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You can report your sightings and send your photos from Southrey Wood to John Davison via email.

If you would like to visit the site or any of our other sites in Lincolnshire, please take a look at our Events.     
2024 Workparties:
Dates arranged are as follows. (All 10 til 3ish)

It is area 1 this winter, the piece nearest the eastern car park. This is a large area and may not get finished so as many volunteers as possible please.

At present, we are still not able to use chainsaws so are limited to hand tools only, and will just have to get on as best we can.

As a consequence, I would ask that people who can come out help cutting down the trees and shrubs, rather than just taking out wood for themselves- we can spend so time towards the end of the day clearing out cut material.

View the Southrey Wood Blog 2023


Southrey Wood Blog 2024

Thursday 29th August
Nice sunny morning.
Lots of Red Admirals about today, especially on the Devil's-bit Scabious.

Southrey Butterflies (John Davison) 290824
Clockwise: Peacock, Large White, Small White, Red Admiral

Other butterflies included Large & Small White, Speckled Wood, Peacock and Comma.

Tuesday 13th August
Warm morning with the Devil's-bit Scabious now in full flower.

Devil's-bit Scabious at Southrey (John Davison) 130824
Devil's-bit Scabious (John Davison) 130824

Butterflies included Small Skipper, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Brimstone, Large, Small & Green-veined White, Red Admiral, Peacock and Silver-washed Fritillary.

Silver-washed Fritilary at Southrey (John Davison) 130824
Silver-washed Fritilary (John Davison) 130824

There was also a couple of Eyed Hawk-moth Larva on sallow.

Eyed Hawk-moth Larva at Southrey (John Davison) 130824
Eyed Hawk-moth Larva (John Davison) 130824

Friday 19th July
Very warm morning but still surprisingly few butterflies on the wing (quantity-wise).
Large, Small & Green-veined White, Red Admiral, Meadow Brown, Ringlet & Gatekeeper and a couple of Silver-washed Fritillary.

Silver-washed Fritillary at Southrey (John Davison) 190724
Silver-washed Fritillary at Southrey (John Davison) 190724

Wednesday 17th July
Peter Cawdell reports.........
Set off about mid-day along main ride from Horncastle Road towards turning circle. Quite warm with sunny periods:

5 White Admiral, flitting, gliding and nectaring on bramble flowers.
2 Red Admiral (m), guarding territories down on track. 
2 Purple Hairstreak, one flew up off flowers, other one flitting around low oak branches.
About 10 Meadow Brown.
About 24 Ringlet.
2 Gatekeeper.
6 Large White.
4 Green-veined White.
2 Brimstone (f).
1 Comma.
1 Silver-washed Fritillary, flying fast along ride.
A fox walked towards me quite close as I Stood still and it didn't notice me. 
In our Coppice Area clouds had taken over and it cooled off rapidly:
20 Ringlet.
14 Meadow Brown
2 Gatekeeper.
1 Essex Skipper (m), in New Ride.
1 Small Skipper (f), in New Ride.
3 Green-veined White.

Thursday 27th June
Warm morning with intermittent sun.
First Silver-washed of the year together with White Admiral, Ringlet, Meadow Brown, Red Admiral, Large Skipper and Green-veined White.
Green-veined White & Red Admiral at Southrey (John Davison) 270624
Green-veined White & Red Admiral at Southrey (John Davison) 270624

Quite a few Dragonflies showing.

Brown Hawker at Southrey (KeithWalton) 270624

Thursday 13th June
Chris Cox e-mails.......

White Admiral at Southrey Wood (Chris Cox) 130624 (1)
White Admiral (Chris Cox) 130624 (1)

One White admiral spotted today. A few common blues but that was all.

White Admiral at Southrey Wood (Chris Cox) 130624 (2)
White Admiral (Chris Cox) 130624 (2)

Friday 7th June
Cloudy and cool.
Only Orange-tip on the wing.

Comma larva at Southrey (John Davison) 070624
Comma larva (John Davison) 070624
Emperor Moth Larva at Southrey (John Davison) 070624
Emperor Moth Larvae (John Davison) 070624
Great Pied Hoverfly at Southrey (John Davison) 070624
Great Pied Hoverfly (John Davison) 070624
Scorpionflies at Southrey (John Davison) 070624
Scorpionflies (John Davison) 070624

Tuesday 21st May
Warm enough but cloudy day.

Mating Adela croesella Moths at Southrey (John Davison) 210524
Mating Adela croesella Moths (John Davison) 210524
Quaker Moth Larva at Southrey (John Davison) 170524
Quaker Moth Larva (John Davison) 210524
Ragged Robin at Southrey (John Davison) 210524
Ragged Robin (John Davison) 210524
Small Quaker larva at Southrey (John Davison) 210524
Small Quaker larva (John Davison) 210524
Swollen-thighed Beetle (female) at Southrey (John Davison) 210524
Swollen-thighed Beetle (female) (John Davison) 210524
Swollen-thighed Beetle (male) at Southrey (John Davison) 210524
Swollen-thighed Beetle (male) (John Davison) 210524
Tortoise Beetle Cassida vibex at Southrey (John Davison) 210524
Tortoise Beetle Cassida vibex (John Davison) 210524
Variable Longhorn Beetle - Stenocorus meridianus at Southrey (John Davison)  210524
Variable Longhorn Beetle - Stenocorus meridianus (John Davison) 210524
Wasp Beetle at Southrey (John Davison) 210524
Wasp Beetle (John Davison) 210524
Beetle Agapanthia villosoviridescens at Southrey (John Davison) 210524
Beetle Agapanthia villosoviridescens (John Davison) 210524
Beetle Rhagium mordax at Southrey (John Davison) 210524
Beetle Rhagium mordax (John Davison) 210524
Fly Xylota sylvarum at Southrey (John Petyt) 210524
Fly Xylota sylvarum (John Petyt) 210524
Weevil Liophloeus tessulatus at Southrey (John Petyt) 210524
Weevil Liophloeus tessulatus (John Petyt) 210524

Friday 17th May
Sunny morning but only a few butterflies about.

Female Orange-tip at Southrey (John Davison) 170524
Female Orange-tip (John Davison) 170524
Green-veined White at Southrey (John Davison) 170524
Green-veined White (John Davison) 170524

Heard 2nd Cuckoo of the year.

Sawfly Larva Periclista pubescens at Southrey (John Davison) 170524
Sawfly Larva Periclista pubescens (John Davison) 170524
Common Cockchafer at Southrey (John Davison) 170524)
Common Cockchafer (John Davison) 170524)
Lime Gall at Southrey by mite Eriophyes tiliae (John Davison)170524
Lime Gall by mite Eriophyes tiliae (John Davison)170524
Mottled Umber moth larva at Southrey (John Davison) 170524
Mottled Umber moth larva (John Davison) 170524
Red-headed Cardinal Beetle at Southrey (John Davison) 170524
Red-headed Cardinal Beetle (John Davison) 170524
Sawfly Tenthredo temula at Southrey (John Davison) 170524
Sawfly Tenthredo temula (John Davison) 170524
Yellow-tail moth larva at Southrey (John Davison) 170524
Yellow-tail moth larva (John Davison) 170524

Thursday 11th March

Peter Cawdell reports.........

A walk around Southrey Wood  yielded 7 species: A couple of dozen of Green-veined White, Brimstone and Peacock, 4 Comma, and singles of Speckled Wood, Holly Blue (male) and Red Admiral.