LATEST UPDATE Surrey 2023 transect data


Surrey's recommended recording platform, via or iRecord Butterflies app
Create your account to enter records (and photos).
Create filters to view records:
e.g. Surrey butterflies 2022

iRecord guides
How to create a filter
Recording early stages Cathy Clarke video
Tree of conservation & recording

Butterflies for the New Millennium BC's online portal
Big Butterfly Count
Garden Butterfly Survey


UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme uses the transect recording method. A TRANSECT is a fixed-route weekly walk, typically 1-3km, lasting 30-90mins. Volunteers record butterflies in a 5m band in suitable weather in the 26 weeks Apr-Sep, 10.45-15.45. Transects are often shared. If weeks are missed, the online programme may estimate values from other counts. A tailored field-sheet is provided and data is easily entered online.
Transect volunteers are always needed.
Please contact Bill Downey

Surrey transects results
2013201420152016, 2017, 2018, 20192020, 2021, 2022, 2023

  • Sort by species to see their sites & flight periods
  • Sort by sites to see their species
  • See your own records at a glance

To view the latest data

  1. Go to
  2. Login Surrey branch,
    pw Br1mst0ne (cap B, one & zero)
  3. Go to My data, ReportingAnnual Summary
  4. Select year
  5. Filter by recorder: Combine data for all recorders
  6. Site type: Transect
  7. Filter by site: Combine data for all my sites
    Note option to Include non-butterfly species (if any)
  8. After data has loaded, select a site and note view/download options.
  9. Summary Chart tab has species options at the bottom.

    Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey

    Monitors butterfly abundance in the wider countryside away from hot-spots. The scheme is run in partnership with the British Trust for Ornithology.
    The 41 random squares allocated to Surrey (Vice-county 17) are in the Surrey Skipper.
    July & August, with at least 10 days between visits; optional further two visits in May & June.
    Walk the fixed transect, 10.45-15.45 in good weather. Submit records online HERE
    Full details: WCBS website
    Anyone with good identification skills.
    Please contact Bill Downey


    Also see Work Parties

    Big City Butterflies 2021-2024
    Saving the Wood White 2019-23 Final Report
    Brilliant Butterflies Completed 2022
    Small Blue Project 2017-19 Final Report

    South East 2016-25
    Conservation Strategy 7 pages
    Regional Action Plan 165 pages
    Conservation strategies: all regions