Pete Smith emailed: "Whilst out today searching for Brown Hairstreak eggs in the Limewoods, I was surprised to find a Red Admiral on the wing along a sheltered hedgerow to the north of Hardy Gang Wood. Looking back through my butterfly records, this is my latest ever sighting of an adult butterfly on the wing in Lincolnshire!"
Thursday 10th December 2020
Andy Sims emailed: "The only moth in my Swanpool garden trap this morning was a Winter Moth."
Sunday 6th December 2020
Phil Bowler emailed: "A very late sighting of a Small Tortoiseshell in my Amber Hill garden today. It was flying around the south facing part of the house in full sun, where it actually felt quite warm despite the air temperature being only 6 degrees C."
November 2020
Sunday 22nd November 2020
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "Peacock in the garden this morning."
Sunday 15th November 2020
Angle Shades Larva (Laura Gundy)
Laura Gundy emailed: "The polytunnel at work (Market Stainton) was invaded many weeks ago by Angle Shades moths and I kept rescuing them and putting them out. Obviously some of the females laid eggs in there because now each day we are finding approximately 20 larvae on the barley plants; picking them off and putting them outside. Total found so far is approaching 400!"
Thursday 12th November 2020
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes phoned: "This afternoon, while walking down the lane close to home, I was very surprised to see a Small Tortoiseshell on the wing!"
Monday 9th November 2020
Scarce Umber (Nige Lound)
Nige Lound emailed: "I trapped at Syke's Farm, Gibraltar Point NNR overnight and had 57 moths of 19 species. Most numerous were Rusty Dot Pearl with 15. Other bits were 2 Dark Sword-grass, 3Silver Y, 5 Chestnut, and singles of Mottled Umber and Scarce Umber."
Autumnal Moth (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "Caught an Autumnal Moth today, a new species for the garden! The identification was confirmed by Martin Gray."
Red Admiral (Derek Fox)
Friday 6th November 2020
Derek Fox from Langworth emailed: "Red Admiral in the garden today, nectaring on Verbena bonariensis."
Thursday 5th November 2020
Mark Johnson phoned: "Vapourer moth in the garden of a property in North Cotes this afternoon."
Monday 2nd November 2020
Peacock (John Spring)
John Spring from Grimsby emailed: "This Peacock was in our Scartho garden this morning. Not bad for a windswept day in November!"
October 2020
Thursday 29th October 2020
Brian Hedley emailed: "The mild overnight conditions produced 24 moths of 11 species in the garden here at Marton and included the migrant Dark Sword-grass, plus Satellite, Red-green Carpet and Turnip Moth."
Monday 26th October 2020
Diurnea lipsiella (Phil Lee)
Phil Lee emailed: "The attached rather plain looking moth is Diurnea lipsiella and is said to have a local distribution. I have only seen them at Chambers Farm Wood until today, when this individual was flushed during a walk around Langholme Wood and is the first I have seen on the Isle of Axholme reserves."
Friday 23rd October 2020
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Small Copper in the bag! After an hour-long search this afternoon at Moor Farm LWT Nature Reserve in extremely dull conditions, finally found one that was roosting."
Thursday 22nd October 2020
Clifden Nonpareil (Laura Gundy)
Laura Gundy emailed: "Whilst watering the plants in the polytunnel at my workplace in Market Stainton this morning, I also watered a Clifden Nonpareil! He was a bit bedraggled but none the worse for a shower! I also saw a lonesome Small Tortoiseshell flying around the shrubs in the office car park this afternoon, so a good Lepidopterous day all round!"
Wednesday 21st October 2020
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "The garden trap produced seven species and included 2 Merveille du Jour and 2 Yellow-line Quaker."
Tuesday 20th October 2020: Death's Head Hawk-moth in Lincolnshire!
Nige Lound emailed: "Birdguides reported a Death's Head Hawk-moth at Chapel St Leonards on Saturday 17th October. It was hidden under a bench on the promenade!"
Death's Head Hawk-moth (Nige Lound)
Monday 19th October 2020
Clockwise from top left: Merveille du Jour, Pink-barred Sallow, Merveille du Jour and Green-brindled Crescent (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "Last night the garden trap produced 2 Mervaille du Jour, Pink-barred Sallow and 2 Green-brindled Crescent (dark form)."
Friday 16th October 2020
Brick (John Davison)
John Davison emailed: "Came across a Brick moth at Messingham Sand Quarry LWT Nature Reserve this afternoon."
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "The trap produced 2 Pink-barred Sallows this morning, which were new for the garden and made 2020 my best year for macro moths."
Thursday 15th October 2020
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Spent a couple of hours at Moor Farm LWT Nature Reserve today in glorious sunshine. Although there was a northerly breeze blowing, it was cool, but not cold, and the temperature got up to a balmy 12 degrees C. For mid-October, I managed a respectable count of Small Coppers with 20 seen there. The only other species of butterfly I saw there was Peacock, with 5 encountered on the heathland. I then went over to Chambers Farm Wood full of expectation, but apart from one Comma in the Butterfly Garden, I didn't see a thing!"
Wednesday 14th October 2020
Green-brindled Crescent (Richard Tyndall)
Richard Tyndall emailed: "I have been trapping and photographing here at Ancaster House since August (courtesy of a trap for my birthday) and I'm up around 160 species of moth in that time. Recent additions include Green-brindled Crescent, Blair's Shoulder-knot, Grey Shoulder-knot and an Epirrita species, possibly November Moth."
Dave Wright reported: "Red Admiral in my Grimsby garden this morning, the first since mid-September!"
Sunday 11th October 2020
Clockwise from top left: Green-brindled Crescent, Mallow, Red-line Quaker and Beaded Chestnut (Mark Johnson)
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Not much in the trap this morning - 3 Beaded Chestnut, 2 Mallow, 1 Red-line Quaker and 1 Green Brindled Crescent to go with the one on the window last night."
Brian Hedley emailed: "Moths to trap in garden here at Marton overnight comprised of a good
Merveille du Jour (Brian Hedley)
range of autumnal moths (36 moths of 15 species) including a delightful Merveille du Jour, plus Frosted Orange, 3 Red-green Carpets, Green-brindled Crescent, Grey Pine Carpet and 2Spruce Carpets."
Wednesday 7th October 2020: Death's Head Hawk-moth in North Yorkshire.
Death's Head Hawk-moth (Allan Rodda)
Dave Wright reported: "Allan Rodda, a friend from North Yorkshire, trapped this Death's Head Hawk-moth on the cliffs, just 2 miles south of Scarborough a few nights ago. Apparently it came in straight off the sea. Although not a sighting from Lincolnshire, I thought it was extremely interesting and worthy of note here!
Derek Fox from Langworth emailed: "Hummingbird Hawk-moth in the garden mid-afternoon, nectaring on Verbena bonariensis and the first one I've seen this year!Yesterday I saw one fresh Red Admiral, 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 4 Large White and 2 Small White."
Tuesday 6th October 2020: Peck's Skipper in Lincolnshire!
Dave Wright reported: "Received an email today from a Mary Lou Pixler, containing an image of a skipper species. Apparently it has been identified as a Peck's Skipper! A new species for the UK? Not really, as the photograph was taken near Lincolnshire, Illinois in the USA! The sender was keen to get the butterfly identified and hastily sent me the email after coming across our website without realizing we were UK based!"
Mark Johnson reported: Hummingbird Hawk-moth along Washing Dales Lane, near Aylesby this morning."
Monday 5th October 2020
Mark Johnson reported: "Surprised to see 2 Red Admiral, 1 Comma, 1 Small White and a Large White in a garden at Thorpe St Peter near Skegness today."
Sunday 4th October 2020
Toby Ludlow messaged: "I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I looked outside and saw clear, blue sky overhead, which was contrary to what had been forecast. I popped over to Moor Farm LWT Nature Reserve to see what was still about after the recent run of bad weather and managed 45 minutes there in full sun. Despite a cold moderate breeze from the ESE, and a temperature of just 12 degrees C., found 20 Small Coppers before the thick grey cloud rolled in."
Dave Wright reported: "Surprised to see a Large White through the garden this afternoon after the abysmal weather of late."
September 2020
Wednesday 30th September 2020
Susan Davidson emailed: "Hummingbird Hawk-moth seen by my husband and I along a neighbour's flower border over several evenings during the last couple of weeks, at Elsea Park in Bourne."
Tuesday 29th September 2020
Peppered Moth Larva (John Davison)
John Davison reported: "Lovely, warm day at Snakeholme Pit LBC Reserve today, but not a great quantity of butterflies about - singles of Small and Green-veined White and Brown Argus. Still lots of dragonflies present, including Willow Emerald, and also came across a Peppered Moth larva."
Brian Hedley emailed: "A visit to Knaith Hall, near Gainsborough produced 1 Small Copper, 1 Red Admiral, 3 Small White and 1 Large White. Later, 2 Large White, 3 Small White and a Vapourer moth (male) were seen in my garden at Marton."
Toby Ludlow emailed: "Although fairly warm at 16 degrees C, the thick, grey cloud kept butterfly numbers down at Moor Farm LWT Nature Reserve this afternoon. Progress was slow, but eventually managed to detect 19 Small Coppers, which included a really interesting ab.caeruleopunctata that had asymmetrical golden patches on its forewings."
Small Copper (Toby Ludlow)
Monday 28th September 2020
Toby Ludlow messaged: "A mid-afternoon jaunt to Moor Farm LWT Nature Reserve, just as it clouded over, produced a decent total of 37 Small Coppers. Numbers have halved from last week and most were past their best, but there were still a couple of fresh ones amongst them. Disappointingly, the only other butterfly seen was a solitary Brown Argus."
Brian Hedley emailed: "Hummingbird Hawk-moth still active in our garden here at Marton today."
Pete Smith emailed: "2 fresh Clouded Yellows at Chambers Farm Wood today, presumably 'home-grown' local emergences, the progeny of those seen at the end of July. One by the volunteer's hut in the car park, and one in the meadow behind the butterfly garden. Lovely to see!"
Clouded Yellow (Pete Smith)
Sunday 27th September 2020
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "13 species in the garden trap tonight and included Red-green Carpet (new for the year), Spruce Carpet, 5 Lunar Underwing, 2 Black Rustic, Blair's Shoulder-knot, Sallow and Turnip Moth."
Tuesday 22nd September 2020
John Davison reported: "Still some butterflies about at Snakeholme Pit LBC Reserve today including Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral, Brown Argus, Speckled Wood, Small Copper together with Small and Green-veined White. Disturbed a Grass Snake near the entrance."
Dave Wright reported: "Had a walk along the coast this morning from Anderby Creek, south towards Chapel Six Marshes and only noted the following: 1 Small Copper, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 3 Large White and 10 Small White."
Monday 21st September 2020
Brian Hedley emailed: "A pretty good night here at Marton with the actinic lamp. 115 moths of 31 species including 3 new for the year - Frosted Orange, Brick and Small Square-spot. Also, 2 Black Rustics, Angle Shades, Light Emerald, 2 Dusky Thorns, 2 Knot Grass and a Cochylis species - atricapitana?"
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "13 species in the garden trap last night and 2 new for the year - Blair's Shoulder-knot and Turnip Moth. Also, Brown-spot Pinion, 6 Lunar Underwing and 2 Black Rustic."
Suzanne Nelson emailed: "My dad and I visited Gibraltar Point NNR today and we spotted the following butterflies: 1 Speckled Wood, 3 Small White and 1 Small Tortoiseshell."
Saturday 19th September 2020
Bill Meek from Humberston messaged: "Feathered Ranunculus in the trap this morning and later on I counted 16 Red Admiral nectaring on the Ivy in the garden."
Thursday 17th September 2020
Dave Wright reported: "Pleasantly warm in the Cleethorpes area this afternoon, so popped over to the Country Park. Very little on the wing, but did include the following: 3 Small Copper, 1 CommonBlue (pristine male), 8 Speckled Wood, 1 Large White, 10 Small White and 2 Green-veinedWhite."
Tuesday 15th September 2020
Brian Hedley emailed: "Hummingbird Hawk-moth in garden here at Marton, both this evening and yesterday evening."
Monday 14th September 2020
Toby Ludlow messaged: "One could be forgiven for thinking that finding 102 Small Coppers in an hour and a half would be hard to beat, but in an hour and a half at Moor Farm LWT Nature Reserve late this afternoon I found 144 Small Coppers! 36 Brown Argus were an added bonus!"
Sunday 13th September 2020
Vapourer egg laying (Eddie Gaunt)
John Davison emailed: "Eddie Gaunt and I came across this female Vapourer laying eggs whilst walking around Messingham Sand Quarry LWT Nature Resrve this morning."
Pete Freeman emailed: "I visited Chambers Farm Wood today and saw 10 species of butterfly, including 2 Small Copper, 16 Red Admiral, 24 Comma, 55 Speckled Wood and 2 female BrownHairstreak, both rather worn."
Andrew Kurch phoned: "Hummingbird Hawk-moth in my Grimsby garden this evening.
Saturday 12th September 2020
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Popped over to Moor Farm LWT Nature Reserve for an hour, late in the afternoon. This is one of the best sites I know for Small Copper and I managed to record 99 in the hour. Tried for another 20 minutes to try and 'break the ton', but it's amazing how they can all just disappear once it's past their bedtime! Disappointed, I walked back to the car, but within 10 metres of the car park I found one roosting on a flowering head of grass. Then another 2 flew past in the throes of courtship, taking my final tally to 102. For a butterfly that seems to be found in ones and twos in most places where it is seen, this site is the exception to the rule. Well done the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust."
Friday 11th September 2020
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Another week on and another walk around Chambers Farm Wood on what can only be described as a bright and breezy day. The temperature, at 16 degrees C, felt cool and there was a moderate breeze blowing from the SW. The lack of butterflies, combined with a constant stream of leaves falling from the trees, is now giving the wood a distinctly autumnal feel. Virtually all of the Nymphalids have gone, but there was still a good number of 'whites' in the meadows, which buoyed the overall total. This culminated in a final tally of 194 butterflies, comprised of 9 species. The 80 Green-veined Whites, 53 Small Whites and 48 Speckled Woods accounted for the majority."
Thursday 10th September 2020
James Smith messaged: "Found my first Painted Lady of the year this morning on Grimsby Docks."
Wednesday 9th September 2020
Clifden Nonpareil (Colin Pumfrett)
Colin Pumfrett from Broughton emailed: "Imagine my excitement when I found a Clifden Nonpareil in my garden trap this morning."
Steve Palmer messaged: "23 species in my garden trap this morning, my best September night ever! Moths included Red Underwing, 3 Lunar Underwing and Dusky Thorn (all new for the year), and a single Wax Moth (new for the garden). Best of the rest were 2 Centre-barred Sallow, 8 Copper Underwing, Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing and 2 Vine's Rustic".
Toby Ludlow messaged: "With the temperature at 20 degrees C, went for a walk around Moor Farm LWT Nature Reserve today. Good Range of species on the wing given the time of year, with 10 species of butterfly seen, albeit most occurring in low numbers now. The exceptions to this were Small Copper, with 55 seen, and a supporting cast of fresh Brown Argus, with 16 recorded."
Tuesday 8th September 2020
Dave Wright reported: "Just after midday, had a drive out to the Market Rasen area and visited Dog Kennel Wood. A few butterflies appeared on the wing, as it became very warm and sunny and these included: 2 Red Admiral, 1 Peacock, 3Comma, 8 Speckled Wood, 1 Large White, 9 Small White and 2 Green-veined White. However, the highlight here was a juvenile Cuckoo, a totally unexpected find and my latest ever sighting of this species! We also paid a brief visit to
Small Copper (Dave Wright)
Linwood Warren LWT Nature Reserve nearby, and noted the following: 2 Small Copper, 6 Speckled Wood and 2 Green-veined White. Also, the small pond at the western end of the reserve produced 3 Southern Hawker dragonflies."
Suzanne Nelson emailed: "My dad and I visited Elsham Hall Gardens today and spotted the following: 9 Red Admiral, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Comma, 1 Brimstone, 1 Large White, 8 Small White and 2 Green-veined White."
Sunday 6th September 2020
Meadow Brown (Dave Wright)
Dave Wright reported: "Up at first light this morning to go birding along the Lincolnshire coast with Chris Atkin. We started off along Saltfleet Haven at the southern end of Donna Nook NNR and, as the morning progressed, the weather improved slightly
Common Blue (Dave Wright)
with bright spells developing. We then decided to visit Salfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR and walked from Paradise car park to Rimac, noting 11 species of butterfly - 7 Meadow Brown, 3 Small Heath, 14 Speckled Wood, 1 Brown Argus, 1 Common Blue, 3 Red Admiral, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Peacock, 1 Large White, 37 Small White and 16 Green-veined White (including a pair mating). Amazing really considering the conditions were far from ideal."
Suzanne Nelson emailed: "Had a walk around Owlet Plantation at Laughton, near Gainsborough today and spotted the following: 1 Red Admiral, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 2 Comma, 6 SpeckledWood and 8 Small White."
Saturday 5th September 2020
Frosted Orange and Rush Veneer (Mark Johnson)
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "This morning the garden trap produced 133 moths of 15 species and included a superb Red Underwing, 65 Setaceous Hebrew Character, 3 FlouncedRustic, 2 Snout, 1 Latticed Heath, 4 Common Wainscot, 2 Angle Shades, 16 Square-spot Rustic, 26 Large Yellow Underwing, 3 Vines Rustic, 3 Lesser Yellow Underwing, 4 Silver Y, 1 Green Carpet, 1 Frosted Orange and a Rush Veneer, a common migrant but still a new moth for us."
Red Underwing (Mark Johnson)
Thursday 3rd September 2020
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Paid another visit to Chambers Farm Wood today and, in a similar vein to last week, spent just less than 3 hours there. Weather conditions were bright this time, but butterfly numbers have plummeted to approximately one third of what they were this time last week with 137 seen. The number of species had also dropped to 8. Again, the majority of butterflies comprised of the same 4 species: 49 Small Whites, 24 Small Tortoiseshells, 24 Speckled Woods and 18 Green-veined Whites."
Wednesday 2nd September 2020
Long-winged Conehead (Dave Wright)
Dave Wright reported: "With the prospect of fine weather again this morning, decided to head for the coast and visit Donna Nook NNR. Concentrated on the dunes between Stonebridge car park and the breach near Pye's Hall and noted the following - 1 Brown Argus, 15 Common Blue, 1 Red Admiral, 4 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Peacock, 1 Large White, 13 Small White, 4 Small Heath and 2 ShadedBroad-bar moths. On returning to the car park came across this Long-winged Conehead, a first for me at this reserve."
Tuesday 1st September 2020
Dave Wright reported: "After the appalling weather towards the end of last week and over the Bank Holiday weekend, it was refreshing today to be able to go for a walk in warm and pleasant sunshine. Decided to do a circuit from Irby upon Humber, taking in Irby Dales, Riby, Swallow Vale and the village of Swallow. Plenty of butterflies on the wing and included the following - 3 Brimstone, 2 Large White, 72 Small White, 7 Green-veined White, 3 Common Blue, 7 Red Admiral, 40 SmallTortoiseshell, 2 Peacock, 1 Comma and 12 Speckled Wood. Also noted 4 species of moth - 3 Silver Y, Vapourer, Straw Dot and a Common Wainscot feeding on ragwort."
