Flies by day, particularly in warm or sunny conditions.

They overwinter as pupae in plant debris. The larvae can be found from late June to mid August in the south, or early July to early September further north, feeding between spun leaves.

Size and Family

  • Family Carpets and Allies (Larentiines)
  • Small / Medium Sized 
  • Wingspan Range - 30-38mm

Conservation Status

  • UK BAP: Priority species
  • Scarce (Nationally Scarce B)

Caterpillar Food Plants

Birch (Betula spp.), Bog Myrtle (Myrica gale); also occasionally on sallow (Salix spp.)


Coppiced deciduous woodland, boggy moorland and on one site in the Somerset Levels


  • Countries – England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland
  • Nationally Scarce B. Widely distributed in western Scotland, and perhaps overlooked in some areas, with scattered sites in north Wales, northern England, the West Midlands and now very locally in southern England.Formerly more widespread in England and Wales. Also found in Northern Ireland.
  • Distribution Trend Since 1970’s = Britain: Declining


Argent & Sable - Iain Leach

Argent & Sable

Argent & Sable - Iain Leach

Argent & Sable

Argent & Sable - Iain Leach

Argent & Sable

Argent & Sable - Bob Eade

Argent & Sable

Argent & Sable - Iain Leach

Argent & Sable

Argent & Sable - Bob Eade

Argent & Sable

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