Click year to view online
2024 updated Oct 31
2024-07 "Last Seen" (Transect tab) shows total species by year
2023 updated 2024-03
2022 updated 2023-03
Created by Branch database manager Ken Elsom,
assisted by Bill Downey, Gillian Elsom & Francis Kelly
Ken's introduction is on YouTube.
Transect pages are updated regularly during the season.
Other pages are updated the following year.
To request downloadable files for local access, please email [email protected]
We thank transect walkers and other recorders, whose data make this service possible.
BC Surrey & SW London branch covers Watsonian vice-county 17, which includes most of the administrative county of Surrey and part of Greater London.

Surrey geology
Bagshot Sands NE
Bagshot Sands SW
Greensand central
Greensand west
Inner London
London Clay NE
London Clay SW
North Downs central
North Downs east
Upper Weald
Wealden Clay east
Wealden Clay west