Social Media is a great way to create and share information with like-minded butterfly & moth enthusiasts and to hear from the branch.
For example, you can share your own sightings & photographs, hear about what other people have seen, and keep up to date with first sightings, branch news and local events.
Our branch has Twitter, Facebook & Instagram accounts.
Branch account: @BCSomerset
Other Twitter accounts you may be interested in:
- Butterfly Conservation: @SaveButterflies
- Somerset County Butterfly Recorder: @SomButterflyRec
- Somerset Moth Group: @MothsSomerset
Our branch has a Facebook Page and a Facebook Group:
Branch Facebook Page: Somerset and Bristol Branch Butterfly Conservation
Branch Facebook Group: Somerset & Bristol Butterflies and Moths
The Facebook Page is visible to everyone on the Internet. It is used to communicate branch information, news and events. You can 'Like and Follow' this Page to receive notifications and updates.
Our Facebook Group is a group where members can share their sightings, post photos, ask advice, and share butterfly & moth chat with others. For privacy purposes this is a private group, which means that only those who join the group can view or respond to the information posted.
Other Facebook pages you may be interested in:
Branch account: bcsomersetbristol