Mark Joy emailed: "During the last 3 months I have seen good numbers of butterflies nectaring in
Hibernating Peacocks (Mark Joy)
my Gosberton Risegate garden (maximum numbers seen at one time were 41 Small Tortoiseshell, 4 Red Admiral and 1 Painted Lady on 9th August, and 18 Small White on 22nd August. I've also had regular visits from Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Speckled Wood, Peacock, Holly Blue, Brimstone, Large White, Green-veined
Hibernating Small Tortoiseshells (Mark Joy)White and a single EssexSkipper). This afternoon, with numbers in my garden now very low (only 2 Small Tortoiseshell nectaring on Hemp Agrimony and 2 Comma on Snowberry), I visited a farmer relation's very old barn to look for hibernating butterflies, which I have seen there in previous years. I counted on a low ceiling (the underside of a 6ft up wooden grain store floor) a total of 34 Small Tortoiseshell and 9 Peacock! I was amazed how many had gone behind old masses of cobwebs to find a comfy wooden and dry place to hibernate."
August 2020
Bank Holiday Monday 31st August 2020
Angle-striped Sallow and Centre-barred Sallow (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "Highlights of this morning's catch in the garden trap were an Angle-striped Sallow and a Centre-barred Sallow."
Steve Meek reported: "A Painted Lady first thing this morning at Cress Marsh, Stallingborough."
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Very few butterflies on the wing at Gibraltar Point NNR today, with 2 Meadow Browns being the most noteworthy."
Sunday 30th August 2020
Karen and Sarah Hand emailed: "A mixture of excitement and horror greeted us as we found this on our front lawn this morning. Our first ever Clifden Nonpareil. We seemed to have been sent the IKEA version to assemble ourselves, but as usual, there seems to be some bits missing. Only a handful of Lincolnshire records of this exciting species, several in the last few years, so hopefully they will become established soon."
Clifden Nonpareil (Karen and Sarah Hand)
Thursday 27th August 2020
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Went to Chambers Farm Wood today and spent just less than 3 hours there. Weather conditions were not good; on arrival, complete cloud cover, although bright, but it soon got extremely gloomy. Therefore, I was amazed to record over 350 butterflies during my time there. The number of species, at 11, was slightly disappointing, but not surprising given the circumstances. Little Scrubbs Meadow was looking a picture, with Devil's-bit Scabious in full bloom, and well worth a visit. The total number of butterflies mainly comprised of 4 species: 166 Small Whites, 55 Green-veined Whites, 52 Small Tortoiseshells and 40 Speckled Woods."
Wednesday 26th August 2020
Red Admiral (John Davison)
John Davison reported: "Visited Snakeholme Pit LBC Reserve today and there were still a few butterflies about, mostly Small and Green-veined Whites, plus the odd Common Blue and Red Admiral. Also, managed to find the larvae of 2 moth species - Eyed Hawk-moth and Herald."
Eyed Hawk-moth Larva (John Davison)
Tuesday 25th August 2020
Dick Lorand messaged: "3 Painted Ladies this morning, nectaring on the flowers of a large buddleia bush growing on the dunes at Humberston Fitties."
Monday 24th August 2020
Brown Hairstreak ab. restricta-lineata (Adrian Royle)
White Admiral Larva (Adrian Royle)
Adrian Royle emailed: "Back at Chambers Farm Wood today and found a female Brown Hairstreak aberration which Pete Smith identified as ab. restricta-lineata. He also pointed out a couple of 3rd instar White Admiral larvae getting their hibernaculums ready."
Sunday 23rd August 2020
Graham Catley emailed: "Wall this morning along the Ancholme path at Bonby Carrs."
Saturday 22nd August 2020: Brown Hairstreak at Snakeholme Pit LBC Reserve.
Brown Hairstreak (Hugh Middleton)
Hugh Middleton emailed: "Visited Snakeholme Pit LBC Reserve today and managed to photograph a female Brown Hairstreak." A good record as it is only an occasional visitor. Derek Fox saw the only one last year which was on 23rd August.
Thursday 20th August 2020
Painted Lady (Derek Fox)
Derek Fox from Langworth emailed: "Had 78 Small Tortoiseshells in our wildlife garden today and also one very fresh Painted Lady, only the third that I have recorded this year!"
Wednesday 19th August 2020
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "The garden trap produced a Dingy Shell this morning."
Graham Catley messaged: "A Painted Lady this morning along the edge of the Wolds at Barton, and my first since May."
Monday 17th August 2020
Etiella zinckenella (Nige Lound)
Nige Lound emailed: "Had the attached Etiella zinckenella in my Skegness garden overnight and Martin Gray has confirmed that it's a first for Lincolnshire for this rare migrant. Apparently there have been a few in Norfolk during thew past few weeks."
Sunday 16th August 2020
Flounced Rustic (Mark Johnson)
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Bit of a poor do this morning - only 96 moths of 21 species in the garden trap. 44 Setaceous Hebrew Character, 13 Large Yellow Underwing, 9 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing and 5 Flounced Rustic were the most numerous, whilst new for the year were Square-spot Rustic and Rusty-dot Pearl. Also a late Poplar Hawkmoth."
Saturday 15th August 2020
Convolvulus Hawkmoth (Steve Meek)
Steve Meek from Tetney messaged: "A good number of moths in the garden trap this morning and the highlight was undoubtedly this Convolvulus Hawkmoth."
Brian Hedley emailed: "A good wander around Gibraltar Point NNR today (overcast and windy unfortunately) produced a Painted Lady, 8 Speckled Woods, a Small Heath, 10 Gatekeepers, 8Meadow Browns, 2 Common Blues, 2 Small Tortoiseshells, 2 Red Admirals, 2 Large Whites, 6 Small Whites and a Small Copper."
Palpita vitrealis (Colin Pumfret)
Colin Pumfret from Broughton emailed: "A single Palpita vitrealis sitting on the garden moth trap this evening."
Friday 14th August 2020
Webb's Wainscots (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "Not one but 2 Webb's Wainscots in the garden trap this morning."
Thursday 13th August 2020
Cliff Morrison emailed: "I had Lincolnshire's 5th Vine Moth last week here at Theddlethorpe. I was going out early yesterday, but stuck a small trap outside the door to look at on my way out and found a very fresh Bedstraw Hawk-moth, so that was a good move! This morning, we had a Marbled Clover as well, so a good few days."
Graham Catley messaged: "Wall today in quarry at Barton, just SW of Far Ings NNR."
Wednesday 12th August 2020
Clockwise from top left: Angle-barred Pug, Archer's Dart, Cydia amplana and Vine Moth (Karen and Sarah Hand)
Karen and Sarah Hand from Addlethorpe emailed: "Highlights from last night's traps at home, with some good migrant activity again, seemingly coming from the Gib direction - Archer's Dart (2nd for site), Angle-barred Pug (1st for site), Vine Moth (new species for us), 2 Cydia amplana (2nd and 3rd for site), 3 Summer Fruit Tortrix (2nd, 3rd and 4th for site), Sharp-angled Peacock and Bucculatrix maritima."
Phil Bowler emailed: "Another Chambers Farm Wood mission to hopefully get open-winged male Brown Hairstreak shots. Not achieved, but plenty of closed shots with the males spending hours on Wild Angelica. 3 seen in usual area beyond Minting Triangle, plus a female which was halfway along the ride from Minting Triangle to Fiveways. She was seen flying low above the herbage before going into the bushes. Whilst spending time with a male, a Clouded Yellow belted through, briefly checking out the knapweed before vanishing. A Painted Lady seen in Little Scrubbs Meadow and the Butterfly Garden. 25 Small Tortoiseshells, 12 Peacocks, 4 RedAdmirals and only 5 Brimstones. I saw only 6 Purple Hairstreaks, but there would be many more, I wasn't really looking for them. A highlight was the newly created glade halfway along the main ride from Fiveways heading back to the car park. Silver-washed Fritillaries had occupied this, and there were at least 4, both sexes, with some males still quite fresh. A strange little butterfly landed on the track in front of me and it turned out to be a half-sized Speckled Wood. Charming! Low numbers of the commoner species, but a good day out. Rather hot though!"
Andrew Kurch phoned: "A morning walk at Cleethorpes Coast LNR produced a good number of butterflies including 53 Common Blue and 8 Brown Argus."
Tuesday 11th August 2020
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "3 Gold Spot in my garden trap this morning."
Nige Lound emailed: "I trapped at Mill Hill at Gibraltar Point NNR overnight and was rewarded with 884 moths of 94 species. Highlights were 24 Archer's Dart, single Coast Dart, 26 Gold Spot, 34 Sharp-angled Peacock and White-point among others. Frosted Orange was new for the year. The micro Epermenia falciformis was a first for the site I believe, and a probable Garden Dart is awaiting examination."
Dick Lorand phoned: "I had a Painted Lady this morning at Humberston Fitties and a few days ago, while moving a large tarpaulin in my garden, I disturbed 8 Old Lady moths that had presumably been roosting amongst the folds of the sheet."
Dave Wright reported: "Paid a brief visit to Rimac this afternoon, primarily in the hope of seeing
Southern Migrant Hawker (Dave Wright)
the 2 male Southern Migrant Hawkers that had been in the area since last Friday. Thankfully, shortly after arrival, I found one on the first pool that I came across and, after teaming up with Colin Pumfrett, we managed to eventually see both males hawking for insects in close proximity. A beautiful dragonfly and another colonist gradually moving northwards. Did a circuit of the area and noted a number of butterflies, including 4 Wall, 37 Small Heath and a single Small Copper."
Suzanne Nelson emailed: "We visited Chambers Farm Wood again today and had a good selection of butterflies including a female Brown Hairstreak, 2 Clouded Yellows and 4 Silver-washed Fritillaries."
Andrew Kurch phoned: "Paid an evening visit to my local patch, just off Westward Ho in Grimsby and found 14 Purple Hairstreaks."
Monday 10th August 2020
Clockwise from left: Rush Wainscot, Southern Wainscot and Bulrush Wainscot (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "61 moths of 41 species in the garden trap this morning and included these 3 Wainscots: Bullrush Wainscot, new for garden, and Southern Wainscot and RushWainscot, both new for year."
Pete Freeman emailed: "I made a return visit to Chambers Farm Wood today, before returning to work for the rest of the week. I saw 23 species of butterfly, including the usual suspects (hairstreaks, emperor etc.), but also 2 Painted Lady, only the second time I've seen them anywhere this year. One of the Brown Hairstreaks was well away from the 'main' area, at Minting Park in the south-west section of the wood."
Karen and Sarah Hand from Addlethorpe emailed: "The highlights from last night's traps, both at
Assara terebrella (Karen and Sarah Hand)
home and at Toynton were: Tawny Wave (less than 10 Lincs records), Assara terebrella (1st for VC54), Bucculatrix maritima, a migrant or extremely late Grass Rivulet and Antler Moth."
Tawny Wave (Karen and Sarah Hand)
Sunday 9th August 2020
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "The trap produced a Twin-spotted Wainscot last night, only my 2nd garden record."
Saturday 8th August 2020: A Golden Day at Chambers Farm Wood!
Brown Hairstreak female (Dave Wright)
Toby Ludlow reported: "Met up with Dave Wright, Richard Smyth, Pete Freeman and Mark Johnson for what turned out to be one of the best days that we've had for Brown Hairstreak. Not only that, we amassed a total of 24 different species of
Brown Hairstreak male (Dave Wright)
butterfly for the day. Most of us saw at least 15 Brown Hairstreaks (12 male and 3 female) and these were predominantly nectaring on Wild Angelica. I also managed to see 5 Clouded Yellows, but as a group, another 3 were seen, giving a total of 8. There were still a few Silver-washedFritillaries and Purple Hairstreaks about, but White Admiral and Purple Emperor numbers have now subsided and we only saw 2 of each all day. Other than that, the most unusual sightings were of Holly Blue and a single SmallCopper in the Annex to Little Scrubbs Meadow."
Karen and Sarah Hand emailed: "We had an Oak Processionary last night, trapped at Toynton St.
Oak Processionary (Karen and Sarah Hand)
Peter. Joint 1st for VC54, along with another specimen trapped last night by Nige Lound at Skegness. Two new species for us were Endothenia ericetana and Ancylosis oblitella (a few previous records in the 70s and 80s in Lincolnshire). Plus
Ancylosis oblitella (Karen and Sarah Hand)
an extremely late Least Black Arches, probably a migrant, 4 Tree-lichen Beauty and a Small Waved Umber (3rd for site)."
Oliver Woodman emailed: "A Silver-washed Fritillary today at Hill Holt Wood, Norton Disney, a first for the site!"
Friday 7th August 2020
Passenger (Phil Lee)
Phil Lee emailed: "A 'Mega Moth' - Passenger, was in my Misterton garden trap last night. I was very lucky in that it flew out of the trap and into the shed window, the door of which was wide open!"
Suzanne Nelson emailed: "My Dad and I visited Rimac today and here are our sightings: 13 Common Blue, 1 Small Copper, 1 Brown Argus, 20 Gatekeeper, 27 Meadow Brown, 2 Small White, 8 Peacock, 7 Small Tortoiseshell, 12 Small Skipper, 3 Small Heath and a Wall.
Adrian Royle emailed: "Still at least 2 Clouded Yellows along the track at Minting, where they
Clouded Yellow (Adrian Royle)
have been for a week or so, one really tatty and the other not so bad. Also, several very obliging BrownHairstreaks and a Bloodvein moth."
Phil Bowler emailed: "Visited Little Scrubbs Meadow at Chambers Farm Wood today, but there was very little about. I was half expecting to see Clouded Yellow in view of them being seen just outside the wood, on the lane to Wood Farm. From the meadow I went to that lane and sure enough, they were still there since their first mention on the 31st July. I saw 3 parading up and down the lane verge, which consisted mainly of knapweed. Brown Hairstreaks were in evidence at the Minting Triangle area and the famous spot halfway between Minting and Fiveways. Here I saw a female, plus 3 males just beyond the Minting Triangle, all feasting on umbellifers. A good selection of butterflies were noted during the day and included 1 White Admiral, 4 Silver-washedFritillary and 3 Brown Argus."
Oliver Woodman emailed: "I saw a single Clouded Yellow at Norton Disney pits today, a first for me!"
Toby Ludlow from Coningsby messaged: "This afternoon had a fresh Painted Lady in the garden, nectaring on Buddleia. Haven't seen many this year! The Buddleia and Lavender also attracted 2 Comma, 30 Small Tortoiseshell and 11 Peacocks."
Thursday 6th August 2020
Tissue (Mark Johnson)
Mark Johnson reported: "My nephew Dominic Brooks, who lives in North Thoresby, found this Tissue flying around the kitchen window during the early hours of this morning. It must have only just emerged as it was in mint condition. A stunning moth!"
Nige Lound emailed: "Trapped near Mill Hill/Mead's Paddock area at Gibraltar Point NNR and had 494 moths of 104 species. Of note were 14 Archer's Dart, 2 Brown-veined Wainscot, 2 Crescent, Dotted Fan-foot, Flame Wainscot, 2 Small Waved Umber and 5 Tree-lichen Beauty, as well as one or two other Gib specialities."
Wednesday 5th August 2020
Black Arches (Adrian Royle)
Adrian Royle emailed: "Found a Black Arches moth this evening at Hubbard's Hills in Louth, resting on a large tree trunk down by the river. Supposed to be only local in Lincolnshire!"
Tuesday 4th August 2020
White-spotted Pinion (Karen and Sarah Hand)
Karen and Sarah Hand from Addlethorpe emailed: "We trapped a stunning White-spotted Pinion (Red Data Book species) in our home trap a couple of nights ago. A new species for us and Martin Gray has said that it's the 3rd record for VC54! Other highlights were: Webb's Wainscot (second for site), Tree Lichen Beauty and some nice micros. We also trapped that night at a different site too and got a new micro species - Acrolepia autumnitella. Specimen was a bit worn, but always nice to see a new species."
Monday 3rd August 2020
Marbled Clover (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims emailed: "I thought you might be interested in this Marbled Clover, trapped by Rebecca Hardwick last Friday night at Gibraltar Point NNR. There has been only one previous modern day record and that was also at Gib back in 2006."
Nige Lound reported: "Rebbecca Hardwick had a Nut-tree Tussock and 8 Tree-lichen Beauty overnight at Gibraltar Point NNR."
Sunday 2nd August 2020
Pete Freeman emailed: "No Brown Hairstreaks for me at Chambers Farm wood today, but did see 21 species of butterfly, including 1 White Admiral, 1 Purple Emperor, 5 Silver-washed Fritillary, 13 Purple Hairstreak, (including 2 on ground) and 2 Clouded Yellow just outside the wood."
Saturday 1st August 2020
Pete Smith emailed: "Had a female Brown Hairstreak probing around on the Blackthorn in egg-laying mode out at Chambers Farm Wood today. This is by far the earliest date that I have seen a female looking to lay at this site. She looked very fresh through the binoculars. Unfortunately she wasn't sat conveniently for a photograph, as she was about 8 feet high, and when I tried to gently manipulate the Blackthorn I flushed her up into the nearest Oak!"
Pete Cawdell emailed: "I was delighted to find a large web of Marsh Fritillary larvae in our
Marsh Fritillary larval web (Pete Cawdell)
Southrey Wood reserve this afternoon. After the unprecedented population explosion at Little Scrubbs Meadow in 2019, several butterflies managed to arrive here. This Spring further sightings of adults indicated that they must have bred. Both males and females were spotted in the same area where these larvae are now located. So it appears that a small satellite colony has been established. Whether this is just transient depends on keeping the rides and other areas open and sunny. This in turn is entirely dependent on volunteers!"
Mike Pickwell emailed: "I went over to Gooseman's Field in Grimsby today and was delighted to
Small Copper (Mike Pickwell)
find my first Small Copper at this site. There were no Ringlets at all this morning and numbers of Meadow Brown were down compared to recent visits. Other species noted included Small Skipper, Gatekeeper, Green-veined White, Large White, Peacock, 3 Common Blue (all males) and several Six-spot Burnet moths."
Dave Wright reported: "Spent a couple of hours this afternoon at Nettleton LNR in the company of
Brown Argus (Dave Wright)
Steve Palmer. We were impressed by the number of Gatekeeper at this small site, counting a total of 98. Other butterflies included 37 Meadow Brown, 11 Ringlet, 4 Small Heath, 16 EssexSkipper, 5 Small Skipper, 6 Common Blue (all males), 1 Small Copper, 5 Brown Argus, 11 Peacock, 1 SmallTortoiseshell, 2 Speckled Wood, 1 Large White, 2 Small White and 3 Green-veined White. Apart from the masses of Cinnabar larvae, the commonest moth was Shaded Broad-bar with 30. Other moths included 1 Silver Y, 1 Yellow Shell and 1 Pyrausta aurata. Also found an Emerald Damselfy, which was new for me at this site."
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Another good trapping session in the garden and
Least Carpet (Mark Johnson)
this morning the trap revealed 371 moths of 89 species. Two new macros for us - Least Carpet and Scalloped Oak. New micros included Agonopterix alstromeriana, Endotricha flammealis and Garden Rose Tortrix. New for the year were Fen Wainscot, Rosy Rustic, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Flounced Rustic, Archer's Dart, Marbled Beauty, Olive, Small Fan-footed Wave, Chilo phragmitella and Udea lutealis."
