A list of useful information resources for Wiltshire moths and butterflies and the natural history of the county.
UK Butterflies
Eggs, Lavae, Pupae of Butterflies and Moths
Wiltshire Macro-moth List
Hampshire Moths
British Leafminers
BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA - site created by Chris Lewis
Database of Insects and their Food Plants
Eggs, Lavae, Pupae of Butterflies and Moths
Gelechiid Recording Scheme
UK Moths
Natural History of Wiltshire
Wiltshire Botanical Society
British Dragonfly Society - Wiltshire
Wiltshire Geology Group
Wiltshire Ornithological Society
Wiltshire Sites of Scientific Interest (SSSI)
Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Records Centre (WSBRC)
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust