
Welcome to the Northern Ireland Branch of Butterfly Conservation, which was first formed in 1988 and currently has more than 300 members.
If you live in the region and are a member of Butterfly Conservation you automatically become a member of the Northern Ireland branch.
Northern Ireland is home to around 1000 species of moth and 25 species of butterfly, with almost half of these being priority species.
One of these, the Cryptic Wood White (thought to be Real's Wood White until recent research proved it to be a new species entirely) is only found in Northern Ireland. Craigavon Lakes Local Nature Reserve in County Armagh is the very best place to visit to see this butterfly on the wing during May and June.
Species to look out for
Get involved

Volunteers are hugely important to Butterfly Conservation. Getting involved with surveying and monitoring butterfly and moth species in your garden or out in the wider landscape directly helps inform our work and projects.

Branch events
Butterfly Conservation Northern Ireland’s Branch run events throughout the year, mirroring the season that’s in it. From summer field trips, winter talks and lectures to practical conservation, the varied and interesting programme is worth investigating and everyone is welcome.

Do it yourself
There is an awful lot that you can do yourself, or with your friends and family for butterflies, moths and the environment. Starting at home, in your community or workplace makes your practice more sustainable in every sense and your projects are more likely to succeed too.
Find out more
Four-year project records 20,000 butterflies thriving in London
Councils and community groups show how wildlife can thrive in urban spaces with help.
Record numbers of environmental charities commit to racial diversity in bid to boost representation
The third annual RACE Report, the UK’s largest analysis of the racial diversity of the
environmental charity and funder sector, has been published today. -
Butterfly Conservation awarded £250,000 to help beautiful bog butterfly in Wales
New dedicated officer will train volunteers and oversee innovative research.
It’s a win for butterflies! Government refuses emergency use of banned butterfly-killing pesticide on sugar beet
In a win for wildlife the Government has refused to allow the emergency use of a banned pesticide on sugar beet to protect butterflies, bees and other pollinators.
New Moths to Northern Ireland
Wednesday 26th February 2025, 7:30pm-9:00pm
On line - Zoom
Northern Ireland Moth Recorder Andrew Crory will give us an update on what's hot and new in the mothing world for NI.
Volunteer with us
Butterfly Conservation relies on the support of thousands of volunteers, and we are always looking for more help inside the office and out in the field. Whether you want to volunteer at a local branch, get outside and help manage our nature reserves, or help with one of our events, we have something for everyone to get involved in! Your time can make a real difference.
Branch information
In your area
Contact branch
- Chair
Rosemary Mulholland - Branch Contact & Membership Secretary
Hannah Fullerton - Treasurer
Cliff Henry - General Enquiries
[email protected]