Rosy Rustic and Archer's Dart (Mark Johnson)
July 2020
Friday 31st July 2020
Rhyacionia pinicolana (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "This beautiful micro, Rhyacionia pinicolana, was new for my garden this morning."
Peter Liddle emailed: "I was at Chambers Farm Wood today for a few hours, but failed to see any Brown Hairstreaks. However, I did manage to find at least 2 Clouded Yellows on the Minting side of the wood, along the farm track at about TF165734. I told three or four others the location, so I hope they may have seen them too. Incidentally, it was about at the same grid reference where I saw a Brown Hairstreak last year and the year before, which explains why I was looking there today. Back in the wood I've never seen so many Purple Hairstreaks so low down before, it was remarkable!"
Dave Thompson emailed: "Had an unexpected bonus today on a visit to Chambers Farm Wood. I
Clouded Yellow (Dave Thompson)
was with Colin Pumfrett photographing some male Brown Hairstreaks (whilst mainaining social distancing), when we had a tip off from a very kind gentleman (whose name I don't know) of a sighting of Clouded Yellows just beyond the wood as you head for Minting village. Off we went and and we were rewarded with 3 specimens working the hedgerows. Brown Hairstreaks and Clouded Yellows all in one day - I'm off to buy a lottery ticket now! My sincere thanks to the kind gentleman for the tip-off."
Phil Bowler emailed: "Here at Amber Hill the unexpected highlight of the year so far is the high numbers of Brown Argus. They are not restricted to their favoured area, our small meadow, but are popping up throughout the garden and doing much better than their pal, the Common Blue. Admittedly they are nowhere as numerous as their recent population explosion in 2018, when we counted 58 in one day, but nevertheless it is good to count 18 on the hottest day of the year."
Thursday 30th July 2020
Purple Hairstreak aberrant (Adrian Royle)
Adrian Royle emailed: "Returned to Chambers Farm Wood today and had my first 4 BrownHairstreaks of the season; the first 2 were between Fiveways and Minting Triangle and the other 2 were beyond the latter site. I also found an aberrant Purple Hairstreak in Little Scrubbs Meadow."
Brown Hairstreak (Adrian Royle)
Wednesday 29th July 2020
Nige Lound emailed: "Trapped at Wolla Bank Pit overnight and finished up with 501 moths of 84 species, 58 macro and 26 micro. Impressive numbers of Wainscot species as usual. Not as busy as I expected but the temperature dropped to 12 degrees by 01.00. New for the year were Buff Footman, Lesser Swallow Prominent, Gold Spot and Yellow-tail. The most numerous micro appears to have been Eudonia pallida with 14. Also 1 Eudonia angustea. Many thanks to the LWT staff for allowing/arranging access."
Waved Black (Barry Clarkson)
Nige Lound reported: "Barry Clarkson caught a Waved Black in his garden trap at Saltfleetby last night."
Phil Bowler emailed: "Today I visited Rimac, part of the Salfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR, for the first time. I was getting Wall withdrawal symptoms, as this species has not been resident in our garden since 2011, so I travelled up in the hope of seeing them. It was quite blustery, so I found a sheltered 'quarry' where there were 6 Walls (4 male and 2 female). Lovely to be reunited! Usual butterflies on the wing, the most numerous being 51 Meadow Brown. Also noted 8 Small Copper and 3 Small Heath.
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Butterflies around the garden this afternoon
Wall (Mark Johnson)
included 1 Brown Argus and 1 Wall, both first for the year. Also noted 8 Meadow Brown, 4 Gatekeeper, 3 Ringlet, 31 Peacock, 9 Red Admiral, 1 Comma, 4 Large White, 2 Small White, 5 Green-veined White and 3 Essex Skipper. The Brimstone pupa is about ready to emerge too."
Brimstone pupa (Mark Johnson)
Tuesday 28th July 2020: First Brown Hairstreaks of the year!
Canary-shouldered Thorns (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "2 Canary-shouldered Thorns in the garden trap this morning were new for the year!"
Toby Ludlow emailed: "Despite the gusty conditions, with wind speeds of up to 43 mph, and thickening cloud cover, a walk around Chambers Farm Wood proved to be far more productive than I had anticipated. It was good to see several Silver-washed Fritillaries still on the wing (both male and female) and a brace of White Admirals struggling to fly gracefully against the wind. Unfortunately, I didn't see a single Purple Emperor on the visit! However, the highlight of the day was the discovery of a freshly-emerged, male Brown Hairstreak. This sighting represents my earliest ever sighting of a Brown Hairsteak in Lincolnshire. Unfortunately I spotted it at the last minute and spooked it into the air, taking what was undoubtedly its maiden flight, its wings still slightly floppy after emergence. After a frantic search, I located it again slightly higher up on Sallow and managed to get a couple of record shots before a gust of wind caused a branch to swipe the butterfly from its perch and it then headed towards the heavens, eventually resting atop an Oak tree. After a 2-hour vigil, the butterfly wasn't moving and, as the conditions deteriorated
Brown Hairstreak male (Toby Ludlow)
further, I realised it wasn't coming down again any time soon, so I headed for the car. On examination of my photos, I was pleased to find that one wasn't too bad, which is amazing considering the way the Sallow was being blown about. Then, on the way back, a particular Ringlet caught my eye and closer inspection revealed that it was the aberration Aphantopus hyperantus ab. arete, where the ringlets are reduced to small white dots. All in all, a good day out!
David Goff emailed: "I had a Brown Hairstreak today at Chambers Farm Wood, between Fiveways and Minting Triangle."
Graham Catley emailed: "A bit breezy in Laughton Forest this morning, but still managed to find 7
Silver-washed Fritillary (Graham Catley)Silver-washed Fritillaries, including the attached female enticing a male. Also noticed a few Purple Hairstreaks about."
Dave Wright reported: "Headed for the coast today and despite the very blustery conditions, managed to find a single Wall on the sheltered seaward side of the dunes at the southern end of Donna Nook NNR. When the sun shone there were plenty of butterflies about and a small patch of Wild Marjoram along Marsh Lane at Saltfleet revealed 19 Essex Skipper."
John Davison reported: "At Southrey Wood today and noted Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown and
Migrant Hawker (John Davison)
the odd Ringlet, together with Comma, Red Admiral, Peacock and the usual Whites. A few dragonflies about including Brown and Migrant Hawker, and I was surprised to come across a Willow EmeraldDamselfy."
Sunday 26th July 2020
Black Arches (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "Black Arches in my garden trap this morning, was new for the year. A superb moth!"
Adrian Royle emailed: "Found a gorgeous Longhorn moth this morning, Nemophora cupriacella, in Little Scrubbs
Nemophora cupriacella (Adrian Royle)
Meadow at Chambers Farm Wood."
Mike Pickwell emailed: "Today we enjoyed a very pleasant time at Rimac, which is part of the Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR, and although it was warm, it was rather
Common Blue female (Mike Pickwell)
too breezy for successful insect photography. There were plenty of dragonflies about, mainly Ruddy Darter, and damselflies including Emerald Damselfly. Butterfly species included Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Gatekeeper, Small Skipper, Peacock and 2 Common Blue (male and female).
Dave Wright reported: "Had a walk in the Woodhall Spa area today and noted the usual common species. However, Memorial Park in the centre of town, produced 2 Holly Blue, my first second brood of the year."
Saturday 25th July 2020
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "Large Wainscot, Dusky Thorn and a Beautiful China-mark were new for the year in the garden trap this morning."
Dave Wright reported: "Paid another visit to Benniworth Walk Farm today, at the invitation of
Small Skipper mating pair (Dave Wright)
Laura Gundy, who lives on the estate and regularly does counts for Butterfly Conservation. We were hoping to survey a number of field margins on this wildlife friendly farm, but shortly after my arrival a sharp downpour delayed proceedings. Fortunately, sunny spells developed for a while and we had barely completed the first field, when thunder and heavy rain curtailed events for the day. However, despite the poor weather we managed to find 16 species of butterfly, including Purple Hairstreak, Small Copper and Brown Argus. There were good numbers of Meadow Brown and Gatekeeper in particular, and we even found a mating pair of Small Skipper that weren't put off by the damp conditions. Moth species included Common Carpet, Silver Y, Latticed Heath and Six-spot Burnet."
Friday 24th July 2020
Gatekeeper ab. bimaculata (Pete Smith)
Pete Smith emailed: "Just photographed this Gatekeeper, a male ab. bimaculata, out at Chambers Farm Wood today."
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "This morning the garden trap produced a Purple Thorn, which was new for the year."
Infurcitinea argentimaculella (K & S Hand)
Karen and Sarah Hand emailed: "We saw this lovely little micro, Infurcitinea argentimaculella today in College Wood, near Wragby. A new species for us and a first for VC54!"
Dave Wright reported: "With fine weather predicted for today, decided to visit Crowle Moor NNR with Chris Atkin. We found 15 species of butterfly including a Wall, my first for this site! Also noted
Essex Skipper (Dave Wright)1 Small Heath, 8 Essex Skipper, 76 Large Skipper, 9 Meadow Brown, 18 Ringlet, 12 Gatekeeper, 9 Speckled Wood, 5 Large White, 9 Small White, 4 Green-veined White, 2 RedAdmiral, 1 Comma, 2 Small Tortoiseshell and 158 Peacock. Just after midday we ventured across the border into Yorkshire and spent a couple of hours on Thorne Moors NNR, where we noted similar species, with the addition of a male Common Blue, 4 Small Skipper and a male Brimstone. We also managed a count of 297 Peacock, a staggering total for the relatively small area that we covered. However, the highlight here, was witnessing 11 Hobbies in the air together hawking for insects. An amazing site and it's always a pleasure to see this beautiful bird of prey! A few moth species were recorded, including 9 Oak Eggar which appeared in the afternoon, flying about in typical zigzag fashion. Dragonflies
Common Hawker (Dave Wright)
were well represented with good numbers of BlackDarter and 3 Common Hawker, one of which posed for the attached photograph on a Silver Birch trunk. Other wildlife of note included a Roe Deer, Grass Snake, Marsh Harrier near the car park and a Willow Tit, a scarce bird these days! Also, lots of crickets and grasshoppers about with Bog Bush Cricket being the highlight."
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Ran the garden trap tonight and got 196 moths of 57 species and another lifer, a Dark Spectacle. Thankfully not so many Garden Grass Veneers
Dark Spectacle (Mark Johnson)
this time, only 40! Managed four species of Footman - 10 Common, 6 Scarce, 8 Dingy and 1 Buff. Other highlights were 18 Dark Arches, 7 Smoky Wainscot, Peppered Moth, CommonEmerald and a micro Agapeta hamana."
Agapeta hamana (Mark Johnson)
Thursday 23rd July 2020
Small Ranunculus (Martin Gray)
Martin Gray from Broadholme emailed: "Finally recorded a Small Ranunculus in the garden, that is number 999 for my garden 10k square, what will be the 1000th? Also White-spotted Pug and Calybites phasianipennella new for the year."
Wednesday 22nd July 2020
Silver-washed Fritillary f. valezina (John Davison)
John Davison emailed: "At Southrey Wood today where there were lots of Meadow Brown, Ringlet and the usual Whites, together with Red Admiral and Comma. There were also 2 male and 2 female Silver-washed Fritillaries, including the attached female form valezina."
Dick Lorand messaged: "Hummingbird Hawk-moth this afternoon on the buddleia in my Humberston Fitties garden."
Tuesday 21st July 2020
Oncocera semirubella (Toby Ludlow)
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Just had a cracking micro-moth at Woodhall Spa Airfield LWT Nature Reserve. My son, Elliott and I saw the Pyralid moth Oncocera semirubella. This represents only the second time this moth has been seen in the county; the first time was in 1970, 50 years ago, at Gibraltar Point NNR. More surprising is that this is a moth of chalk downland, yet we have just discovered it at a sandy site! And, in addition, it is probably the most northerly record in the UK? I have only ever seen this moth once before, many years ago, at Lydden Temple Ewell NNR - a chalk downland site in Kent."
Four-dotted Footman (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "This morning the garden trap produced 2 more moths new for the year - Chinese Character and Four-dotted Footman."
Phil Bowler emailed: "Ventured out to Chambers Farm Wood on a possibly last chance to see the
Ringlet aberration (Phil Bowler)
Emperor in all his fineness this year. After an hour the weather closed over and was quite cool. I saw one fresh female Purple Emperor high up in an Oak, but alas no males. Managed to see 14Purple Hairstreaks and 3 White-letter Hairstreaks, but everything else, including the Peacock, was in very low numbers. I was surprised with the Ringlets though. Many were fresh and were still the most numerous butterfly, totalling 56. What was initially thought to be a White-letter Hairstreak, hiding quite high up in a willow, turned out to be a Ringlet with no underside markings whatsoever. Unfortunately, I never saw its upperside, as it eventually flew off , not to return. Is this an extreme form of ab. obsoleta?"
Geoff and Suzanne Nelson emailed: "Following our visit to Risby Warren yesterday, we decide to
Grayling (Geoff and Suzanne Nelson)
return there this morning and was rewarded with 4 Grayling, our first of the year. Also noted 34 Meadow Brown, 15 Ringlet, 47 Gatekeeper, 5 Large Skipper, 40 Small Skipper, 1 EssexSkipper, 1 Red Admiral, 8 Peacock, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 3 Small Copper, 1 Brown Argus, 7Small Heath, 6 Small White and 3 Green-veined White."
Monday 20th July 2020
Left: Brown-line Bright-eye. Top right: Brown Argus. Above right: Oak Hook-tip.
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "Oak Hook-tip, Brown-line Bright-eye and Dingy Footman were new for the year this morning. The first two are scarce in my garden. Also, a single Brown Argus from the field in front of my house."
Pete Smith emailed: "The aberrations keep coming thick and fast! What a year for them. Today's
Ringlet ab. marpurgensis (Pete Smith)
is a Ringlet ab. marpurgensis, photographed on a field edge not far from Potterhanworth. Not an extreme ab. but interesting..."
Mike Pickwell emailed: "I had a very enjoyable morning at Chambers Farm Wood today,
Purple Hairstreak (Mike Pickwell)
with lots of butterflies on the wing. I noted 12 species including 5 White Admiral, 6 Silver-washed Fritillary and 3 Purple Hairstreak. Most of the White Admirals and Silver-washed Fritillaries are now quite worn."
Karen and Sarah Hand emailed: "We trapped this bilateral gynandromorph (half male/half female) Poplar Hawkmoth the other night in Addlethorpe. It is most obviously identified by the difference in antennae, but also its underside clearly shows the two-tone abdomen (and the dodgy-looking genitalia!). A fascinating specimen!"
Poplar Hawkmoth - Bilateral Gynandromorph (Karen and Sarah Hand)
Sunday 19th July 2020
Linda and Alan Woodward emailed: "A morning trip to Messingham Sand Quarry LWT Nature
Wall (Linda and Alan Woodward)
Reserve rewarded us with a sighting of a Wall - always lovely to see here!"
Richard Tyndall emailed: "During the last decade I have been transforming our 3 acres of land at the southern end of Ancaster, into a wildflower meadow and woodland. Recently I have started doing a lot of recording and regularly get around 20 species of butterfly within our boundary. This afternoon I had something of a first which was a hairstreak. Closer inspection revealed 2 White-letter Hairstreaks feeding on bramble flowers."
Andrew Kurch phoned: "Visited Gooseman's Field in Grimsby today and found a fresh second brood Common Blue. Other butterflies of note included 10 Essex Skipper and 46 Small Skipper."
Ypsolopha horridella (Phil Lee)
Phil Lee from Misterton emailed: "Had the attached micro in the garden trap today and it is a new one for us. It is a Ypsolopha horridella, which is rare in Notts and is said to be very rare in Yorkshire and scarce in Norfolk."
Saturday 18th July 2020
Haworth's Minor (Phil Lee)
Phil Lee emailed: "My garden is just over the border in North Notts and last night in the trap was the attached Haworth's Minor, which is a rare moth in both Notts and Lincs. Back in August 2013 myself, Matt Blissett, Helen Kirk and others had a moth night on Crowle Moor, especially for this moth, which back then had not been recorded in Lincs since the 1970's. We did catch one that night. My friend here in Misterton, Neil Wood, also had one in his garden in August 2013 and I know Martin Gray has had one in his Broadholme garden too. Certainly one to keep a look out for."
Friday 17th July 2020
Gold Spot (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "The garden trap produced a Gold Spot and Blackneck this morning, following a Scallop Shell yesterday."
Dave Wright reported: "This morning I visited Long Strip Wood on Immingham Dock with Mark Johnson, a site where I discovered White-letter Hairstreak way back in 2004. Thankfully this
Buff-tip mating pair (Dave Wright)
species is still present and we managed to see 11 White-letter Hairstreaks, which were mainly 'buzzing' around the tops of the Ash in close proximity to the Elm. Unfortunately none would descend lower enough for photography, but close inspection of a patch of Elm did reveal a pair of mating Buff-tip moths. Other butterflies present
Common Blue (Dave Wright)
included 4 Speckled Wood, 4 Large White, 6 Small White, 1 Green-veined White, 8 Ringlet, 1 Meadow Brown, 1 Gatekeeper, 1 Red Admiral and a Comma. We also noted 3 Southern Hawkers, which were constantly patrolling up and down the bridleway that runs through the wood. Plenty of butterflies in the general area and a brief visit to Laporte Meadow produced a really fresh second brood Common Blue."
Jason Sargeson emailed: "I visited Chambers Farm Wood today and found 1 Purple Emperor
Purple Emperor (Jason Sargerson)
near Fiveways. Also several White Admirals and Silver-washed Fritillaries on brambles on the walk to Little Scrubbs Meadow. Other Butterflies seen were Red Admiral, Comma, Peacock, Ringlet, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Small Skipper, Brimstone, Large White and SmallWhite. There were plenty of butterflies in the Butterfly Garden as well as in the woodland."
Toby Ludlow messaged: "A semi-decent day today weather-wise at Chambers Farm Wood, which produced a semi-decent score of 15 Purple Emperors (13 males and 2 females). Most looked in good condition (wings intact). No groundings!"
Andrew Kurch phoned: "A brief visit to Dixon's Wood, near Grimsby this morning produced 5White-letter Hairstreaks. Nearby, in the car park area at Bradley Woods, 1 White-letterHairstreak and 2 Purple Hairstreaks."
Nige Lound emailed: "Trapped in my Skegness garden tonight as part of the National GMS
Double Lobed (Nige Lound)
recording scheme and had 179 moths of 54 species. Highlights were Olive and Double Lobed, both of which were new for the garden, and Herald and Rosy Rustic which were new for the year."
Brian Hedley emailed: "Tonight produced a great selection of moths here at Marton, using a 250W MV bulb over Skinner trap. About 250 moths of 79 species including at least 19 new for the year - White Satin Moth, Dusky Sallow, Grey/Dark Dagger, Broad-bordered and Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Euzophera pinguis, Water Veneer, Small Blood-vein, Codling Moth, Brown-line Bright-eye, Six-striped Rustic, Small Dotted Buff, Dingy Footman, and various Ermines. Other species included 2 Privet Hawk-moths, 5 Elephant Hawk-moths, 2 Yellow-tail, Herald, 4 Silver Y, Vapourer, 2 Calamotropha paludella, Clay, Dwarf Cream Wave, Small Dusty Wave and 3 Coronets."
