Although a third of the UK in terms of land area, Scotland has less than one-tenth of the population, so ensuring our butterflies and moths are well-recorded can present quite a challenge to our volunteers and staff. Despite the seemingly unfavourable weather, our butterflies and moths are generally faring better in the uplands than in the intensively-farmed east.
Butterfly Conservation's local branches in Scotland are:
East Scotland Branch
Glasgow and SW Scotland Branch
Highlands and Islands Branch
Help us with our Priority Species work!
As part of Butterfly Conservation's 2021-2026 strategy, we are focusing efforts our priority species efforts on 27 butterfly and moths in Scotland. Find out more on how you can help on our Scottish Priority Species pages.
Get involved in the Wild Spaces Perth and Stirling Project!
Help us make the cities of Perth and Stirling into hotspots for butterflies, moths and other wildlife! This new project is kicking off in January 2023, and we need volunteers to help us plant new urban woodlands and meadows to help these insects. If you're interested, contact Project Officer Alice Kenny on @email
We have enjoyed excellent long-term support from NatureScot for our conservation activities in Scotland.
Species to look out for
Projects & Surveys
Bog Squad
Learn about our successful project to conserve the butterflies and moths of lowland bogs in central Scotland
Helping Hands for Butterflies
Our Helping Hands for Butterflies project ended in October 2022, but all the resources are still online here. There'll you'll find videos and guides to help you identify and record the butterflies of Scotland, Wildflower Identification courses, and guides to create new wildflower meadows.
Munching Caterpillars Scotland This project helped primary schools to encourage butterflies, moths and caterpillars to their school grounds. In the process we aimed to enthuse the next generation of conservationists to get active for wildlife. Find fun information and resources for your family/class or youth group.
Butterfly Postcard Survey results
Here we give summaries of some of the postcard and other surveys that you have helped us with over recent years.
Priority Species updates
Find out about how to get involved with our Priority Species work
MSP Nature Champions
Learn about the MSPs who are championing the cause of some of our most threatened butterflies and moths
Publications and videos
Scottish Newsletters
Low resolution copies of our annual 'Herald' newsletter, and copies of our quarterly e-news.
Habitat and species leaflets
We have now made these leaflets easier to download and print.
Butterfly and Moth ID guides
Regional identification guides for butterflies and common day-flying moths.
Enhancing Habitats for Butterflies and Moths
Some basic advice for enhancing habitats for butterflies and moths.
Videos of our online events
Since 2021 we have been recording our online events, including our Spring and Autumn Supporters' Gatherings. Watch them all here!
Butterfly Identification and Recording videos
Learn how to identify the butterflies of Scotland, and get invovled in our recording work.
Butterfly Conservation, B&Q and Co-op sign letter urging Government to end peat sales
More than 100 organisations call on Prime Minister to protect precious natural habitats.
Teenage volunteer who found UK-first moth eggs shortlisted for national award
Young moth lover may have been first person in the world to make the finding.
The commoners, cattle and robo mower helping save one of Wales's rarest species
Charity says beautiful butterfly would already have gone extinct without its volunteers' amazing work.
Bog Squad thrown lifeline to protect peatlands for another year
Butterfly Conservation launches fundraising appeal to help keep carbon in the ground
Marsh Fritillary Monitoring - Islay
12th - 13th September
Islay - various locations
Join us on the island of Islay to monitor Marsh Fritillary butterflies!
Scotland: Wester Moss Bog Squad Volunteer Work Party
Saturday 14th September 2024, 10:00am-3:00pm
Wester Moss, Fallin (near Stirling)
Join our the Bog Squad project to help with scrub clearance at Wester Moss SSSI near Stirling to improve habitat for the Large Heath butterfly and protect the valuable peatland.
Scotland: Wester Moss Bog Squad Volunteer Work Party
Saturday 12th October 2024, 10:00am-3:00pm
Wester Moss, Fallin (near Stirling)
Join our Bog Squad project to help with scrub clearance at Wester Moss SSSI near Stirling to improve habitat for the Large Heath butterfly and protect the valuable peatland.
Get Involved!
There are many ways in which you can get involved in our work:
- Create and pledge a Wild Space
- Join our Bog Squad to help restore our precious peatlands
- Get involved with our Priority Species work
- Helping with our local branches work
- Send us your butterfly and moth records
- Write to your MSP to tell them about our work and ask them to support our efforts for a greener, cleaner Scotland
In your area
Contact office
Office Address
Our Scottish office is currently closed and our team are homeworking.
Please contact us via:
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01786 447753
Butterfly Conservation
Manor Yard
East Lulworth
BH20 5QP