Micro-moth Field Tips Volume 2 book

Following on from the enormous success of his Micro-moth Field Tips published in 2017 and by popular demand, Ben Smart has compiled a second volume to help to identify the early signs of micro-moths in and around the north-west of England. Designed as being complimentary to the first volume, the book has an introduction to the early stages of each family of micro-moths as well as many images of leaf-mines. The bulk of the book is again set out as a chronological guide of species to search out in each month of the year with images of each stage in the moth’s life-cycle. At the end of the book, there’s a comprehensive species and plant index that covers both volumes. Though based around Ben’s locale, the guide is relevant country-wide and another essential guide for moth enthusiasts.

The Lancashire & Cheshire Fauna Society, in conjunction with Butterfly Conservation have sponsored the publication of this book. It is slightly larger than volume 1 covering 200 species over 238 pages. It is full of excellent images and has a £18 selling price.

The book is now at the printers with an expected publication date of mid-December 2021, just in time for Christmas.

As this is a joint publication with The Lancashire & Cheshire Fauna Society, members of the Fauna Society or Butterfly Conservation can get this book directly from us at the special pre-publication rate of £14 + £2.20 postage and packing, a saving of £4.

To reserve your copy, email mmfieldtips@butterfly-conservation.org with

  • your name,
  • postal address,
  • preferred method of payment (we prefer bank transfer but can take cheques and card payments over the phone).

Rob Yates, the L&CFS Treasurer, will reply with a code and details of how to pay. This needs to be done by 12th December 2021.

Download a sample of the book here.

Micro-moth Field Tip Volume 2 cover