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Eventually got through the moths from this
Dusky Sallow (Mark Johnson)
morning - 671 of 59 species. Sounds impressive but 463 were Garden Grass Veneers! Macros which were new for the year included: 6 Dusky Sallow, 3 Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, 1 Iron Prominent, 1 Pebble Hooktip, 1 Satin Moth, 1 Beautiful Hooktip, 1 Lilac Beauty, 5
Crescent Striped (Mark Johnson)Brown-tail, 1Slender Brindle, 1 Dusky Brocade, 1 White-line Dart and 1 Single-dotted Wave. New moth for the garden was Short-cloaked Moth x 3. However, the highlight was undoubtedly a Crescent Striped, a Nationally Scarce B moth and my first ever!"
Thursday 16th July 2020
Martin Gray emailed: "Well, what a surprise! Having used the Lunar Hornet Moth pheromone
Lunar Hornet Moth (Martin Gray)
successfully in several places in Lincolnshire in the last week, I decided to hang it in my garden and 3 were enticed within a few minutes. Must be very common! In the trap and new for the year were Golden Plusia (2nd garden record), September Thorn and Lesser Broad-bordered YellowUnderwing."
Graham Catley messaged: "11 Silver-washed Fritillaries (10 males and 1 female) in Laughton Forest and that's without doing the Tuetoes area. Also, 2 Essex Skippers, the first I've had here since 2000!"
Andrew Kurch phoned: "6 Purple Hairsteaks this evening on my local patch, just off Westward Ho in Grimsby."
Wednesday 15th July 2020
Scarlet Tiger (John Davison)
John Davison emailed: "Had a new record today at Snakeholme Pit LBC Reserve - Scarlet Tiger moth.
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "Clear and cooler last night meant less action, but still managed 4 new for the year - Dingy Footman, Scarce Footman, Small Fan-footed Wave and a single Herald.
Tuesday 14th July 2020
Graham Catley messaged: "Either I've overlooked Essex Skippers at Alkborough or there has been a big influx! Counted 108 this morning!"
Monday 13th July 2020
Toby Ludlow emailed: "Decided to go for a walk in the rain earlier today at Moor Farm LWT Nature Reserve (I know I probably should be locked up!). Yet, despite the showers, I was amazed at the number and range of species on the wing: 2 Commas, 1 Small White, 3 Peacocks, 5 Brown Argus, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Small Skipper, 9 Small Heath, 141 Meadow Browns, 21 Ringlets and a single Gatekeeper. Had a couple of good moths too; a Hummingbird Hawk-moth and a Forester."
Sunday 12th July 2020
Willow Emerald and White Admiral (Mark Johnson)
Mark and Sally Johnson emailed: "Visited Chambers Farm Wood this morning and managed to find at least 6 Purple Emperors, 20+ White Adsmirals and 20+ Silver-washed Fritillaries. Also
Holly Blue (Mark Johnson)
noted 3 HollyBlues (second brood) and 3 Gatekeepers. Later we had a look at Snakeholme Pit LBC Reserve nearby and we were amazed to find 2 really early Willow Emerald damselflies!"
Laura Gundy emailed: "A day of firsts today - I saw my first Gatekeepers, fresh new Peacocks and Purple Hairstreak of the year at Benniwoth Walk Farm. I also welcomed a surprise visitor in the form of a Marbled White - the first one I have ever seen here!"
Jan Baker from Broughton emailed: "This morning, while moving the garden furniture, 2 huge Privet Hawkmoths dropped out of our patio umbrella cover."
Adrian Royle emailed: "Photographed a Silver-washed Fritillary aberration at Chambers Farm
Silver-washed Fritillary aberration (Adrian Royle)
Wood this morning, along the easy access trail."
John Sinfield emailed: "I found a male Silver-washed Fritillary today at Elsea Wood, alongside the A15 just south of Bourne."
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Got a great record for Moor Farm LWT Nature Reserve this morning - 2 male Silver-washed Fritillary, my first at this site. Had a female just outside the gate before, but this is the first one actually on the reserve. Later at Kirkby Moor LWT Nature Reserve, had 12Silver-washed Fritillary (11 males and 1 female)."
Pete Cawdell emailed: "Out looking for Dark Green Fritillary again this afternoon and visited
Dark Green Fritillary (Pete Cawdell)
Castle Bytham LWT PRV. These verges are floristically attractive, but a tall hedge on the south side of the road hides a real gem of a site beyond. A hillside slopes down to arable farmland, being a strip about half a kilometre long and 30 metres wide. This natural grassland full of lovely wild flowers (including good patches of violets) is where I was pleased to find a colony of at least 20 active Dark Green Fritillary. There were also good numbers of Marbled White and I was able to count over 25 of these. Plenty of other commoner species as well including Large and SmallSkipper, 20+ Meadow Brown, 20+ Ringlet, 3 Brown Argus, 2 Small Heath, 6 Gatekeeper, 6 Small Tortoiseshell, a Peacock, 6 Small White, 2 Large White and 4 Green-veined White."
Mark Joy emailed: "I visited Chambers Farm Wood yesterday and saw just 1 Purple Emperor, at
Silver-washed Fritillary aberration (Mark Joy)
first flying and then it perched 10 feet up in an Oak tree during a cloudy spell. The highlight was an aberration of a Silver-washed Fritillary, but I've not got a name for it yet. Also, 1 Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoth in the Butterfly
Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoth (Mark Joy)
Garden, nectaring on Buddleia. I returned to Chambers today and saw the aberration again (just 30 metres away from where it was the day before) and it looked much less fresh and with a chunk out of a lower wing."
Saturday 11th July 2020
Hornet Moth female (Pete Smith)
Pete Smith emailed: "Over the past few weeks I have been spending an hour or so almost every morning surveying a line of poplars just outside my village. Some weeks back, on an extended 'Lockdown Dog Walk', we found ourselves alongside a long row of mature poplar hybrids. They got my entomological nose twitching and I was soon finding exit holes near the base of the trunks that were highly suggestive of Hornet Moth presence. Earlier this week, during a visit with friend and fellow enthusiast Bob Lambert, Bob found a fresh exuvia, and finally this morning I had the
Hornet Moth mating pair (Pete Smith)
great pleasure of finding a freshly emerged adult female Hornet Moth - Sesia apiformis. A great reward for hours of searching! After lunch I decided to go back and see the female Hornet Moth again, and, lo and behold, three hours after I first photographed her - see attached! What a day!
Josh Forrester messaged: "This morning I was out in the open at Nunny's Farm on the
Lunar Hornet Moth (Josh Forrester)
Nunsthorpe estate in Grimsby, when I saw at a distance what I believed to be a Hornet. On closer inspection I was staggered to find that it was a Lunar Hornet Moth instead!
Pete Burnett emailed: "My first Gatekeeper of the year in my Fiskerton garden."
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Visited Moor Farm LWT Nature Reserve today, and the only butterflies of note were a Gatekeeper and a really fresh Brown Argus."
Friday 10th July 2020
Purple Emperor (Toby Ludlow)
Toby Ludlow emailed: "I spent a very enjoyable day at Chambers Farm Wood in the company of Dave Wright and Richard Smyth. Despite the unsettled weather, consisting of thick, grey cloud and the odd rain shower, some sunny intervals developed and, during these periods, we saw a
Silver-washed Fritillary male (Toby Ludlow)
good range of species. These included: 5 Purple Emperors, 15 Silver-washed Fritillaries, 20 WhiteAdmirals, 48 Purple Hairstreaks, 14 Red Admirals, 5 Peacocks, 12 Commas, 5 Small Tortoiseshells, 7 Speckled Woods, 7 Large Whites, 4 Small Whites, 19 Green-veined Whites, 6 Large Skippers, 11 Small Skippers, 1 Essex Skipper, 173 Ringlets, 45 Meadow Browns and a single Gatekeeper.
Pete Cawdell emailed: "Visited Robert's Field LWT Nature Reserve today - still about 60 Dark
Dark Green Fritillary (Pete Cawdell)GreenFritillary (mostly large females) and 100+ Marbled White flying in short sunny periods. Other species seen were a fresh male Brown Argus, 30+ Large Skipper, 30+ Small Skipper, 2
Gatekeeper (Pete Cawdell)Small Tortoiseshell, a fresh Peacock, 40+ Meadow Brown, 40+ Ringlet, 11 Small White, a Large White and 6 Gatekeeper."
Graham Catley messaged: "Finally found about 6 Essex Skippers at Alkborough today, but well away from the 200 Small Skippers on the Trent Bank."
Wednesday 8th July 2020
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Despite the dull and overcast conditions, decided to go for a walk at Moor Farm LWT Nature Reserve and had 4 Small Coppers and 4 Small Heath."
Tuesday 7th July 2020
Suspected (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "The garden trap produced 51 moths of 24 species this morning and included a Suspected (only my second ever record) and Small Blood-vein, which was new for the year."
Pete Burnett emailed: "40 moths of 20 species in my Fiskerton garden last night and included a very worn Garden Tiger, which was new for the year."
Jonathan Bye emailed: "The first Gatekeeper of the year today in my Sutton St James garden."
Phi Lee emailed: "A Least Carpet turned up in my Misterton garden last night, following the
Purple Hairstreak (Phil Lee)
others on 8th July 2017 and 24th July 2019. In the recently published Yorkshire Moths 2019 it states that in Yorkshire it has seen a large increase in numbers accompanied by considerable spread in range. Also, over the last couple of days, it was good to see up to 15 Purple Hairstreaks at Langholme Wood."
Least Carpet (Phil Lee)
Monday 6th July 2020: Purple Patch at Chambers today!
Purple Hairstreak ab. flavimaculatus (Pete Smith)
Pete Smith emailed: "Visited Chambers Farm Wood today in pretty mediocre weather conditions, with the Met Office's predicted sunny intervals in short supply. Nevertheless, the brief bright and warm spells were enough to produce a bit of a purple patch for me! My first Purple Emperor of the year appeared high above the Oaks along the main forest track shortly after midday. White Admirals were out in the best numbers that I have seen them at this site since 1996, with well over 50 seen. Silver-washed Fritillary also showing very well with 15 counted. Males of both of these species are already showing signs of wear and tear. Other butterflies included Comma, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, all three common Whites, Speckled Wood, Meadow Brown, numerous Ringlets, a single Large Skipper, 4 White-letter Hairstreaks, and dozens of Purple Hairstreaks, including what is probably the highlight of my butterfly year - a gorgeous and mint fresh female PurpleHairstreak ab. flavimaculatus. What a stunner! And just to cap it off, on the
Comma aberration (Pete Smith)
way back to the car, an aberrant Comma with very dark markings and conjoined spots. I don't have a name for this aberration yet. All in all a very special day, despite unpromising skies!"
Andy Sims emailed: "Following my first Angle-striped Sallow of the year last Friday, I had
Angle-striped Sallow (Andy Sims)
another in my Swanpool garden trap this morning."
Keith Robinson messaged: "3 White-letter Hairstreaks at Covenham Reservoir this morning."
Dave Wright reported: "Visited Crowle Moor NNR today with Mark Johnson and two friends who had travelled a fair distance in the hope of seeing their first Large Heath of the year. We
Large Heath (Dave Wright)
concentrated on the northern section of the reserve and despite the weather being far from ideal, mostly cloudy with a moderate breeze, we managed to find 17 Large Heath,surprisingly in fine condition. Other butterflies noted included 131 Ringlet, 11 Meadow Brown, 60 Large Skipper, 12 Small White, 4 Green-veined White, 1 Speckled Wood, 3 Comma, 5 Red Admiral and 3 Small Tortoiseshell, with a further 20 around the car
Shaded Broad-bar (Dave Wright)
park later in the day. During our visit we had a brief foray onto Thorne Moors NNR and noted similar species, with the addition of 4 Small Skipper and 5Essex Skipper,the latter being my first of the year. Moths included Shaded Broad-bar, Silver Y, Brown Silver-line, Yellow Shell and Six-spot Burnet. Crowle is well known for its dragonflies and, although we managed a
Bog Bush Cricket (Dave Wright)
decent species list, numbers were generally low, with the highlight being a freshly emerged Black Darter. Other wildlife of note included a female Red Deer and fawn, Roe Deer, Hobby, a smart male Stonechat, Siskin and a single Crossbill overhead. It was also great to catch up with 3 Bog Bush Cricket, my first for several years!"
Mark Schofield emailed: "I had a female Purple Emperor in my Chambers Farm Wood garden today. She initially flew in through the back door and was very tame - preferred my hand to another perch, after I'd enticed her onto my finger. She was tasting my skin with her proboscis which you could just feel was slightly cool to the touch. Settled on the rhubarb for a while then moved on."
Purple Emperor (Mark Schofield)
Sunday 5th July 2020
Essex Skipper (Toby Ludlow)
Toby Ludlow from Coningsby messaged: "Four firsts for Lincolnshire in 2020 for me today: my first 2020-brood Peacock in my garden; 2 Essex Skippers on the Pingle LNR, Coningsby; 7 Silver-washed Fritillaries and a single Purple Hairstreak at Kirkby Moor LWT Nature Reserve. Also noted 5 White Admirals and 4 Small Heaths at the last site."
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "The garden trap produced a Lesser Cream Wave, which
Lesser Cream Wave (Andy Sims)
was new for the year. Don't catch many of these!"
Phil Bowler emailed: "Managed a run up to Chambers Farm Wood this afternoon. Was looking primarily for Purple Emperor, but no sign! Butterflies seen included the following: 6 Small/Essex Skipper, 7 Large Skipper, 1 Large White, 10 Small White, 7 Purple Hairstreak, 9 White Admiral, 3 Red Admiral, 3 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Peacock, 6 Comma, 2 Silver-washed Fritillary (male and female), 13 Speckled Wood, 9 Meadow Brown and 79 Ringlet."
Nige Lound emailed: "The first Hummingbird Hawkmoth of the year for Gibraltar Point NNR, was on south side of the plantation."
Mark Johnson messaged: "My first Essex Skippers of the year today, one in my North Somercotes garden and the second along a woodland edge nearby."
Friday 3rd July 2020
Nige Lound from Skegness emailed: "Trapped in the garden last night for the GMS and was surprised to find a Least Carpet in the trap, which was new for the garden. Even more surprising was that there were 2 more by the time I had finished."
Wednesday 1st July 2020
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "The trap produced 44 species of moth this morning, with Peach Blossom being new for the garden. New for the year were Old Lady, Marbled Beauty, WhiteSatin Moth and Small Phoenix."
June 2020
Tuesday 30th June 2020
Small Skipper (Mike Pickwell)
Mike Pickwell emailed: "I went for a wander around Gooseman's Field in Grimsby this afternoon and despite being cloudy, there were plenty of butterflies on the wing. Nice to see good numbers of Ringlet and Meadow Brown, and lots of newly emerged Small Skippers, the latter being my first of the year. I also saw 2Large Whites, 3 Small Tortoiseshells and 1 Six-spot Burnet moth. Interestingly no Large Skippers."
Cliff Morrison emailed: "I trap alternately garden and field, which are light separated by a
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing (Cliff Morrison)
hedge/trees. The grass has overtaken the flowers now and I had to put the MV and actinic traps on stools to be seen. I managed 653 moths of 91 species, but this is provisional, since I spent much of the morning trying to sort out 5 micros and had to resort to seeking Martin’s views this afternoon. Sand Dart was first for the year as were Double Lobed and Broad-bordered YellowUnderwing. 140+ Chrysoteuchia culmella is the
Flecked Snout (Cliff Morrison)
commonest grass moth in the field. I only ever get single numbers over the hedge in the garden. I’ve caught a micro fly with a white abdomen in the traps several times recently, so I thought I would look it up. I identified it as Flecked Snout, Nemetolus notatas, a strictly coastal species.
Nige Lound emailed: "I trapped overnight on the saltings at the north end of Gibraltar Point NNR and had 125 moths of 48 species, 36 macro and 12 micro. Highlights were singles of Lesser Cream Wave, Archer's Dart, Sand Dart, Fern and Rosy Wave.Also 4 Kent Black Arches."
Monday 29th June 2020
True Lover's Knot (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims emailed: "The garden trap here at Swanpool produced my 4th new moth in a week, TrueLover's Knot. Also a Yellow-tail, which was new for the year."
Sunday 28th June 2020
Shark (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "This morning the garden trap produced a Shark and that'sonly the second time I have caught this species."
Brian Hedley emailed: "Circuit of Marton village produced 22 Small Skippers (Essex likely to follow shortly), 6 Large Skippers, 13 Commas, 3 Red Admirals, 23 Small Tortoiseshells, 10 Meadow Browns, 14 Ringlets, 5 Green-veined Whites and 17 Small Whites."
Saturday 27th June 2020
Blackneck (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "Nearly missed the best moth last night. Just found this Blackneck on the inside of my garage window where I process moths. Four hours after I'd finished!
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "One of the best moth nights in my garden with 46 macros, including five species of Hawkmoth - 3 Privet, 1 Lime, 3 Poplar, 1 Pine and 11 Elephant.
Miller (Steve Palmer)Blackneck was a welcome new species for the garden. Other highlights were Miller, 4 PoplarGrey, Green Pug, 2 Buff-tip, 2 Beautiful Hook-tip, 2 Lackey and 2 Peppered Moth."
Brian Hedley emailed: "About 160 moths of 60 species noted in our Marton garden, including a
Coronet (Brian Hedley)
stunning coronula form of Coronet, Dwarf Cream Wave, Leopard Moth, Eyed Hawkmoth and Beautiful Hook-tip. Best catch of the year so far! Later, a circuit through Tunman Wood LWT Nature Reserve produced my first Purple Hairstreak of the year, plus 15 Ringlets, 40 Meadow Browns, 5 Small Skippers, 1 Large Skipper, 5 Large Whites, 2 Green-veined Whites, 1 Small White, 4 Red Admirals and 2 Speckled Woods. Also, Clouded Border and Rosy Footman moths."
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Lots of moths this morning - 544 of 71 species. Highlights were 2 Kent Black Arches, Miller and Buff Arches, all new for the garden. Also six species of Hawkmoth - 3 Privet, 1 Pine, 5 Elephant, 1 Small Elephant, 2 Poplar and 4 Eyed. New for year were Small Wainscot, 2 Light Emerald, 1 Dun-bar, 1 Gold Spot, 1 Coronet, 1 July Highfier, 1 Beautiful China-mark, 2 Cream-bordred Green Pea, 2 Common Rustic, 1 BarredYellow, 1 Sycamore, 1 Agapeta zoegana, 3 Eucosma cana, 2 Eucosma campolilianaand Eudonia lacustrata."
Clockwise from top left: Kent Black Arches, Barred Yellow, Light Emerald, Buff Arches, Miller and Burnished Brass (Mark Johnson)
Friday 26th June 2020
Tawny Shears (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "Tawny Shears in the garden trap this morning and that makes it the third new moth in 3 days!
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "Had my first Gatekeeper today at Moated Manor in Healing. Also, the trap produced 40 macros this morning and a first for the garden, a Clouded Brindle. New for the year were Pebble Hook-tip, Gold Spot and Lesser Swallow Prominent. Others of note - 6 Elephant Hawkmoth, Poplar Hawkmoth, Common Emerald, Clay Triple-lines, Lackey and BarredStraw."
