Blair’s Mocha is resident to southern and eastern Europe, and is an increasingly common visitor to Britain. Colours and markings can be quite variable but generally they are pale orange-brown with dark-ringed central spots, a central cross-line and inner and outer dotted lines. The forewings have a thin dark edge which ends in a dark mark at the wing tip.
Flight Times
They usually arrive in Britain in late summer, from August to October. There is no evidence of it breeding in the UK.
Size and Family
Family – Mochas and waves (Sterrhinae)
- Wingspan Range – 28-36mm
Conservation Status
- Immigrant
Caterpillar Food Plants
On the continent, the larvae feed on Holm Oak (Quercus ilex) and various other species.
It is mainly recorded in coastal and open habitats, but occasionally in woodlands.
Countries – England, Ireland
Most records are from the south coast of England but some are also found further inland. There has been a marked increase in sightings since 2006. Previously it was only a rare immigrant.

Blair’s Mocha - Ben Sale
Blair’s Mocha
Ben Sale

Blair’s Mocha - Ben Sale
Blair’s Mocha
Ben Sale

Blair’s Mocha - Ben Sale
Blair’s Mocha
Ben Sale

Blair’s Mocha - Koen Thonissen
Blair’s Mocha
Koen Thonissen