The West Midlands Branch covers Birmingham, the Black Country and the counties of Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire and Worcestershire. If you live in the region and are a member of Butterfly Conservation you automatically become a member of the West Midlands branch.
Species to look out for
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Download the Comma
The Comma is the West Midland Branch News Letter it is published 3 time a year and is sent by post to members.
Get involved
Four-year project records 20,000 butterflies thriving in London
Councils and community groups show how wildlife can thrive in urban spaces with help.
Record numbers of environmental charities commit to racial diversity in bid to boost representation
The third annual RACE Report, the UK’s largest analysis of the racial diversity of the
environmental charity and funder sector, has been published today. -
Butterfly Conservation awarded £250,000 to help beautiful bog butterfly in Wales
New dedicated officer will train volunteers and oversee innovative research.
It’s a win for butterflies! Government refuses emergency use of banned butterfly-killing pesticide on sugar beet
In a win for wildlife the Government has refused to allow the emergency use of a banned pesticide on sugar beet to protect butterflies, bees and other pollinators.
Volunteer with us
Butterfly Conservation relies on the support of thousands of volunteers, and we are always looking for more help inside the office and out in the field. Whether you want to volunteer at a local branch, get outside and help manage our nature reserves, or help with one of our events, we have something for everyone to get involved in! Your time can make a real difference.
Branch information
In your area
Contact branch
- Chairman
Mike Southall - Vice Chairman
Mel Mason - Treasurer
Peter Seal - Branch Secretary
Martin Harrison