Nige Lound emailed: "Trapped in my Skegness Garden overnight as part of the ongoing National
Tawny-barred Angle (Nige Lound)
Garden Moth Survey and had the best night of the year so far with 216 moths of 58 species. Tawny-barred Angle was new for the garden and the best of the rest were Leopard Moth, OldLady and Green Silver-lines."
Dave Wright reported: "Along with Chris Atkin visited Donna Nook NNR and Realignment today, and the highlight was a Green Hairstreak at Quad 3, a very late and totally unexpected find. It was nectaring on ragwort and not surprisingly it looked the worse for wear. Also noted 95 Small Heath, 116 Meadow Brown, 28 Ringlet, 1 Peacock, 5 Red Admiral, 5 Small Tortoiseshell, 14 Common Blue, 2 Large White, 1 Small White, 5 Large Skipper and 34 SmallSkipper (including a pair mating). Moths included 25 Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet (including apair mating), 11 Six-spot Burnet, 9 Latticed Heath, 5 Yellow Shell, 9 Silver Y and 18 Cinnabar. Also, up to 6 Cuckoos on the reserve and it was great to see the rare, rufous 'hepatic' morph of female."
Small Skippers and Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnets (Dave Wright)
Thursday 25th June 2020
Large Heaths (Pete Smith)
Pete Smith emailed: "Called in at Crowle Moor this afternoon on the way back from a trip to York. It was my first visit here for a number of years. Pleased to see several dozen Large Heath on the wing along the north of the reserve, but a bit alarming to see the amount of encroaching birch taking over the formerly open wet areas."
Graham Catley messaged: "My first Silver-washed Fritillary of the year today at Laughton Forest, following 2 Dark Green Fritillary yesterday at Risby Warren."
Richard Doan emailed: "A few bits from various sites today - Heath's Meadow LWT Nature Reserve: Small Skipper, 9 Large Skipper, 2 Small White, 4 Green-veined White, 3 CommonBlue, 5 Red Admiral, 2 Small Tortoiseshell, Comma, 4 Speckled Wood, 13 Ringlet and 1472Meadow Brown! An excellent year for Meadow Brown here and they are particularly favouring Devil's-bit Scabious and Knapweed." Redhill LWT Nature Reserve: 157 Marbled White, 62Ringlet, 10 Meadow Brown, 17 Small Heath, 3 Red Admiral, Small Skipper, 2 Large Skipper and Small Tortoiseshell." Swinn Wood LWT Nature Reserve: 3 White Admiral (first woodland ride on the right)."
Rosy Footman (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims emailed: "Rosy Footman was new for my Swanpool garden today, a beautiful little moth!"
Toby Ludlow messaged: "At Kirkby Moor LWT Nature Reserve today and I couldn't believe my luck when I found a really fresh Red-necked Footman. Yesterday I had 3 fresh second brood Small Coppers at Moor Farm LWT Nature Reserve."
Nige Lound emailed: "I trapped at Wolla Bank Pit overnight and managed 505 moths of 85
Sallow Kitten (Nige Lound)
species, 62 micros and 23 micros. Highlights were 5 Blackneck, 4 Blood-vein, 8 Cream-bordered Green Pea, 2 Fen Wainscot, 7 Shore Wainscot, 38 Striped Wainscot, and singles of Four-dotted Footman, Lyme Grass, Purple Bar, Sallow Kitten, Silky Wainscot and White Colon. Thanks as usual to LWT staff for allowing and arranging access."
Wednesday 24th June 2020
Clockwise from top left: Swallow-tailed Moth, Old Lady, Leopard Moths and Blood-vein (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "Leopard Moth was new for the garden this morning, not one but two! Also Old Lady, Swallow-tailed Moth and Blood-vein. The trap produced 123 moths of 44 species, including 19 Elephant and 2 Privet Hawkmoths."
Pete Smith emailed: "Just had my first Silver-washed Fritillary of the year today out at Potterhanworth Wood. Also 9 White Admirals, 2 Red Admirals, 25 Meadow Browns, and a few Ringlets. Large, Small and Green-veined Whites also, but strangely not a single skipper!"
Andrew Kurch phoned: "Had my first White-letter Hairstreaks of the year today on the outskirts of Grimsby, 4 in Dixon Woods LNR and 2 in Bradley Woods LNR."
Mike Pickwell emailed: "Went to Southrey Wood today and saw up to 20 White
White Admiral (Mike Pickwell)Admirals. Also noted 2 Large White, good numbers of Meadow Brown, 3 Comma, 2 RedAdmiral, 2 Large Skipper and a Hummingbird Hawkmoth."
Dave Wright reported: "Down the coast today at Salfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR, concentrating on the Rimac area. Highlight was 88 Small Heath with a supporting cast of 86 Meadow Brown, 31 Small Skipper (no Essex), 7 Large Skipper, 3 Red Admiral, 7 Small Tortoiseshell, 4 Common Blue and only 3 Ringlet! Moths included Six-spot Burnet, Narrow-borderedFive-spot Burnet, Silver Y and Cinnabar."
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "218 moths of 45 species in the trap this morning. Highlights were Nationally Scarce B Lyme Grass and two new moths for the garden, Heart and Club and Lackey. New for the year were 1 Peppered Moth, 1 Light Arches, 1 Burnished Brass, 1 Blood-vein, 1 Small Blood-vein, 1 Garden Tiger, 1 Common Footman, 1 Small China-mark, 1 Willow Beauty, 1 Smokey Wainscot, 1 Double Square-spot and 1 Dwarf CreamWave."
Clockwise from top left: Lyme Grass, Heart and Club, Lackey and Garden Tiger (Mark Johnson)
Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "This morning the garden trap produced 38 species of which 8 were new for the year - Double Square-spot, Swallow-tailed Moth, Dwarf Cream Wave, Flame Carpet, Coxcomb Prominent, Dusky Brocade, Ingrailed Clay and Cream-bordered Green Pea. Other highlights were 6 Elephant Hawkmoths and 7 Privet Hawkmoths!"
Nige Lound emailed: "I trapped the West Dunes at Gibraltar Point NNR overnight and had 538
Reddish Light Arches (Nige Lound)
moths of 100 species, 74 macros and 26 micros. Highlights were 5 species of Hawkmoth, 4Cream-bordered Green Pea, 22 Kent Black Arches, 7 Lyme Grass, Large Twin-spot Carpet, Reddish Light Arches, Rosy Wave, 6 Sand Dart, 4 Shore Wainscot, Small Scallop, 8 White-line Dart and Saltmarsh Plume. The bright pink micro Celypha rosaceana was new for me."
Richard Doan emailed: "Currently doing a butterfly transect at Heath's Meadows LWT Nature Reserve. Today's results - 1059 Meadow Brown, 11 Large Skipper, 7 Red Admiral, 5 Small White, 12 Small Tortoiseshell, 3 Common Blue, 11 Speckled Wood and 2 Ringlet. Also, a Mother Shipton moth and 2 Banded Demoiselle on northern ditch by bridge, were both first records for the reserve."
Dave Wright reported: "Decided to stay local today, by walking down to the Great Coates section of the Pyewipe Line and recorded the following: 41 Meadow Brown, 37 Ringlet, 3 Large Skipper, 12 Small Skipper, 8 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Small White, 3 Green-veined White, 1 Common Blue and 1 Red Admiral. Moths included 5 Silver Y, 3 Shaded Broad-bar, 2 YellowShell and 7 Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet. En route to the site, apart from the usual common species, I noted a further 22 Small Skipper and a single Small Heath. It's the first time I've seen the latter in the Great Coates area for many years. Also had two new dragonfly species for the year, Common Darter and Black-tailed Skimmer."
Alan Daws emailed: "Visited Wold Farm today, a friend's property in Nettleton and noted the following: 2 Brimstone (including a caterpillar on Alder Buckthorn), 47 Meadow Brown, 15 Ringlet, 14 Large Skipper, 12 Small Heath, 6 Red Admiral, 5 Small Tortoiseshell, 7 SpeckledWood, 1 male Common Blue, 1 Brown Argus, 1 Small White and a Cinnabar moth."
Lawrie Poole emailed: "In June 2016 a friend found several Small Eggar webs in the hedge near
Small Eggar larvae
the chalets as you come into Thorpe on the Hill, along Middle Lane. Another friend, Martin Latham, found some webs just recently in a farmland hedge near Stocking Wood/Tunman Wood. Yesterday I managed to find them myself and I saw just two webs containing fairly small larvae. Today, I've received information that even more SmallEggars have been found, this time in Stapleford Woods."
Sunday 21st June 2020
Brian Hedley emailed: "Morning circuit of Marton village was better for butterflies today, with about 150 Small Tortoiseshells, 38 Meadow Browns, 35 Large Skippers, 11 Red Admirals, 8 Commas, 7 Ringlets, 2 Green-veined Whites, 1 Small Skipper and 1 Speckled Wood. Plus several YellowShell and Silver Y moths. Also, my first Common Darter of the year."
White Admiral (Ian McGlynn)
Ian McGlynn emailed: "4 White Admirals at Bourne Woods today and one even settled on my sandal."
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes phoned: "This evening took a stroll down the lane towards the wood at the back of the house and saw literally thousands of Diamond-back Moths! Also noted 78 Small Tortoiseshell, 3 Meadow Brown, 1 Green-veined White and 1 Yellow Shell. The wood itself produced 1 Small Skipper, 2 Large Skipper, 8 Meadow Brown, 5 Ringlet, 1 Red Admiral and 1 Green-veined White."
Ringlet (Mike Pickwell)
Mike Pickwell emailed: "Visited the Woodland Burial Ground in Grimsby today and noted the following: 14 Meadow Brown, 2 Ringlet (my first of the year), 1 Large White, 1 Large Skipper, 1Comma, 1 Small Tortoiseshell and 1 Yellow Shell."
Saturday 20th June 2020
Clockwise from top left: Buff Ermine, Barred Straw, Snout and Buff-tip (Mark Johnson)
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "In the garden trap and new for the year this
Orange-tip larva (Mark Johnson)
morning were: 2 Snout, 2 Brimstone Moths, 2 Buff-tip, 2 Barred Straw, 1 Buff Ermine and a micro Anania perlucidalis. In the garden the Orange-tip larvae are getting big!"
Laura Gundy emailed: "In between heavy showers I managed to survey my regular route around Benniworth Walk Farm. It was great to see a large number of butterflies, plus more grasshoppers and crickets than I can ever remember seeing in my life! I even found the striking pinkish form of MeadowGrasshopper. Highest totals for the day were: 96 Small Tortoiseshell, 132 Meadow Brown, 8 Ringlet, 5 Small Heath, 24 Large Skipper and 4 Red Admiral. Other species recorded included Speckled Wood, Common Blue, Brimstone and Peacock, plus Six-spot Burnet, Mother Shipton, Silver Y and Chimney Sweeper moths. I even had a new dragonfly species for the site, a Black-tailed Skimmer."
Dave Wright reported: "Did a circuit of the Wolds today from Rothwell, taking in part of the Viking
Peacock larvae (Dave Wright)
Way and the southern edge of Nettleton. Plenty of butterflies about at the start of the walk, but increasing cloud diminished sightings later on. The usual species noted, but 11 Small Heath along a section of bridleway were new for me at this site. Moths included Mother Shipton, Cinnabar, Silver Y and 17 Chimney Sweeper along the Viking Way. Paid a brief visit to Croxby Ponds on the way home and the roadside verge there was covered in Peacock larvae."
Roy Harvey emailed: "I went to Red Hill LWT Nature Reserve again today and it was heaving with Marbled Whites. I tried a count, but gave up at 100. They were mostly in the field on the ridge that the Trust doesn't own. Also, 50+ Ringlets."
Friday 19th June 2020
Buff Arches (Pete Burnett)
Pete Burnett from Fiskerton emailed: "A modest catch in the garden trap from last night, but it did include a smart Buff Arches."
Chris Atkin messaged: "Visited Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR today and despite the blustery southerly winds and two short, sharp showers, managed to find my first Painted Lady of the year between Sea View and Paradise. Also new for the year were Ringlet next to Sea View car park and 2 Small Skippers."
Small Ranunculus (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "The highlight in the garden trap from last night was undoubtedly this Small Ranunculus."
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Toby Ludlow phoned: "Had a walk along the Pingle in Coningsby this morning and had two firsts for the year; Ringlet and Small Skipper. Nearby, now 3 White-letter Hairstreaks!"
Dave Wright reported: "With the sun eventually breaking through the murk late morning in the
Small Skipper (Dave Wright)
Grimsby area, decided to take a walk around Great Coates, negotiating the field margins and adopting a similar route as yesterday. Similar species noted, with the addition of a single Small Skipper, my first of the year!
Peter Liddle emailed: "Visited Chambers Farm Wood today and noted a Black Hairstreak at Fiveways and a single Painted Lady at Minting Triangle."
Paul Daubney emailed: "I've seen an interesting butterfly at Ashings Lane Nature Reserve near
Green-veined White (Paul Daubney)
Dunholme. I would describe it as a leucistic Green-veined White, the veins being a pinky-brown colour and no other obvious markings."
Mark Johnson emailed: "Thought a trip to Robert's Field LWT Nature Reserve was in order today, due to the dire weather forecast predicted for tomorrow. Nine species of butterfly seen across the two fields and incuded the following - 80 Meadow Brown, 5 Ringlet, 17 Small Heath, 60 Dark Green Fritillary, 4 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Marbled White, 3 Large Skipper, 1 Brimstone and a Speckled Wood. Also, 2 Burnet Companion moths. From here I then went down to the River
White-legged Damselfly (Mark Johnson)
Welland at Stamford to find White-legged Damselfly and wasn't disappointed. In the short distance I covered I noted at least 150, with a supporting cast of 75+ Banded Demoiselle. On the butterfly front, found my first Small Skipper of the year here, with 1 Red Admiral, 3 Small Tortoiseshell, 2 Small White and a Large Skipper."
Dark Green Fritillary mating pair (Mark Johnson)
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Ringlet (Dave Wright)
Dave Wright reported: "Had 2 Ringlets this afternoon, the first along a wide field margin near Great Coates and the second in a small meadow at the back of Grimsby West Substation. Also had counts of 24 Meadow Brown, 21 Small Tortoiseshells, 1 Large Skipper, 1 Common Blue and 26 Silver Y moths."
Mike Pickwell emailed: "Returned to Gooseman's Field in Grimsby today, where Small
Red Admiral (Mike Pickwell)Tortoiseshell were too numerous to count! I also found the following - 1 (possibly 2) Painted Lady, 23 Meadow Brown, 3 Red Admiral, 8 Large Skipper, 4 Small Heath, 3 Common Blue, 5 Silver Y, 1 Yellow Shell and 3 Middle-barred Minor moths. I also had a female Broad-bodied Chaser, which is a first for me at this site."
Nige Lound emailed: "I trapped the southern end of the East Dunes at Gib Point NNR (known as the Ringing Hollow) overnight, but was let down by the weather forecast. The reality was a clear sky,
Dark Spectacle (Nige Lound)
overnight low of 9 degrees and low lying mist so that everything was soaking wet by first light. Not surprisingly I only managed 106 moths of 39 species. New for the year were Dark Spectacle, Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Short-cloaked Moth, Ghost Moth (female) and Kent Black Arches. Anania perlucidalis and Pyrausta despicata were new for the year on the micro front."
Monday 15th June 2020: White-letter Hairstreak in Coningsby!
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Just seen my first White-letter Hairstreaks of the year; 2 in Coningsby. These are the earliest I've seen this butterfly in Lincolnshire. Also saw a Hummingbird
Blotched Emerald (Andy Sims)Hawkmoth nearby on the Pingle."
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "A Blotched Emerald was the best from last night's catch in the garden trap."
Roy Harvey emailed: "Travelled to Redhill LWT Nature Reserve today and found at least 10
Marbled White (Roy Harvey)Marbled Whites. There were a couple in the field near the car park, where the vegetation is much shorter than usual, and the rest were along the upper track beside the adjacent field that the Trust doesn't own. Also saw my first Ringlets of the year, plus Meadow Brown, Small Heath, CommonBlue, Small Tortoiseshell and Large Skipper."
Sunday 14th June 2020
Eyed Hawkmoth (Mark Johnson)
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "141 moths of 36 species in this morning's garden trap, the highlight being this Eyed Hawkmoth. Setaceous Hebrew Character were the most numerous with 57.
Nige Lound emailed: "Overnight I trapped in the West Dunes at Gibraltar Point NNR. Conditions were far from ideal, with thick mist/sea fret and a light northerly breeze all night, and the temperature dipping to 10 degrees. Despite this I was rewarded with 329 moths of 61 species. Highlights were 2 Archer'sDart, 3 Sand Dart, and singles of Blackneck, Haworth's Pug, Blue-bordered Carpet, RosyWave, Fern, Shore Wainscot and Star-wort. Supporting cast included 7 Privet Hawkmoth, 15 Elephant and 2 Small Elephant Hawkmoth."
Mike Pickwell messaged: "Visited Gooseman's Field in Grimsby today and had my first Painted Lady of the year. Large numbers of Small Tortoiseshells about too and also noted Red Admiral, Meadow Brown and Large Skipper."
Richard Smith emailed: "Had a walk round a 'brownfield' site in Grantham today and noted 7 Large Skippers, 4 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Common Blue, 2 Speckled Wood and a Small Heath. Later, while I was locking up the yard on an industrial estate nearby, I noticed a Hummingbird Hawkmoth nectaring on Red Valerian."
Harry Turner phoned: "Had 7 Marbled Whites today, my first of the year, at Redhill LWT Nature Reserve.
Pete Smith emailed: "Took a trip to south Lincolnshire today. Dark Green Fritillary out in good
Marbled White (Pete smith)
numbers at Robert's Field LWT Nature Reserve. At least 50 seen, mainly fresh males patrolling the area in search of females. A trip to Swayfield Drift on the way home produced just one Marbled White, but well over 100 Small Tortoiseshells! And a final stop at Ancaster produced a further 7 Marbled Whites. Small Heath seen at all three sites, along with a few Red Admirals, plenty of Meadow Browns, occasional Speckled Wood and Common Blue. All in all a highly excellent day."
Dark Green Fritillary (Pete Smith)
Saturday 13th June 2020
Dave Wright reported: "A two hour circuit of Healing this morning, taking in the various public footpaths and field margins, produced my first Painted Lady of the year. Also noted 4 Red Admiral, 34 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 LargeWhite, 8 Meadow Brown, 1 Large Skipper and a male Common Blue. Moths included 7 Silver Y and 2 Cinnabar,and a new dragonfly species for the year came in the form of a fine male EmperorDragonfly, hawking for insects over a small meadow to the rear of the church. This afternoon paid a brief visit to Cleethorpes Country Park and had counts of 39 Meadow Brown, 12 Large Skipper, 10 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Peacock, 2 Common Blue and 1 Large White. Also noted 5Mother Shipton moths and my first Six-spot Burnet moth of the year."
Toby Ludlow phoned: "This afternoon visited the Pingle, my local nature reserve in Coningsby, and had my first Painted Lady of the year. Also noted singles of Small White, Red Admiral and Speckled Wood. 2 Silver Y moths and a Brown Hawker dragonfly, my first of the year, were also noteworthy."
Wednesday 10th June 2020
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "A lovely Marbled Coronet was new for my garden this morning. Making up a nice trio were Varied Coronet and 2 Broad-barred White."
