The committee has 10 meeting a year to discuss and plan the branch activities to support butterflies and moths in Norfolk, organise events to educate the public.
The branch committee is always looking for new members. If you are interested please email the Secretary
Chair - Vacant
Secretary - Graham Phillips
Email: @email
Treasurer - Vacant
Membership Secretary - Jennifer Dawson
07796 643931
Email: @email
Conservation Officer & Catfield Fen Reserve Liaison - Mike Gasson
01328 829307
Email: @email
County Recorder - David Prince
Email: @email
Transect Co-ordinator - Alan Dawson
01603 454092
Email: @email
Events Coordinator - Michelle Walkling
Email: @email
Field Trip Coordinator - Vacant
Publicity Officer - Malcolm Fisher
Email: @email
Newsletter Editor - Graham Phillips
Email: [email protected]
Moth Officer - Vacant
Webpage Co-ordinator - Neil Saunders
Email: @email
Social Media & Publicity - Malcolm Fisher
Email: @email
WCBS Co-ordinator - David Prince
Email: [email protected]
Committee members
Dr Bernard Watts 01603 737245
Heather Goody 07766 331660
Email: @email
Aldina Franco
Email: @email
Ann Greenizen