Found in beech woods and in places with mature beech trees. It can be confused with the Oak Hook-tip, but the Barred Hook-tip has a darker central cross-band on the forewing and usually only one central spot and no central dots on the hindwing. The male occasionally flies during the day around the foodplant.
The larvae can be seen from June to July and September. They overwinter as pupae in a white cocoon inside a curled Beeach leaf or two leave spun together.
Size and Family
- Family – Hook-tips (Drepanidae)
- Small Sized
Conservation Status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Local (found in some areas)
Caterpillar Food Plants
Beech (Fagus sylvatica)
The moth is found in beech woodlands, in particular those on calcareous soils. It can also be found in areas with mature isolated beech trees.
- Countries – England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland
- Well distributed in southern England, but it is more restricted further north, through Wales to the Humber. Occasionally recorded in northern England and southern Scotland. The moth has only been recorded once in Ireland.

Barred Hook-tip - Ben Sale
Barred Hook-tip
Ben Sale

Barred Hook-tip - Clive Jones
Barred Hook-tip
Clive Jones

Barred Hook-tip - Clive Jones
Barred Hook-tip
Clive Jones

Barred Hook-tip - Ben Sale
Barred Hook-tip
Ben Sale

Barred Hook-tip - Patrick Clement
Barred Hook-tip
Patrick Clement

Barred Hook-tip - Ben Sale
Barred Hook-tip
Ben Sale