Marbled Coronet (Andy Sims)
Tuesday 9th June 2020
Ian McGlynn emailed: "Visited Robert's Field LWT Nature Reserve today and saw 7 Dark Green Fritillaries."
Brian Hedley emailed: "A two hour circuit of Marton village this morning produced counts of 75Small Tortoiseshells, 55 Large Skippers, 26 Meadow Browns, 4 Green-veined Whites and a Red Admiral."
Dave Wright reported: "Having not seen a butterfly for about a week and with a vast improvement
Small Tortoiseshell (Dave Wright)
in the weather today, decided to venture out and visited Irby Dales, just outside Grimsby. A few species on the wing, including 29 Small Tortoiseshell, 6 Meadow Brown, 1 Red Admiral and 3 Small White. Also noted a Red Admiral in my Grimsby garden."
Mark Johnson emailed: "Visited Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR this afternoon and concentrated on the Rimac area. Apart from 62 Small Heath, butterfly numbers were very low - 2 Large Skipper, 9 Common Blue, 1 Speckled Wood and 1 Peacock. Thankfully lots of dragonflies about with 1 EmperorDragonfly and 12 Ruddy Darter, being my first of the year. Also noted 2 Hairy Dragonfly still on the wing."
Nige Lound emailed: "252 moths of 49 species overnight at Heath's Meadow. Highlights were my
Double Dart (Nige Lound)
2nd ever Double Dart and a new micro for me, the splendidly named Calybites phasianipennella. 4 species of Hawkmoth - Elephant, Eyed, Pine and Privet, 6 Buff-tip and female Ghost Moth the best of the rest."
Sunday 7th June 2020
Pale Oak Beauty (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "This morning the garden trap produced a Pale Oak Beauty, which was the highlight of last night's catch."
Saturday 6th June 2020
Toby Ludlow messaged: "The 'June Gap' has converged with extremely poor weather conditions, with cold temperatures and high wind speeds, meaning that butterflies are very scarce commodities at the moment. Nevertheless, in an almost freak 30 minutes of sunshine today, paid a visit to Kirkby Moor LWT Nature Reserve, where amongst the sheltered rides 4 Speckled Woods and a single Large Skipper were flying. The weather soon deteriorated, but I was surprised to flush 41 Common Heath moths in a walk back over the heath along the main stone track."
Dave Wright reported: "Mark Johnson sent me the attached photographs below, illustrating the devastating impact the Environment Agency is having on our coastal embankments. This habitat is rich in flora and vital for pollinators and a huge variety of other insects. The photograph (below left) was taken on Saturday 30th May and during his visit Mark noted a good number of Common Blue and Small Heath. The latter species is regarded as UKBAP: Priority GB Red List: NearThreatened. So imagine his dismay, when he returned to the same site today and witnessed the EA out in force and the photograph (below right) was the result of their work. At this point it is well to remember EA's pledge - The Environment Agency is committed to achieving best environmental practice for all its activities and is bound by its statuary obligations towards sustainable development under the Environment Act of 1995. Not on the evidence of these photographs!! Both Mark and myself share the belief that this is nothing short of environmental vandalism!!
Donna Nook Realignment (Mark Johnson)
Friday 5th June 2020: Mega Moth!
Lunar Double-stripe (Martin Gray)
Martin Gray emailed: "A Lunar Double-stripe moth was trapped overnight in the garden of John Jaines near South Cockerington. A rare migrant and another one new to the county. What a week!
Thursday 4th June 2020
Dave Wright reported: Just received the following article of an amazing discovery by Toby Ludlow and, although not strictly kosher because it was discovered over the county border in Northamptonshire, thought it was extremely interesting and worthy of note here:
"Paid a trip to Glapthorn Cow Pastures on Friday 29th May 2020 and enjoyed seeing approximately 60 Black Hairstreaks. Whilst there, I witnessed 2 female Black Hairstreaks egg-laying approximately 8 foot up in the Blackthorn. After a female had flown off, I examined the Blackthorn and found the last egg that had been laid, which was only a couple of seconds old. The egg was an amazing colour, a vibrant pink-purple, and different to the blue-green colour stated in some texts. In total, I found 4 eggs, which were all this pink-purple colour. Also, considering how early adult Black Hairstreaks have been recorded this year, I imagine that these eggs are among the earliest that have been discovered?"
Black Hairstreak egg (Toby Ludlow)
Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Ian McGlynn emailed: "I can't believe I saw my first Dark Green Fritillary of the year today, on private land near Robert's Field LWT Nature Reserve."
Brian Hedley emailed: "A morning circuit of Marton village/Trent Port area today resulted in counts
Mullein larvae (Brian Hedley)
of 49 Large Skippers, 25 Small Tortoiseshells, 7 Speckled Woods, 3 Green-veined Whites, 1Small White and 3 Meadow Browns (my first of the year). A single Chimney Sweeper moth also noted. At the allotment at Knaith, I found at least 40 Mullein moth caterpillars on Great Mullein."
Karen and Sarah Hand emailed: "We decided to head back to Chambers today and were chuffed
Triaxomera fulvimitrella (Karen and Sarah Hand)
to see another specimen of the lovely little micro Triaxomera fulvimitrella, but this time it stayed around long enough for a photo, enabling us to confirm its ID. Martin Gray says that it is quite rare in Lincs, with only about 10 previous records, and has never been recorded at Chambers before.
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "Warm and cloudy conditions produced an excellent night for moths in N E Lincolnshire, with 41 species being a record for my garden in June. 14 new for the year and included Scorched Wing, Lime Hawkmoth, Eyed Hawkmoth, Small Elephant Hawkmoth, Lime-speck Pug, Green Pug, Poplar Kitten, Mottled Rustic and Large Nutmeg."
Nige Lound emailed: "I gained permission to trap for the first time at Wolla Bank Pit overnight.
Flame Wainscot (Nige Lound)
Despite a low of only 10 degrees 115 moths of 38 species put in an appearance. Highlights were a single Flame Wainscot and 2 Striped Wainscot."
Monday 1st June 2020: Chambers Farm Wood car park closed!
Dave Wright reported: "Many thanks to Mark Johnson who sent me these images in relation to the closure of the car park at Chambers Farm Wood."
Pete Smith emailed: "Just had a rather unexpected sighting in the Limewoods, on a patch of rough grassland near Black Plantation, Goltho - a Small Heath. That might not seem especially exciting to those used to seeing this species on the coast or at one of its remaining inland strongholds, but in the central Lincolnshire Limewoods this species pretty much disappeared about 15 years ago. Formerly common in Little Scrubbs Meadow and elsewhere, my last Limewoods sightings for Small Heath were at Southrey Wood in 2006, Tupholme in 2005, and Little Scrubbs in 2004, so today's Small Heath was quite remarkable!
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Spent the day wandering around Crowle Moor today. It was great to catch up with Large Heath again, but I had to work hard to build up a tally of 20. Apart from those, there was little else on the butterfly front: a solitary Large Skipper and a single Peacock, which was possibly the largest Peacock I've ever seen! Moths included 2 Common White Waves and 7 Brown Silver-lines. However, for those interested in dragonflies, there was an impressive number of Four-spotted Chasers; I stopped counting at 200 and certainly reckon there was 2000+! I also saw 12 Hairy Dragonflies and a few Black-tailed Skimmers."
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "This morning the garden trap produced 96 moths
Emperor Moth larva (Mark Johnson)
of 21 species, with Privet Hawkmoth, Small Elephant Hawkmoth, GardenPebble and Figure of Eighty all new for the year. Later on, I decided on another visit to Snakeholme Pit in an attempt to photograph the Red-eyed Damselflies and managed to find this 3rd instar EmperorMoth larva near the pond."
Karen and Sarah Hand emailed: "We had a trip to Chambers today and spotted an unusual moth.
Dichomeris ustalella (Karen and Sarah Hand)
It looked interesting to us at the time, as we didn't recognise it, but it was only when we checked the ID book that we realised what a good find it actually was. It is Dichomeris ustalella which is extremely rare and is only found at a couple of sites in the UK, none of them anywhere near Lincolnshire. It feeds on Lime, so Chambers is the perfect habitat - hopefully a previously undiscovered population there? Obviously a 1st for Lincs and there may be only about 10 previous records of this species in the UK! It is worth mentioning that if anyone is planning on going to Chambers, there is no vehicular access, although the site is technically still open to visitors on foot."
Richard Smith emailed: "Two years ago I visited an area of wasteland near the park in Grantham and found nothing. However, today I noted 2 Dingy Skipper, 6 Grizzled Skipper, 1 Large Skipper, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 8 Common Blue and 12 Small Heath. It's a lovely big sheltered area with mature Lime trees along the River Witham and would make a great extension to Dysart Park as a wild butterfly/conservation area. Sadly I expect it will eventually end up as housing."
May 2020
Sunday 31st May 2020
Meadow Brown (Dave Wright)
Dave Wright reported: "Did a circular walk today from Donington on Bain which incorporated part of the Viking Way. Hardly a butterfly to be seen, until we reached a small section of bridleway between Benniworth House and Benniworth Haven. Here, a sheltered hedgerow produced my first Meadow Brown of the year and also included the following - 6 Small Heath, 4 Large Skipper, 2 SmallTortoiseshell, 2 Large White and a female Brimstone. Also noted a single Banded Demoiselle on the River Bain."
James Smith emailed: "Visited Cleethorpes Country Park this afternoon and had 2 MeadowBrown,my first of the year, along with 2 Small Copper, 3 Small Tortoiseshell and 1 Orange-tip."
Mark and Sally Johnson emailed: "Spent the afternoon at Snakeholme Pit and was amazed to find
Dingy Skipper (Sally Johnson)
a very tatty Dingy Skipper. Also saw 2 Common Blues, 2 Brimstones, 1 Comma and 3 Large Skippers, including a pair mating. The place was alive with dragonflies, most notably 1 HairyDragonfly, 3 Banded Demoiselles and literally hundreds of Red-eyed Damselfies. Briefly visited Goslings Corner Wood LWT Nature Reserve on the way home and noted our first Meadow Brown of the year."
Saturday 30th May 2020
Brian Hedley emailed: "A circuit around Trent Port (Marton) this morning produced 19 Large Skippers, 9 Small Tortoiseshells, 2 Peacocks, 2 Speckled Woods, 2 Red Admirals and a Green-veined White. Still lacking some other species that should be frequent now."
Ian McGlynn emailed: "Saw my first Meadow Brown of the year today at Horbling Line LWT Nature Reserve, near Sleaford."
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Popped over to Chambers Farm Wood this afternoon. On entering Little
Small Yellow Underwing (Toby Ludlow)
Scrubbs Meadow, I spotted a Small Yellow Underwing, a pretty day-flying moth that is easily overlooked. A walk around the Meadow including the Extension and Annex, produced a count of 158 Marsh Fritillaries - numbers seem to have dropped considerably from last week and none looked fresh. Also in the meadows were 2 Common Blues and 2 Six-spot Burnet moths, but very little else! Back at the Education Centre 3 Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoths graced the Red Valerian.
Freddy Johnson from Bracebridge Heath emailed: "My wife photographed a butterfly this morning, but by the time she had called me into the garden to take a look, it had flown. Only turned out to be a Marsh Fritillary!"
Dave Wright reported: "Visited Benniworth Walk Farm today at the invitation of Laura Gundy and spent a few hours walking a circuit around the estate. It was refreshing to see the amount of land set-aside for wildlife, but unfortunately the cool easterly breeze whipping through this part of the Wolds, meant that butterfly numbers were low. However, we did manage a count of 20 SmallHeath and also noted the following - 2 Small Copper, 3 Common Blue, 5 Brown Argus, 3 Large Skipper, 1 Red Admiral, 9 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Brimstone, 1 Small White, 5 Green-veined White and 3 Orange Tip. Moths included 4 Brown Silver-line, 4 Silver Ground Carpet and a Silver Y. We also noted 4 species of damselfly and included 15+ Red-eyed Damselfly nearby on Benniworth Haven."
Friday 29th May 2020: Painted Lady at Barton!
Graham Catley emailed: "Painted Lady this morning along Horkstow Road at Barton."
Chris Atkin messaged: "Spent the day at Donna Nook NNR and noteworthy butterfly sightings included a minimum of 80 Small Heath, 10 Green Hairstreak and 6 Large Skipper. The highlight for me though, was undoubtedly a Hoopoe flushed from a field edge, south of the Quad 2 tower."
Andrew Kurch phoned: "Visited my local patch today, a small grassland site just off Wesward Ho in Grimsby, and noted the following: 3 Holly Blue, 2 Common Blue, 2 Small Tortoiseshell (new brood), 1 Speckled Wood and 2 Large Skipper."
Dave Wright reported: "Visited Cleethorpes Country Park this afternoon for the first time since the start of lockdown. A few species noted including 3 Large Skipper, 4 Common Blue and a Mother Shipton.
Common Blue mating pair (Dave Wright)
Thursday 28th May 2020
Dave Wright reported: "Had a walk in my local area this afternoon, but very little on the wing, apart from a few Orange Tips and a Large Skipper along a field margin at Great Coates. However, a Hairy Dragonfly at Freshney Bog was a totally unexpected find and a first for me in the Grimsby area.
Andrew Kurch phoned: "Visited Cleethorpes Coast LNR this morning and had 5 Green Hairstreak, 1 Brown Argus and 21 Common Blue."
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Paid a visit to Woodhall Spa Airfield LWT Nature Reserve and, despite ideal weather conditions, only managed to record one species of butterfly, the Common Blue, with 19 seen. Also saw singles of Mother Shipton, Cinnabar and Yellow Shell moths. It was good to see 4 Black-tailed Skimmer dragonflies though!"
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "The trap revealed 119 moths of 25 species today and produced a nice Shark and Mullein, the latter being new for the garden."
Mullein and Shark (Mark Johnson)
Wednesday 27th May 2020
Brown Argus (Dave Wright)
Dave Wright reported: Following a successful first visit of the year to Nettleton LNR last Wednesday, I decided to return there this morning. Just after my arrival a superb Red Kite appeared overhead, before eventually drifting away over the hillside. Only 1 Green Hairstreak today, but the number of Small Heath had risen to 37. Also
Common Blue (Dave Wright)
noted 2 Small Copper, 2 Common Blue, 3 Brown Argus, 1 Orange Tip, 1 Small White, 3 Green-veined White, 8 Cinnabar and 2 Mother Shipton. From here, I went to my friend's house at Wold Farm, just down the road, and a search of the hillside behind his house produced the following - 43 Small Heath, 1 Small Copper, 3 Common Blue, 2 Brown Argus, 2 Red Admiral, 1 Peacock, 2 Speckled Wood, 3 Orange Tip, 6 Brimstone, 1 Large White, 1 Small White and 2 Green-veined White. Moths included 8 Silver Ground Carpet, 3 Cinnabar and a Chimney Sweeper."
Phil Bowler emailed: "Brand new Small Tortoiseshell in my Amber Hill garden today, the earliest I have recorded the new brood."
Tuesday 26th May 2020
Dave Wright reported: "Decided to leave the car at home today and stay local. Visited the Great Coates section of the Pyewipe Line and noted the following - 2 Large Skipper, 18 Common Blue, 4Brown Argus, 3 Orange Tip, 2 Large White, 1 Small White, 3 Green-veined White and a single Small Tortoiseshell. Nearby, a small drain produced a Banded Demoiselle, my first of the year and the first time I've seen this species in the Pyewipe area of Grimsby!"
Graham Catley messaged: "Had a Wall today along the River Ancholme, just south of the railway bridge."
Keith Robinson messaged: "3 Wall at Covenham Reservoir today and also found a Small Magpie moth."
Phil Lee from Misterton emailed: "The attached Sloe Pug is a new moth for us and was in the
Sloe Pug (Phil Lee)
garden trap last night, along with an Alder Moth which is new for the garden."
Pete Burnett from Fiskerton emailed: "A Mother Shipton moth was briefly in our garden this afternoon, not only new for the garden, but new for me!"
Richard Smith emailed: "Recently had a look at Little Ponton Quarry and noted lots of Small Heath and Common Blue,with singles of Orange Tip and Brimstone. Also found 4 Dingy Skipper, but no Grizzled Skipper or Green Hairstreak. Sunny and warm with light winds today and so visited the site again, but had similar sightings as before, with the addition of a single GrizzledSkipper. Later had a quick look at Colsterworth new road cutting to bridge over the A1 at 16.30 and found 8 Dingy Skipper, 6 Common Blue and 6 Small Heath."
Bank Holiday Monday 25th May 2020: Dingy Skipper found at RSPB Frampton Marsh and first Large Heath and Meadow Brown of the year!
Anthony Bentley reported: "I found a Dingy Skipper at RSPB Frampton Marsh today, a first for the site and seemingly fairly out of range!"
Alan Daws reported: "Visited Crowle Moor North NNR today and was surprised to find 2 early Large Heath. Also noted 3 Brimstone, 1 Large White, 3 Green-veined White, 1 Red Admiral, 3 Peacock, 4 Small Tortoiseshell and 1 Small Copper.
Graham Catley messaged: "Had my first Meadow Brown of the year today at Alkborough."
Dave Wright reported: "Down the coast again today at Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes
Large Skipper (Dave Wright)
NNR, and covered the section of the reserve from Sea View to Churchill Lane. 2 Large Skipper were my first of the year and also noted - 98 Small Heath, 1 Wall, 34 Common Blue, 1 Brown Argus, 2 Green Hairstreak, 5 Peacock, 1 Orange Tip, 1 Large White and 1 Green-veinedWhite. Moths included 1 Silver Ground Carpet, 2 Mother Shipton, 3 Burnet Companion and 4 Cinnabar. Plenty of dragonflies on the wing and the highlight for me was a total of 6 Hairy Dragonfly. Also heard 2 Turtle Dove, a rare sound these days!"
Phil Bowler emailed: "Recorded a rare sighting from my Amber Hill butterfly garden today, a SmallHeath being chased by the first Large Skipper of the season. The Small Heath used to be quite common here until 2001, but they were not seen again until 2011, since when there have been a few sightings most years. Hopefully this nice weather will encourage them back again."
Mark Johnson emailed: The trap produced 94 moths of 34 species last night. Highlight was
Pine Hawkmoth (Mark Johnson)
undoubtedly a Pine Hawkmoth and new for the garden! First Elephant Hawkmoth of the year too, with 15 Common Swift, 13 Treble Lines and 13 Setaceous Hebrew Character being the most numerous. Also, had an early walk to Pye's Hall this morning and noted 7 Green Hairstreak, 1 Wall, 21 Small Heath, 1 Small Copper, 5 Common Blue, 2 Peacock and 2 Green-veined White."
Nige Lound emailed: "Trapped in the Ringing Holow at Gibraltar Point NNR and caught 298 moths of 51 species. Five species of hawkmoth - Elephant Hawkmoth, Eyed Hawkmoth, PoplarHawkmoth, Privet Hawkmoth and Small Elephant Hawkmoth - plus singletons of Gib 'specials', Sand Dart, Rosy Wave and Lyme Grass, made for a worthwhile outing."
Laura Gundy messaged: "A Small Elephant Hawkmoth in my Benniworth Walk Farm garden trap this morning, a first for me. Later visited Sotby Meadow LWT Nature Reserve and found 3 freshly emerged Common Blues, with lots of Grass Rivulet moths flying about. Finished the day at Silverines Meadow LWT Nature Reserve, near Goulceby and noted several Chimney Sweeper moths."
