Summer Field Trips
In the summertime, monthly field trips are organised to sites of interest and often in partnership with another group or organisation. Field trips may target a particular species to gather data and are hopefully run in the warm sunshine! These events are a great opportunity to meet and learn from experienced recorders and to visit sites you may not always get access to! Visit the Branch website’s Event section to find out what’s coming up.
Winter Talks
In the wintertime, we retreat indoors to enjoy a programme of lectures and Conversazione on topics and developments in conservation science, ecology and monitoring of butterflies and moths. These talks are held monthly in online, occasionally in person and again, details of these can be found on the Branch website’s Event section.
Winter Work Parties
While many of our recorders and volunteers relish the summer survey season, there are those that also look forward to rolling up their sleeves for an opportunity to undertake some practical conservation. A small number of work parties are organised each year by the branch or with a partner, to carry out targeted practical conservation to manage habitat.
Scrub removal is a typical activity where it is removed to prevent encroachment onto habitat such as raised bogs or species-rich grassland. Tools and tea/coffee/buns are provided and beneficial outdoor exercise and good banter usually follow! Details of scheduled Work Parties can be found on the Branch website’s Event section.

Butterfly Conservation is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all volunteers and others. To this end, we have developed a range of documents including Risk Assessments and Codes of Practice to support volunteers. If you are a volunteer and would like a copy of one of these documents, please contact a Branch Committee member who can arrange this for you.
All individuals participating in work on behalf of BC have a responsibility to ensure safe practice and with this in mind we have created a range of documents which can be applied and adapted easily for all events, field trips, monitoring walks, conservation activities, etc. Please contact the Branch for more information.