TBen Kirby[email protected]
Membership SecretaryJackie Kirby[email protected]
Conservation OfficerSimon Ginnaw[email protected]
County Butterfly RecorderJohn Bangay[email protected]
Moth RecorderDavid Shenton[email protected]
Moth RecorderIan Hunter[email protected]
TreasurerBill Eldridge[email protected]
Committee MemberTrevor Manship[email protected]
Branch Newsletter EditorOlivia Currie[email protected]
Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey
(WCBS) Champion
Peter Charles[email protected]
UKBMS (Transect Officer)Dean Ashby[email protected]
Social MediaWilliam Malpas[email protected]