Sunday 24th May 2020
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Had my first Large Skipper of the year today in a sheltered corner of the small wood at the back of the house. Also found two moth caterpillars - Mottled Umber and Common Quaker."
Dave Wright reported: "Travelled down to Little Ponton Quarry today and met up with Toby Ludlow. We were later joined by Adrian Royle and I hasten to add that social distancing was adhered to at all times! Despite the blustery conditions we noted the following - 3 Grizzled Skipper, 13 Dingy Skipper, 11 Small Heath, 4 Green Hairstreak, 9 Common Blue, 1 Red Admiral, 2 Orange Tip, 3Brimstone, 1 Small White and 1 Green-veined White. Moths included 3 Burnet Companion, 1 Yellow Shell and 2 Cinnabar. Later, we paid a brief visit to South Witham LWT Protected Roadside Verge and saw 1 Dingy Skipper, 5 Brown Argus, 3 Common Blue, 2 Large White, 2 Small White, 2 Green-veined White, 2 Brimstone, 1 Orange Tip, 1 Peacock, 19 Burnet Companion and 1Latticed Heath."
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "The trap produced 28 species last night and the highlight for me was a Puss Moth, my first for the garden. Other highlights included Lime Hawkmoth, 5 Elephant Hawkmoth, Peppered Moth and Burnished Brass."
Thursday 21st May 2020
Glaucous Shears (Andy Sims)
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "Didn't want to be left out so I also caught a Glaucous Shears last night. New for my garden and VC53. I understand that 4 have now been caught in Lincolnshire this month. The trap produced 59 moths of 25 species, with other notables being 2 Alder Moth, Scorched Wing, 6 Elephant Hawkmoth, 2 Poplar Hawkmoth, Figure of Eighty and 21 Treble Lines!"
Nige Lound emailed: "Trapped at a new venue for me - Heath's Meadow, and had 182 moths of 38 species. Highlights were Least Black Arches, Mullein and Yellow-barred Brindle. Treble Lines was the most numerous species with 45."
Wednesday 20th May 2020: Green Hairstreak discovered at Nettleton!
Green Hairstreak (Dave Wright)
Dave Wright reported: "This morning I paid my first visit of the year to Nettleton Local Nature Reserve and was amazed to find 7 Green Hairstreak. Five of them were at the top of the hill, along a sheltered hedgerow and seemed to favour a small patch of flowering Elder. I wonder how many more colonies are waiting to be discovered in the more remote corners of the Wolds? Also noted 8 Small Heath, 1 Common Blue, 7 Orange Tip, 1 Large White, 1 Small White and 2 Green-veined White. Moths included 3 Mother Shipton, my first of the year, and 1 Cinnabar. Nearby I had a further 7 Small Heath, including a pair mating, and a single Common Blue at Wold Farm.
Pete Smith emailed: "Just been out to Chambers today and can report Marsh Fritillaries in their
Marsh Fritillary (Pete Smith)hundreds at Little Scrubs Meadow, plus 10 at Minting Triangle, one half way along the main track to Fiveways, and 2 in the meadow behind the butterfly garden. Females already busy egg-laying in the meadow.
Toby Ludlow phoned: "A brief visit to Kirkby Moor LWT nature reserve this morning produced a glimpse of a Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoth. Also, 12 Small Copper, 2 Brown Argus, 17 Brimstone, Holly Blue and 2 second brood Speckled Wood."
Richard Smith emailed: "Had a look near Barkston today and had 13 Grizzled Skipper, 8 SmallHeath, Red Admiral and Common Blue."
Phil Bowler emailed: "At Little Scrubbs Meadow today and although the numbers of MarshFritillary were notably down fro the last two years, they still amassed a minimum of 347. As before they had spread out into the rides leading to the meadow, loving Cow Parsley. I saw one on the main ride heading to Fiveways, but did not go as far as Minting Triangle, where there is an abundance of Devil's Bit Scabious. Contrarily, along the rides I covered to and from the meadow, I did not see any Speckled Wood or Brimstone! In the meadow there was just 1 Common Blue, 5Dingy Skipper and a Latticed Heath moth. I saw no Small Copper or Brown Argus, and only 2 Orange Tip and 4 Green-veined White. 3 Peacock and a Comma were the only other butterflies of note. A day of extremes indeed, but wonderful to see the Marsh Fritillary in amazing numbers for the third year running - they could increase in numbers yet of course."
Tuesday 19th May 2020
Seraphim (Phil Lee)
Phil Lee from Misterton emailed: "The attached Seraphim turned up in the garden trap last night and is a first for the garden. Still awaiting Glaucous Shears, there has been 2 in Notts so far this year!"
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "30 species in the trap from last night and this is a record for my garden in May! New for the year were Blood-vein, Angle Shades, Scalloped Hazel f. nigra, Grey Dagger, 3 Coronet, Lychnis, 3 Common Marbled Carpet, Uncertain, Clouded Silver, Marbled Minor agg and a Bee Moth."
Monday 18th May 2020
Orange Tip Larva (Mark Johnson)
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Checked the Garlic Mustard in the garden this afternoon and found two freshly hatched 3 millimetre Orange Tip larvae. Happy days!"
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "23 species in the trap this morning with Orange Footman new for the garden. Other moths included Figure of Eighty, Pebble Hook-tip, Pebble Prominent, Scalloped Hazel, Swallow Prominent, Flame Carpet, Spectacle, Chinese Character and 3 Vine's Rustic."
Pete Burnett from Fiskerton emailed: "Found a Puss Moth on the garden fence this afternoon, a garden first!"
Sunday 17th May 2020
Female Brimstone and Egg (Mark Johnson)
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Whilst watching Azure Damselflies emerge from our garden pond, a female Brimstone flew in and visited the buckthorn. She was extremely busy egg-laying for 20 minutes or more and returned at least four more times throughout the day. Yesterday there were no eggs, but by the end of today a quick count revealed 58!
Dave Wright reported: "Refreshing to get away from my local area today and so headed for the
Small Heath (Dave Wright)
coast. Ended up at Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR and concentrated on the areas around Sea View and Rimac. The day didn't start too well when I noticed that a small embankment adjacent to Paradise Pool had been totally shaved by the so called Environment Agency! This site is particularly rich in flora and traditionally good for Wall, but sadly not this Spring! Hoping that the day could only get better, I wasn't disappointed, with a good selection of butterflies including 63 Small Heath. Also noted the following - 6 Wall, 12 Green Hairstreak, 2 Small Copper, 1 BrownArgus, 19 Common Blue, male Brimstone, 2 Orange Tip, 20 Peacock and a Small White. Also saw my first Cinnabar moth and Burnet Companion of the year and it was great to hear Cuckoo again, with at least three birds in the area."
Richard Smith emailed: "Decided to have a search for Grizzled Skipper in the Great Ponton area and managed to find a total of 12, along with 14 Dingy Skipper. Other species noted included Common Blue, Brimstone and Small Heath."
Martin Gray from Broadholme emailed: "This Glaucous Shears was in my garden trap this
Glaucous Shears (Martin Gray)
morning, probably dispersed away from its usual moorland habitat."
Colin Watkin in response to Martin's post emailed: "I trapped one in my Notts garden last Friday, perhaps they're immigrants!
Laura Gundy emailed: "A day to lift the spirits - a nest of Small Tortoiseshell caterpillars on a field margin at Benniworth Walk Farm and a Puss Moth sitting on my garden fence - the first one I have ever seen!"
Small Tortoiseshell Larvae and Puss Moth (Laura Gundy)
Saturday 16th May 2020
Buff-tip (Brian Hedley)
Brian Hedley emailed: "Moths recorded from the garden trap here at Marton last night, comprised of 17 species of 21 individuals including Buff-tip, Waved Umber, Common Marbled Carpet, Peppered Moth and Pale Tussock."
Alan Daws messaged: "Had my first trip out today and visited Wold Farm at Nettleton, where I had my first Common Blue of the year. Also noted 4 Small Heath, a male Brimstone, 4 Orange Tip and a Green-veined White.
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "A few moths in the garden trap tonight including Pale Tussock and a fine Yellow-barred Brindle. Also 2 new micros for the garden - Espheriasulphurella and Elachista argentella."
Friday 15th May 2020: Green Hairstreak discovered at Moor Farm LWT nature reserve.
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Decided to have a walk round two Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust reserves close to home today: Moor Farm and Kirkby Moor. Most species were out in low numbers, but thankfully Small Coppers showed well, with a final tally of of 59. A supporting cast of 16 Brimstones were a welcome addition. Of note were my first Brown Argus and first Small Heath of 2020. But the 'piecede resistance' was a Green Hairstreak I discovered at Moor Farm, the first time I've seen this species there.
Thursday 14th May 2020
Mark Johnson emailed: "At Donna Nook NNR today and walked from Stonebridge car park to Pye's Hall and had 47 GreenHairstreaks, 5 Walls, 1 Small Copper, 1 Small Heath, 2 Peacocks, 1 Speckled Wood, 1 Holly Blue, 6 Cinnabar moths and 2 Mother Shipton moths.
Dave Wright reported: "Despite the cold and frosty start to the day, warm and sunny conditions
prevailed by mid-afternoon and so I was off across the fields towards Healing. The usual butterflies were present, with the odd Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock still on the wing. However, a nice sheltered field margin near Great Coates produced a male Common Blue, my first for this site and a pristine Red Admiral."
Graham Catley messaged: "First Wall reported at Alkborough today."
Wednesday 13th May 2020
Adrian Royle emailed: "With the easing of travel restrictions decided to pop over to Chambers Farm Wood and was surprised to find quite a few Marsh Fritillaries out and about in Little Scrubbs Meadow at 09:30. At least 20, possibly more and also a single Dingy Skipper."
Alison Brownlow emailed: "First Cinnabar moth seen flying today at Kettlethorpe."
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Emptying the trap today in my garden at Coningsby was a bit like after the 'Lord Mayor's Show'! Only 2 moths, a Flame Shoulder, new for the year, and a Heart andDart."
Tuesday 12th May 2020
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Found these two moth caterpillars today in the small wood at the back of the house - Green-brindled Crescent (top) and Feathered Thorn."
Sunday 10th May 2020
Mark Johnson emailed: "The garden trap overnight here at North Somercotes produced the following - 1 Spectacle, 1 Dark Sword-grass, 1 Chocolate-tip, 1 Pebble Prominent, 1 Swallow Prominent, 1 Muslin Moth, 1 Cinnabar,2 Green Carpet, 2 Shuttle-shaped Dart, 2 Clouded-bordered Brindle and 1 Heart and Dart.
Toby Ludlow from Coningsby phoned: "The garden trap produced 38 moths of 22 species this morning, a great improvement on recent nights and included a number of firsts for the year - BeeMoth, Orange Footman, Rustic Shoulder-knot, Lesser Swallow Prominent, Scorched Carpet, 2Waved Umber and a superb Lime Hawkmoth."
Saturday 9th May 2020
Andrew Kurch phoned: "Had a great morning at Cleethorpes Coast LNR and the warm sheltered side of the dunes produced the following: 11 Green Hairstreak, 4 Brown Argus, 5 Common Blue, 2 Small Copper, 7 Orange Tip, 1 Comma, 2 Peacock, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Large White and 3Green-veined White."
Dave Wright reported: "Had a walk down to the Pyewipe Line today and covered the small section at Great Coates. Great to see my first Common Blue and Brown Argus of the year, and noted a good number of the usual butterflies including 13 Orange Tip (10 male and 3 female) and also a Treble-bar moth."
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "The garden trap this morning produced the
following: 3 Chocolate-tip, 3 Cinnabar, 1 Muslin Moth, 1 Rustic Shoulder-knot, 1 Flame Shoulder, 1 Common Swift and 1 Shuttle-shaped Dart. Also checked the Garlic Mustard that we planted a couple of weeks ago and found 9 Orange Tip eggs (see attached)."
Toby Ludlow from Coningsby messaged: "Rummaged through the garden trap today and there's been a partial release of the 'lockdown' with 19 moths of 13 species. Iron Prominent and PebbleProminent were decent, with a cracking Blood-vein too and a really fresh Treble Lines."
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "This morning the garden trap produced 20 moths of 10 species and included Least Black Arches, Pebble Hook-tip, Pebble Prominent, 2 WavedUmber and a Bright-line Brown-eye."
Mark Schofield phoned: "A Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoth in the Butterfly Garden at Chambers Farm Wood today."
Friday 8th May 2020
Mark Johnson emailed: "In the garden trap this morning were 1 Chocolate-tip, 1 Herald, 2 Shuttle-shaped Dart, 3 Muslin Moth, 1 Poplar Hawkmoth, 1 Lychnis, 1 White Ermine, 1 Powdered Quaker and 1 Clouded-bordered Brindle."
Andy Sims emailed: "A bigger catch at Swanpool last night with 26 moths of 16 species. Highlights were Water Carpet, new for the year and my second Chocolate-tip of the year."
Howard Bunn phoned: "2 Common Blue, my first of the year, along the outer sand dunes at Northcoates Point this morning."
Richard Smith emailed: "A walk at Great Gonerby near Grantham today produced 3 Grizzled Skipper, Common Blue, Orange Tip, Green-veined White and Peacock."
Chris Atkin messaged: "Managed a visit to Donna Nook NNR and had 3 Common Blue, my first of the year, just south of Quad 3 tower. Also, 2 Common Blue, Brown Argus and 3 Wall between Quad 2 and Quad 3 towers. Also noted a minimum of 20 Green Hairstreak in the area."
Laura Gundy emailed: "On my walk along the old railway line on Benniworth Walk Farm, there
was a group of oak trees at one end of the track, whose branches in the sunshine were swarming with Green Longhorn MothsAdela reaumurella. Each branch had about 30 moths and with every high branch having its own little swarm, I estimated there must have been 2000 moths at least on just four trees!"
Thursday 7th May 2020
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "Only 6 moths in my garden trap this morning - highlights were this superb Puss Moth and a Cabbage Moth, both new for the year."
Toby Ludlow from Coningsby messaged: "Checked the garden trap this morning - I think the moths must be on 'lockdown' as well - only 5 moths in total! 4 Shuttle-shaped Darts and 1 Lychnis was the breakdown"
Wednesday 6th May 2020
Andy sims reported: "Only 7 moths in my Swanpool garden trap last night - 4 Muslin Moth, 1 Hebrew Character, 1 Shuttle-shaped Dart and a superb Lime Hawkmoth."
Tuesday 5th May 2020
Dave Wright reported: "This afternoon decided to take a walk from home to the Humber Bank and ended up at Pywipe Mills in Grimsby. Despite a cool Easterly breeze, the sheltered spots produced a few butterflies, including a good number of Orange Tips. However, 2 Broad-bodied Chasers were a totally unexpected find and my first dragonfly species of the year."
Toby Ludlow from Coningsby messaged: "A really cold breeze from the East was probably the reason that butterfly numbers were down today. On a walk close to home I saw a couple of Green-veined Whites, a brace of Orange Tips and a single Small White. Fortunately, 14 Small Coppers also braved the cold wind, but kept close to the ground for shelter. On returning home, had a Red Admiral in the garden."
Monday 4th May 2020
Incurvaria masculella
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Had a walk round the small wood at the back of the house this afternoon and lots of micros about. Clouds of Adela reaumurella buzzing around in the sunshine and on the hazel and hawthorn, Incurvaria masculella, Aspilapteryx tringipennella and Glyphipterix simpliciella.
Pete Burnett from Fiskerton emailed: "Caught a really nice Chocolate-tip in the garden trap last night."
Toby Ludlow from Coningsby phoned: "The garden trap produced a paltry 4 moths from last night, Green Carpet, Yellow-barred Brindle, Heart and Dart, and Brimstone Moth."
Sunday 3rd May 2020
Pete Burnet emailed: "My garden trap here at Fiskerton last night produced a very early Broom Moth. This species is not usually in flight until the end of May."
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "This morning's moths in the garden trap were as follows: 3 Muslin Moth, 2 Shuttle-shaped Dart, 1 Chocolate-tip, 1 Least Black Arches, 1 RubyTiger, 1 Red Twin-spot Carpet, 1 Rustic Shoulder-knot and 1 Dark Sword-grass."
Saturday 2nd May 2020
Toby Ludlow phoned: "A walk in the Coningsby area this afternoon produced 12 Small Copper."
Pete Roworth reported: "A Wall at Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe NNR today."
Ian McGlynn emailed: "My first Dingy Skipper of the year today, in a private field close to Robert's Field LWT Nature Reserve."
Friday 1st May 2020: First Wall of the year!
Anita and Richard Rowland emailed: "We had a Wall on a lawn in Burton-upon-Stather this afternoon."
Phil Lee emailed: "I've only trapped 30 species of macro moths so far this year in my Misterton
garden. This is par for the course, but out of the 30, 11 have been the earliest records ever, including the attached Poplar Hawkmoth which arrived during the night."
April 2020
Tuesday 28th April 2020
Andy Sims from Swanpool emailed: "Only 8 moths of 5 species in my trap this morning, but this Frosted Green was new for my garden. Also a Streamer, which was new for the year."
Monday 27th April 2020
Mark Johnson emailed: "At last! A few moths this morning in the garden trap. Pick of the bunch for us was our first ever Least Black Arches and one that we haven't had in years, a Waved Umber. Also in the trap were the following: 2 Chinese Character, 3 Common Quaker, 4 Hebrew Character, 1 Pebble Prominent, 1 Angle Shades, 1 Clouded Drab, 1 Ruby Tiger, 1 Swallow Prominent, 1Small Quaker, 1 Powdered Quaker,1 Diamond-back Moth and Cochylis atricapitana."
Sunday 26th April 2020
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Pretty dire still on the moth front, with the garden trap producing only 5 Hebrew Character, 2 Muslin Moth and a Powdered Quaker. In North Thoresby my sister reported a Purple Thorn, Flame Shoulder and another Powdered Quaker in her garden trap."
Saturday 25th April 2020
Phil Lee emailed: "The attached Chamomile Shark was found on the shed this morning beside the moth trap in my Misterton garden. It is a new moth for us and has been expected for a while. I seem to remember that Brian Hedley had one at Marton a few years ago and Samantha Batty had one near us at Austerfield."
Toby Ludlow phoned: "Had a walk on the Pingle, close to home at Coningsby this afternoon and had 3 Red Admiral and at least 12 Holly Blue."
Dave Wright reported: "Walked a circuit of Freshney Bog and Town's Holt in Grimsby this afternoon and noted a dramatic increase in the number of Small and Green-veined Whites on the wing as well as Orange Tips. Also saw my second Red Admiral of the year at Freshney Bog."
Friday 24th April 2020
Phil Bowler emailed: "Over the years there have been a few totally unexpected sightings in our Amber Hill butterfly garden. So, not being able to visit the more specialized nature reserves, gives me a great opportunity to not miss out on anything truly special, like the Green Hairstreak I stumbled across back in 2014. For saying that we have had so much uninterrupted sunshine, I am finding most species to be early, but as yet in low numbers. Yesterday I saw a Cinnabar moth in the garden, my earliest record, and on 21st April I saw an early Mint Moth. Today I noted a Red Admiral and 5 Brimstone. Other than that the list so far is: Large White, Small White, Green-veined White, Orange Tip (all males so far), Holly Blue, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Comma and Speckled Wood. Watch this space!"
