The Lincolnshire Branch of Butterfly Conservation was formed in 1984 and has grown steadily since then to a current membership of 500. Well over 100 people contribute regularly to the 'Sightings' page, with accounts, stories and photographs, Our Twitter Account has over 500 'Followers'.
Help support Butterfly Conservation - Lincolnshire Branch whenever you purchase online.
We will then receive a donation. Check out the youtube video which tells you everything you need to know.
The County of Lincolnshire

Lincolnshire is the 2nd. largest county in England, extending from the Humber to the Wash, but has a relatively low population density.
Large areas are now devoted to arable farming with only a comparatively small percentage left of woodland and meadow.

The map (left) shows the County of Lincolnshire, with its surrounding counties.
The blue squares are 10 km. squares and each coloured dot represents the number of species seen in each 2 km. square in 2013.
We are grateful to Allan Binding, our County Butterfly Recorder for many years, who collated the information from many Members and other contributors. Our current Recorder is John Davison - see the Committee list for his contact details.)
Lincolnshire’s Butterflies and Moths
We have 'lost' a greater number of butterfly, and probably moth, species than almost any other area. Nevertheless, Lincolnshire still has a surprisingly large and diverse range of butterflies and moths, although several are just hanging on in isolated colonies and habitat. The central Lincolnshire woodlands harbour the White Admiral and Brown Hairstreak butterflies at the far Northerly limit of their range; while the desolate Crowle Waste, in the extreme North West corner of the County, has the Large Heath butterfly at its most South Easterly limit. The East coast has the only national colony of the Marsh Moth.
The Branch’s Activities

We have a relatively high proportion of active members with all levels of interest and knowledge. We try to accommodate this by maintaining several important butterfly reserves, a butterfly garden, and also by working on other valuable habitat areas ... notably helping the Brown Hairstreak butterfly in the Bardney Limewoods, where we also have our HQ and usual Meeting venue, courtesy of the Forestry Commission.
- We organise Summer Field Trips both within the County and further afield to see specific rarer species.
- We arrange Indoor Meetings on butterfly and moth related topics.
- We attend other Conservation events to promote the Branch, using pictorial displays, and having items and charts for sale.
- Most importantly, we run a comprehensive Butterfly Recording Scheme including surveys and transects etc. which has built up a picture of their distribution and status. We are now undertaking the same process for our Moths.
- To keep Members informed we produce regular Newsletters, an annual Recording Report, and have recently started this new website, which we are still developing.
Becoming a Member
If you are interested in joining the Lincolnshire Branch of Butterfly Conservation, please visit the BC Membership section on the National website, or contact direct our Branch Membership Secretary: Lesley Robinson (tel: 01724-845018; e-mail:([email protected]) You would be very welcome and we would be pleased to see you at any of our Events.
Rachel Scopes - Lincs. Branch Chair