Photographic Competition 2021 - How to enter
With the restrictions in place this year I hope you’ve been able to take lots of photo- graphs of butterflies and moths in your garden and within Norfolk. Once again, we were unable to hold our usual competition at the zoom Member’s Afternoon in October so we will, hopefully just once more, do it online.
To enter:
- Photographs must have been taken in Norfolk during 2021
- Email jpeg files to [email protected]
- Include your name and the species name separately in the email
- Maximum of 3 entries per person
Deadline for entries is 9 January 2022
All the entries will feature on the Branch website with instructions on how to vote. Winning photographs will be published in the Spring Newsletter.
By entering the competition you also agree that your photographs can be published on our website, social media and other material. Photographer credits will be given.
Members Day 2021
This year we had our Members Day on zoom due the current circumstances. We would like to thank the 37 people who signed into zoom. There was most likely more members as there saw sometimes more the one member watching.
Below are the recordings of the three talks that took place.
Andy Brazil: Highlights of 2020-2021 Norfolk butterfly records
Will Fitch: Butterflies of Wheatfen, Past, Present and Future
Mike Gasson: Swallowtails at Catfield Fen
Members Day 2019 Minutes
Below are the minutes from the last members day in 2019. Due to Covid we didn't hold a members day in 2020.
Please read the minutes before this years members day (details below) and you will be able to questions on the day.
document 22.96 KB
Member’s Afternoon/ AGM 2021
The Committee has realised that we’re not quite out of the “Covid” wood yet and decided to hold the meeting on Zoom. I hope that you will keep the date in your diary and make a point of joining us on
Saturday, 23 October at 2.30pm
At this meeting we will, sadly, be saying au revoir to three stalwarts of the Branch.
Judy Dunmore has been our Chair for 22 years and, under her leadership, the Branch has gone from strength to strength. Happily, she will remain on the committee, if re-elected, in an advisory capacity.
Greg Bond has been our moth “expert” for several years, serving as the Branch Moth Officer for many of them. His expertise and sound advice will be sorely missed.
Derek Longe has served the Committee as Minute Secretary for 20 years. He is very much a local wildlife naturalist, and we will continue to look forward to tales from his garden.
Although not strictly an Annual General Meeting, the afternoon will include elections to the Branch Committee for members’ approval. Committee members are elected for a term of three years. At the end of that time they may be re-elected.
Standing for re-election this year – with their current job titles – are
Alan Dawson – Transect Coordinator; Graham Phillips – Treasurer; Jennifer Dawson -Membership Secretary; Andy Brazil – County Recorder; Mike Gasson – Conservation Officer; Kiri Stuart- Clarke – Publicity Officer; Heather Goody; Judy Dunmore
Saffron Summerfield, Aldina Franco (both previously co-opted), David Prince- prospective Wider Countryside Officer and Michelle Walkling – prospective Events Organiser.
If no objections are received prior to the 23rd, all the above will be elected.
If you would like to join the Committee, please get in touch.
The main business of the afternoon will be
- A brief introduction by Andy Brazil highlighting interesting sightings in the last 2 summers,
- An illustrated presentation by Will Fitch, Warden of Wheatfen Nature Reserve, entitled “Butterflies of Wheatfen, Past, Present and Future” with lots of stories about Large Coppers, Swallowtails, Fritillaries etc,
- An illustrated talk by Mike Gasson about Swallowtail butterflies at Catfield.
There will be an opportunity to ask questions via the “Chat” facility on zoom.
The Photographic Competition, which I know many of you look forward to, will be announced nearer Christmas.
Foxley Wood 27th - 28th July 2021
After a drizzly night we once again gathered in the car park at NWT’ s excellent Foxley Wood reserve, this time at least resisting the temptation to check the tree tops for large purple butterflies! Some 15 people were in attendance while we opened the 2 actinic and single MV Robinson trap which Mike Gasson had put out the night before. In total we recorded 98 species from the traps and Stewart Wright later added 19 more from checking for leaf mines and larval cases.

Highlights included several Mere Wainscots and Small Dotted Buffs, Plain Golden Y, a couple of Large Emeralds, 18 Poplar, 6 Elephant and a single Pine Hawkmoth as well as impressive numbers of Minor Shoulder Knots and uncountable numbers of Common and Dingy Footmen., mostly from the MV trap which had been strategically placed at the cross junction of 2 rides. Probably though the most important sighting was the very recently new for Norfolk Elachista adscitella which mines Tufted Hair Grass.
National Moth Night 8/9th July 2021
With the focus this year on wetlands and reedbeds the Butterfly Conservation reserve at Catfield fen was an easy choice for an event, which unfortunately had to be limited to 30 people because of current restrictions.

The morning dawned quite fine, despite the unwanted “biblical” deluge which swept across the reserve while Mick A’Cort of the RSPB and Mike Gasson were trying to put the traps out. Happily they succeeded so we had six traps to open that morning.
Catfield is a wonderful site for moths and although affected by the previous night’s conditions numbers and variety from the traps did not disappoint with 91 species in total. For most the visually attractive Elephant Hawkmoths (24 recorded), the local Lempkes Gold spot (9) and single Eyed and Privet Hawkmoths and Peach Blossom were the highlights but everyone was also able to admire local specialities like Dotted (31) and Small Dotted (40) Footmen and Reed Leopard (28) as well as a number of very special micro moths such as Acleris lorquinana and Epinotia cruciana.

So despite the earlier torrential downpour and the restrictions on numbers it was a successful morning, for which special thanks are due to Mick (and his mate) and Mike for putting out and retrieving the traps and Andy and Andrew for recording everything on the lists, a copy of which is available on the moth page.
Talk on Grayling Butterfly in the Brecks — in decline or under-recorded? By Sharon Hearle
On Wednesday 5th May we had our second zoom talk on the Marsh Carpet Moth given by Sharon Hearle. If you missed the talk you can see it below. Click the play arrow at the bottom left of the picture to play the video.
Talk on March Carpet by Sharon Hearle
On Wed 3rd March we had our first zoom talk on the Marsh Carpet Moth given by Sharon Hearle. If you missed the talk you can see it below. Click the play arrow at the bottom left of the picture to play the video.
We will be announce further events on our event page.
The branch is looking for a Moth Officer
This position and the time it takes are very much what the holder would like to make it but generally as a minimum it might include: -
- Organising several moth trap opening events in the County. This can include setting traps the night before, collecting them in and opening them for members. The branch has a few of its own moth traps and can generally call up others where required and are normally able to help with putting traps out etc and identification if needed.
- Submission of records from these events to the Norfolk Moth recorder and to meeting attendees.<
- Attendance at Group committee meetings and the AGM
- Contribute occasional articles for the Branch newsletter, website, Twitter, and Facebook.
- Occasional liaison with Head Office/Conservation staff regarding moths in the county
- Liaison with Norfolk Moth Survey and the County Moth Recorder with whom we have a good working relationship.
If you would like to help, then please, in the first instance, contact Greg Bond at [email protected] or on 01263 579520
Sad News
It is with deep regret that the Branch announces the death of Roland Rogers who passed away, after a short illness, just before Christmas at the age of 93. Roland had been associated with the Norfolk Branch for 30 years serving as Chairman and Treasurer. An obituary will appear in the Spring Newsletter.