Alison Brownlow from Kettlethorpe emailed: "Today I had several Green Longhorn moths 'dancing' with St Mark's Flies in the afternoon sunshine, above a dogwood bush in the garden."
Thursday 23rd April 2020
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Managed to walk to Donna Nook NNR today and had 11 Green Hairstreak, 9 Peacock and 1 Red Admiral, my first of the year! On returning home the wood at the back of the house produced 1 Large White and several Orange Tip."
Toby Ludlow phoned: "A Small Copper this morning on the outskirts of Coningsby and my first of the year!"
Monday 20th April 2020
Dave Wright reported: "Reluctant to go out today and search for butterflies, due to the cold and strong easterly breeze in the Grimsby area. However, decided to do a brisk circuit of Freshney Bog and was surprised at the number of species on the wing! Eventually left the site via a warm and sheltered spot and this area produced a Red Admiral, my first of the year, basking in the afternoon sunshine."
Saturday 18th April 2020
Alison Brownlow emailed: "First Speckled Wood of the year today, along a hedgerow at Kettlethorpe."
Friday 17th April 2020
Pete Burnett emailed: "In my garden trap last night, only 9 moths in total of 3 species - Hebrew Character, Muslin Moth and a fine Emperor Moth."
Thursday 16th April 2020: First Green Hairstreak of the year!
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Had a walk around the wood at home today and noted male Brimstone, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 2 Peacock, 5 Green-veined White, 2 Large White, 4 Orange Tip, 1 Speckled Wood and a stunning Green Hairstreak, my first of the year!"
Graham Catley messaged: "Had my first Speckled Wood of the year this morning at Barton."
Dave Wright reported: "Walked my local area again this afternoon, taking in Great Coates village, Freshney Bog and Town's Holt. Despite the cool easterly breeze, sheltered areas produced a good number of butterflies including 2 Holly Blues and 10 Orange Tips."
Brian Hedley emailed: "Garden trap here at Marton produced 11 moths of 7 species including two
new for the year: Swallow Prominent and the Mint Moth Pyrausta aurata.
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "Only 3 moths in the garden trap this morning - Hebrew Character, Common Quaker and Swallow Prominent."
Wednesday 15th April 2020
Linda and Alan Woodward from Lea emailed: "New to the garden today were Speckled Wood and Small Copper."
Graham Catley messaged: "Just kept a check of how many Peacocks I had on my circuit of Alkborough today and counted a total of 114."
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Large White in the bag! A male on the Pingle at Coningsby this afternoon takes my species total to 10 for the year. Then shortly afterwards, another male LargeWhite in the garden!"
Tuesday 14th April 2020
Dave Wright reported: "With a vast improvement in the weather today, decided to walk to Freshney Bog and Town's Holt and noted the usual butterflies, although it was nice to see up to 6 Orange Tips and another Large White. However, the highlight of the day was undoubtedly my first Holly Blue of the year, which appeared late afternoon in my garden and proceeded to nectar on Green Alkanet."
Easter Sunday 12th April 2020
Pete Burnett emailed: "Had this Red Sword-grass in my Fiskerton garden trap last night. Not only new for the year and new for the garden, but also new for me as I have never seen one of these before!"
Dick Lorand messaged: " Orange Tip at Tetney Lock near the weir today."
Dave Wright reported: "My first Speckled Wood of the yearthis morning for my local patch of Town's Holt in Grimsby. Just like Toby's from just a few days ago, this specimen also had part of its hindwing missing!"
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Went for a walk early doors today and saw a good number of Brimstones, 28 in total, so they're having a good year so far. In contrast Small Tortoiseshells have virtually disappeared now, after seeing many over the last few weeks, only saw one today!"
Saturday 11th April 2020: Dotted Chestnut, second for VC 54!
Michelle and Amelea Bellini from North Thoresby emailed: "The garden trap tonight produced a very special moth - Dotted Chestnut. Apparently this is only the second for VC 54 and was confirmed by Martin Gray. The trap also produced - 5 Small Quaker, 4 Common Quaker, 1 Twin-spotted Quaker, 4 Hebrew Character, 4 Clouded Drab, 1 Streamer, 1 Waved Umber and 1 Pebble Prominent."
Graham Catley messaged: "Male Orange Tip and several Small and Green-veined Whites at Far Ings NNR this morning. On returning home, Orange Tip, Comma and Holly Blue in my Barton garden."
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "Disappointed to find only 2 species in the garden trap this morning - Early Grey and Chinese Character."
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Quiet on the moth front with the garden trap only
Bee Moth
producing 4 Common Quaker, 4 Small Quaker, 1 Muslin Moth, 4 Hebrew Character, 1Chestnut, 1 Clouded Drab and a Bee Moth."
Toby Ludlow from Coningsby phoned: "Speckled Wood and 6 Holly Blues today at the Pingle local nature reserve close to home. Later, had 3 more Holly Blues taking the total to 9 for the day! Also a couple of sparring Speckled Woods took the tally to 3."
Dave Wright reported: "Walked another circuit from my Grimsby home, across the fields towards Healing and returning via the Grimsby West Substation. Fewer Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell noted, but did find my first Speckled Wood of the year and my second Large White, this time a male."
Good Friday 10th April 2020
Phil Lee from Misterton emailed: "A few years ago we planted an Alder Buckthorn in the garden border specifically to attract Brimstones. This afternoon we were both nodding on the swing after a bout of gardening, when a female Brimstone flew in and started egg-laying. A mad scamper ensued to grab the 'box brownie' from the conservatory and we just managed the one snap of the female before a quick search revealed 4 eggs with probably more to be found. It's occasions like this that make you feel truly blessed."
Brian Hedley emailed: "15w actinic lamp over Skinner trap overnight in garden here at Marton produced 20 moths of 9 species: 1 Herald, 1 Water Carpet, 1 Powdered Quaker, 3 CommonQuaker, 1 Small Quaker, 8 Hebrew Character, 3 Early Grey, 1 Clouded Drab and 1 CommonPlume."
Wednesday 8th April 2020: A day of firsts!
Bill Meek messaged: "Speckled Wood, my first of the year, and a few Green-veined Whites this afternoon at a small conservation area in Humberston."
Howard Bunn messaged: "My first Orange Tip of the year flew through my Grimsby garden this afternoon."
Dave Wright reported: "Walked a circuit around my part of Grimsby today and noted the usual butterflies, but a female Large White along the Wybers Wood Estate frontage and a male OrangeTip on the edge of Town's Holt, added to my tally for the year!"
Andrew Kurch phoned: "The first Holly Blue of the year in my Grimsby garden today."
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Species number 9 for 2020 today - my first Speckled Wood of the year. Bizarrely for my first of this species, it wasn't in great condition, with most of the left hindwing missing."
Keith Robinson messaged: "First Holly Blue of the year in my Holton le Clay garden this afternoon."
Graham Catley phoned: "Counted 52 Peacocks at Alkborough Flats today!"
Ian McGlynn emailed: " Walked to Bourne Woods today, but few butterflies about. Later, my garden produced singles of Orange Tip, Small White and Holly Blue."
Pete Burnett from Fiskerton emailed: "The garden trap produced 5 moths of 3 species, Hebrew
Character, Early Grey and Streamer, the latter being new for the year. Also had Orange Tip for the year in the garden."
Alison Brownlow emailed: "Holly Blue, Peacock, male and female Brimstone and a male OrangeTip in my Kettlethorpe garden today."
Tuesday 7th April 2020: First Red Admiral of the year!
Andrew Kurch phoned: "Returned to my local patch just off Westward Ho in Grimsby today and had my first Red Admiral of the year. Also noted 1 Speckled Wood, 1 Green-veined White, 25 Small Tortoiseshell, 8 Peacock, 2 Comma and a male Brimstone."
Graham Catley from Barton messaged: "Green-veined White and Holly Blue in my garden this morning."
Steve Palmer from Healing messaged: "Only three species in the garden trap this morning - Hebrew Character, Small Quaker and Twin-spotted Quaker."
Dave Wright reported: "Female Brimstone in the garden this morning and a brief walk around the fields close to home during early afternoon, produced over 40 butterflies, including Green-veined White and 4 Small White."
Steve Meek from Tetney messaged: "A very early Iron Prominent on my house wall this morning."
Monday 6th April 2020
Freddy Johnson from Bracebridge Heath emailed: "I had my 6th garden butterfly today - a female Orange Tip, giving excellent views of its mossy green undersides. This was soon followed by a male Orange Tip nectaring on Iberis."
Sunday 5th April 2020
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "The garden trap didn't take much emptying this morning - 1 Satellite, 3 Hebrew Character, 1 Chestnut, 1 Small Quaker, 2 Clouded Drab and 1 Streamer. However, the best moth was a cracking Herald which was in a shrub by the back door!"
Toby Ludlow messaged: "Went for a walk near Coningsby today. Having already seen dozens of male Brimstones this year, I was delighted to see my first female Brimstone of 2020 today, egg-laying on Alder Buckthorn. Eventually notched up a total of 12 Brimstones for the day, 4 of them being female. The other highlight was a male Green-veined White, which was my 6th species of the year. Later, at home in the garden, saw my first Holly Blue of 2020 and my 7th species this year."
Phil Lee from Misterton emailed: "The sun shone brightly for just an hour yesterday in the
garden and a Brimstone, Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell cheered us up for a while. In the moth trap overnight there were just 11 macros of 6 species, with the attached Powdered Quaker being new for the year and also the earliest garden record by 10 days."
John Spring from Grimsby emailed: "After a few relatively quiet days, there was considerably more activity in our Scartho
garden today - 7+ Peacock, 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Brimstone, 1Comma and 3 Large White, including a mating pair."
Dave Wright reported: "Since the last warm spell towards the end of March, I've only seen the odd butterfly in my garden and close to home. Therefore, it was refreshing today to see a few more butterflies on the wing, as I went for my daily exercise by walking across the fields towards Healing. The highlight was my first Green-veined White of the year and I also noted the following - 3 Small White, 1 Comma, 16 Peacock, 13 Small Tortoiseshell and a single male Brimstone."
Wednesday 1st April 2020
Phil Lee emailed: "Only 6 moths in the garden trap last night, one of which was the attached male Muslin Moth which is my earliest garden record, beating the previous earliest of 18th April."
March 2020
Tuesday 31st March 2020
Brian Hedley emailed: "Moths noted in garden here at Marton tonight, comprised 17 individuals of 5 species: Early Grey (most numerous), Clouded Drab, Common Quaker, Hebrew Character and Light Brown Apple Moth.
Saturday 28th March 2020
James Smith messaged: "Cool and blustery conditions at Cleethorpes Country Park today, but still managed to find 2 Comma."
Friday 27th March 2020
Chris Atkin messaged: "In Humberston today and despite the cool breeze, a sheltered piece of habitat near Thorpe Park Golf Course produced 20 Small Tortoiseshell, 8 Peacock and a Comma."
Thursday 26th March 2020
Mark Johnson emailed: "I put the moth trap out last night for the first time this year, but with cool and clear conditions forecast I wasn't expecting much . This morning was another first too, the trap was covered in frost! Now expecting zero moths, I was quite surprised to find 5 Clouded Drab and 1Hebrew Character."
Linda Woodward emailed: "Male Orange Tip flying along the railway track that runs near to our garden in Lea. This is where we always get our first sighting, as there is plenty of food plant present."
Dave Wright reported: "With cooler conditions predicted over the weekend, decided to venture out
again this afternoon and try a few more field margins close to home. Started with the field margin bordering the Aylesby Meadow Estate and counted 22 Small Tortoiseshell and 2 Peacock. Although the breeze was quite cool, a few more sheltered spots produced 2 Small White, 1 Comma, 20 Small Tortoiseshell and 9 Peacock. Also noted a good number of Dark-edged Bee-flies on the wing, including 7 in my Grimsby garden."
Wednesday 25th March 2020: Butterfly bonanza as the warm weather continues!
Dave Wright reported: "Just after midday decided to go for my daily exercise and walked along the field margin bordering the Wybers Wood Estate, close to where I live in Grimsby. I was amazed to count 34 Small Tortoiseshell, 4 Peacock, 1 Comma and my first male Brimstone of the year. From here, I decided to walk to Bradley Woods and back and noted a further 73 butterflies, made up of 37 Small Tortoiseshell, 31 Peacock, 2 Comma and 3 Brimstone."
Thomas Floyd messaged: "Visited Cleethorpes Country Park today and saw 12 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Peacock, a male Brimstone and my first Small White of the year."
Andrew Kurch phoned: "Visited the small grassland site, just off Westward Ho in Grimsby again today and noted 42 Small Tortoiseshell, 11Peacock and 7 Comma, a significant increase on my previous visit."
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes phoned: "Brimstone, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock and Small White in my garden today, before a cool south-easterly breeze took the edge off the temperature. Nearby, my mother had a Brimstone, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock and Comma in her garden, while in North Thoresby my sister reported a male Brimstone."
Pete Burnett emailed: "A couple of sunny days has brought Brimstone, Comma, Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell into our garden at Fiskerton, near Lincoln.
Christine Brown from Grimsby messaged: "Found an Angle Shades moth caterpillar in my Wybers Wood garden today."
James Smith messaged: "Small White on Grimsby Docks today."
Steve Palmer messaged: "My first Small White of the year in Healing today."
Phil Lee from Misterton emailed: "Finally managed to get a snap of the Peacock that turned up in
the garden yesterday and today's Brimstone stayed just long enough for a record shot. Both new for the garden this year."
Tuesday 24th March 2020: Spring is here at last!
Dave Wright reported: "Decided to use my daily allowance for exercise by walking around the fields close to my Grimsby home today and had my first Small White of the year near Great Coates. The warm weather produced a further 32 butterflies and included - 18 Small Tortoiseshell, 13 Peacock and a single Comma."
Ian Shepherd from Cleethorpes messaged: "A single Comma and a male Brimstone in my garden this morning."
Monday 23rd March 2020
Sally Johnson messaged: "2 Small Tortoiseshell at Butt Gate, Grainthorpe today."
Steve Palmer messaged: "A single Peacock in my Healing garden this afternoon."
Toby Ludlow messaged: "First butterfly of 2020 in my garden today - a Small Tortoiseshell nectaring on my flowering currant bush. Also, 2 Comma, 1 Peacock and 1 Small White in Coningsby."
Saturday 21st March 2020
Mark Johnson from North Somercotes emailed: "Found this recently emerged Small White in my garden today."
Dave Wright reported: "Visited Kirkby Moor LWT Nature Reserve today with Toby Ludlow and, despite the blustery conditions, we managed to find 2 Orange Underwing moths and 2 Commas."
Friday 20th March 2020
Chris Atkin messaged: "2 Peacocks and a Small Tortoiseshell behind Buck Beck car park in Cleethorpes this afternoon."
Tuesday 17th March 2020
Alison Brownlow emailed: "Male Brimstone seen flying in my Kettlethorpe garden this afternoon. First of the year for me!"
Dave Wright reported: "A Comma seen briefly in flight at Cleethorpes Country Park this afternoon."
Monday 16th March 2020
Phil Lee from Misterton emailed: "The attached Small White turned up in my garden today, the first ever March garden record for this butterfly. Later in the day I saw my first Brimstone of the year at Haxey Turbary."
Thursday 12th March 2020
Phil Lee emailed: "Our first Comma of the year appeared this morning in our Misterton garden sunning itself on the hedge. This is the 2nd earliest following one on the 7th March 2017."
Wednesday 11th March 2020: The first Small White of the year!
Bill Meek messaged: "A Small White on Grimsby Docks this morning, was my earliest March record."
Phil Lee emailed: "The first butterfly of the year, the attached Small Tortoiseshell, appeared in
my Misterton garden on 6th March and has appeared briefly every day since. I finally managed to get a photo today and this is my earliest garden record for this species. At the 6th attempt this year, last night produced the first garden moths of the year, 2 Hebrew Character, a Twin-spotted Quaker and a Small Quaker."
Toby Ludlow phoned: "Decided to visit the Grimsby Institute this morning to see the long-staying Black-throated Thrush and was rewarded with my first butterflies of the year, 3 SmallTortoiseshell and a single Peacock."
Andrew Kurch phoned: "4 Small Tortoiseshell and a Comma this morning at a small grassland site just off Westward Ho in Grimsby."
Sunday 8th March 2020
Kathleen Pearson reported: "Recorded my first Brimstone butterfly of the year in my Boston garden today."
Kev Armstrong reported: "Male Brimstone this morning at Wold Farm in Nettleton."
Friday 6th March 2020
Pete Smith emailed: "Seems to have been a long winter, but finally a few signs of life this week. First garden butterfly of the year for me on Wednesdy 4th - only 9 degrees C but the lack of any breeze tempted a Comma out of hibernation. It sat next to me sunning itself as I did a bit of gardening. Nice to see! And today, the Marsh Fritillary larvae were enjoying the sunshine out at Little Scrubbs Meadow. Roll on spring....."
Dave Wright reported: "My first Lincolnshire butterfly of the year this afternoon, a Peacock at Tuetoes Wood, Laughton Forest."
Lesley Robinson reported: "A walk along Bottesford Beck today produced a Small Tortoiseshell and a Comma."
Josh Hedley emailed: "A Small Tortoiseshell in Marton village today."
Wednesday 4th March 2020
Linda and Alan Woodward emailed: "At last! Seen our first Small Tortoiseshell here in our garden at Lea today. It was nectaring on the heather."
Sally Johnson messaged: "My first butterfly of the year today, a Small Tortoiseshell along High Street in Grainthorpe."
Tuesday 3rd March 2020
Keith Robinson messaged: "Small Tortoiseshell this morning at Covenham Reservoir."
Monday 2nd March 2020
Graham Catley messaged: "Small Tortoiseshell this morning at Alkborough Flats."
February 2020
Sunday 9th February 2020
Andrew Bannister emailed: "Despite the strong wind today, I found a Grey Shoulder-knot on a north facing wall in Corby Glen."
Saturday 8th February 2020
Phil Lee emailed: "The attached Pale Brindled Beauty was found beside the security light above the entrance to the classrooms at Whisby, at the LNU recorders meeting today."
Thursday 6th February 2020
Ian McGlynn emailed: "I have just seen a Peacock on the wing in my neighbour's garden in Bourne."
Monday 3rd February 2020
Pete Smith emailed: "Very surprised to see a couple of lepidopterous beasts on the wing today! I was walking along the south edge of Ivy Wood at Chambers Farm Wood, looking for Brown Hairstreak eggs. The air temperature hadn't quite reached double figures, and yet in a warm, sun-drenched wind-sheltered spot, I found a Peacock butterfly on the wing. A few hundred metres further on, and a Spring Usher moth appeared. Not bad for early Feb!"
January 2020
Friday 31st January 2020
Brian Hedley emailed: "Managed to attract an early Hebrew Character to my garden moth trap here at Marton today."
Thursday 23rd January 2020
Steve Meek from Tetney messaged: "Pale Brindled Beauty in the garden trap this morning."
Friday 10th January 2020: First butterfly of the Year!
Brian Hedley emailed: "A Small Tortoiseshell flew past me today at Greetwell Hollow LWT nature reserve."
Friday 3rd January 2020
Toby Ludlow from Coningsby messaged: "Decided to try the garden trap tonight and managed to catch two moths - Dotted Border and Acleris hastiana."