LATEST UPDATE Surrey 2024 transect data
Surrey's recommended recording platform, via or iRecord Butterflies app
Create your account to enter records (and photos).
Create filters to view records:
e.g. Surrey butterflies 2022
iRecord guides
How to create a filter
Recording early stages Cathy Clarke video
Tree of conservation & recording
Butterflies for the New Millennium BC's online portal
Big Butterfly Count
Garden Butterfly Survey
UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme uses the transect recording method. A TRANSECT is a fixed-route weekly walk, typically 1-3km, lasting 30-90mins. Volunteers record butterflies in a 5m band in suitable weather in the 26 weeks Apr-Sep, 10.45-15.45. Transects are often shared. If weeks are missed, the online programme may estimate values from other counts. A tailored field-sheet is provided and data is easily entered online.
Transect volunteers are always needed.
Please contact Bill Downey
Surrey transects results
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
- Sort by species to see their sites & flight periods
- Sort by sites to see their species
- See your own records at a glance
To view the latest data
- Go to
- Login Surrey branch,
pw Br1mst0ne (cap B, one & zero) - Go to My data, Reporting: Annual Summary
- Select year
- Filter by recorder: Combine data for all recorders
- Site type: Transect
- Filter by site: Combine data for all my sites
Note option to Include non-butterfly species (if any) - After data has loaded, select a site and note view/download options.
- Summary Chart tab has species options at the bottom.
Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey
Monitors butterfly abundance in the wider countryside away from hot-spots. The scheme is run in partnership with the British Trust for Ornithology.
The 41 random squares allocated to Surrey (Vice-county 17) are in the Surrey Skipper.
July & August, with at least 10 days between visits; optional further two visits in May & June.
Walk the fixed transect, 10.45-15.45 in good weather. Submit records online HERE
Full details: WCBS website
Anyone with good identification skills.
Please contact Bill Downey
Also see Work Parties
Big City Butterflies | 2021-2024 |
Saving the Wood White 2019-23 | Final Report |
Brilliant Butterflies | Completed 2022 |
Small Blue Project 2017-19 | Final Report |
South East 2016-25
Conservation Strategy 7 pages
Regional Action Plan 165 pages
Conservation strategies: all regions