On this page you'll find a range of resources and links to help you find out more about moths.
If you have any questions about moths you can contact the branch Moth Officer, Justine Patton, email: [email protected]
Video - recordings of our Saturday moth mornings are available on our YouTube channel.
Video - find out about the new 'Moths of Lancashire atlas' book project and how you can get involved.
Video - Moth trapping and recording (Manchester Festival of Nature 2020) - find out more about running a moth trap and recording the moths you find.
Video - Guide to moth traps - confused about moth traps? This video presentation will help you choose what's best for you.
Video - National Moth Night 2020 - how to attract moths using wine ropes and sugaring. Find out how to make your own sugaring solution and wine ropes to attract moths to your garden.
Video - Dr Phil Sterling's talk on 'A Window into the World of Caterpillars' recorded at the virtual moth social event on 26 March 2021.
Download our simple guide to seeing moths in your garden.
document 5.37 MB
Moth recording reports can be downloaded from our recording reports page.
Lancashire moth atlas - a free, downloadable PDF containing tetrad (2 km) resolution maps for all 1523 moth species known to have been recorded in VC59 (South Lancashire) & VC60 (West Lancashire) up to 2019, split into ‘pre 2000’ and ‘2000-2019’ date classes.
Pug moths of North-west England book - find out about local pug moths, the book is available to purchase from the branch.
Butterflies and Day-flying Moths of Lancashire book - find out more about butterflies and day-flying moths in Lancashire - the book is available to purchase from the branch.
Rare moths in Lancashire - could you help us to find any of these rare moths?
Moth quizzes - visit our quiz page to test your moth identification skills.
You can find out more about moths, including how to send in your moth records, on the Lancashire Moth Group website.