Join Butterfly Conservation and you automatically become a Surrey member if you live in our area (Vice-county 17)
- Website
- Surrey Skipper, our Branch magazine, is published online in March & October.
- Branch Calendar
- Oaken Wood is our Partnership Site in Chiddingfold Forest. Our 5-year management licence from Forestry England was renewed in 2023 to Sep 2028.
Butterflies of Surrey Revisited
County Atlas, written/produced by Branch members, published by Surrey Wildlife Trust 2013
Surrey & SW London Branch was launched in November 1994 (along with Herts & Middlesex) when the original London Branch (1980-94) was split in two - north and south of the Thames. We embrace Surrey (VC17), which includes eight London boroughs:
Croydon, Kingston, Lambeth, Merton, Richmond (south of Thames), Southwark, Sutton, Wandsworth.
Household membership reached 1,000 in 2014 and 1,500 in 2020.
Annual Reports 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Chair reports 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Surrey Chairs
2016 Simon Saville
2009 David Gardner
2001 Martin Ellis
1997 Howard Whiting
1995 Stephen Jeffcoate (354 members)
London Chairs
1994 Stephen Jeffcoate
1989 Tony Hoare
1986 Harold Hughes
1980 Ian Hardy
Surrey's 41 regular butterflies
Purple Hairstreak, Small Copper. Blues: Common & Holly; Brown Argus. Whites: Large, Small & Green-veined; Brimstone, Orange-tip. Skippers: Large, Small & Essex. Browns: Gatekeeper, Marbled White, Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Small Heath, Speckled Wood. Vanessids: Comma, Peacock, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell
Migrants 2
Clouded Yellow, Painted Lady
Heaths 2
Grayling, Silver-studded Blue
Other specialists 14
Purple Emperor, White Admiral, Wood White; Blues: Adonis, Chalkhill & Small; Fritillaries: Dark Green & Silver-washed; Hairstreaks: Brown, Green & White-Letter; Skippers: Dingy, Grizzled & Silver-spotted
Unofficial releases 4
Glanville Fritillary: 2001 Wrecclesham Sandpit, 2011 Hutchinson's Bank
Black Hairstreak: colony discovered Epsom Common 2020, source unknown; since recorded at Ashtead Common, Horton CP & Nonsuch Park. Well established and apparently spreading.
Duke of Burgundy: 2020 Chapel Bank. Thriving in limited habitat.
Marsh Fritillary: 2020 Hutchinson's Bank. Hanging on.
Migrant or release?
Black-veined White: Hutchinson's Bank 2023+
Occasional 2
Large Tortoiseshell: re-establishing in Sussex; occasional Surrey records
Long-tailed Blue: increasingly regular migrant to Sussex 2013+; occasional Surrey records
Other rare migrants 2
Camberwell Beauty, Queen of Spain Fritillary
SURREY's priority species in BC’s SE Conservation Strategy 2016:
Highest Priority (4): Grayling, Wood White; Adonis & Silver-studded Blues.
High Priority (10): Dark Green Fritillary, White Admiral, Purple Emperor; Dingy, Grizzled & Silver-spotted Skippers; Brown & White-letter Hairstreaks; Chalkhill & Small Blues.
LOST, with year of last record
*indicates subsequent short-lived releases
2007 Pearl-bordered Fritillary*
1997 Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary*
1997 Duke of Burgundy*
1990s Wall Brown odd records since
1970s Marsh Fritillary*
1960s High Brown Fritillary
Key sites
Ashtead Common, Bookham Common, Box Hill, Chiddingfold Forest (incl Oaken Wood), Chobham Common, Denbies Hillside, Epsom Common, Howell Hill, Hutchinson's Bank & Chapel Bank, Newlands Corner, Pewley Down, Sheepleas, Thursley Common
Nearest regions for GB's other species
Kent Duke of Burgundy, Heath Fritillary, Wall Brown
Sussex Duke of Burgundy, Pearl & Small Pearl-bordered Fritillaries, Wall Brown, Black Hairstreak: introduced 1970s, rediscovered 2017
NE Hants Marsh Fritillary: reintroduced 2018
Isle of Wight Glanville Fritillary
Norfolk Swallowtail
West Country High Brown Fritillary, Large Blue, Lulworth Skipper
North Chequered Skipper, Large Heath, Mountain Ringlet, Northern Brown Argus, Scotch Argus
Surrey Atlas Series
2013 Butterflies of Surrey Revisited |
2012 Smaller Moths of Surrey |
1997 Larger Moths of Surrey |
1995 Butterflies of Surrey – out of print |
UK Reports
State of UK's Butterflies (quinquennial)
2022 (covers 2015-19)
2015 (2010-14)
2011 (2005-09)
2007 (2000-04)
2001 (1995-99)
UKBMS annual reports
UK Atlas 2010-14
UK Atlas 2015-19