The male has heavier markings than the female and sometimes has a broad central cross-band. The male also has thicker, longer antennae than the females. They usually hold the wings close to the body whilst resting, like the Privet and Pine Hawk-moths.
They are nocturnal and rest by day, when it can often be seen on walls, rocks and tree trunks. They are attracted to light and can be seen from dusk to dawn. As they have an unusually long proboscis, they are able to feed on tubular flowers e.g. tobacco plant (Nicotiana), petunia, lilies and phlox, that many other moths cannot feed on.
They are unable to overwinter in the UK. They pupate underground.
Flight Season
Flies from June to December but most commonly seen from late August to late November.
Size and Family
- Family: Hawk-moths (Sphingidae)
- Large Sized
- Wingspan Range - 80-120mm
Conservation Status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Immigrant
Caterpillar Food Plants
As a migrant it cannot overwinter in the UK, but when larvae are seen, it is usually on wild or cultivated bindweed (Convolvulaceae).
Can be found anywhere, often in gardens.
- Countries: Africa
- Mostly coastal areas in south and east England, occasionally in large numbers, although has been seen as far north as the Shetland Islands.

Convolvulus Hawk-moth - Ervin Szombathelyi
Convolvulus Hawk-moth
Ervin Szombathelyi

Convolvulus Hawk-moth

Convolvulus Hawk-moth - Koen Thonissen
Convolvulus Hawk-moth
Koen Thonissen

Convolvulus Hawk-moth (underwing) - Bernard Dupont
Convolvulus Hawk-moth (underwing)
Bernard Dupont

Convolvulus Hawk-moth - Ann Collier
Convolvulus Hawk-moth
Ann Collier

Convolvulus Hawk-moth - Dave Shenton
Convolvulus Hawk-moth
Dave Shenton

Convolvulus Hawk-moth (caterpillar) - Marcell Kárpáti
Convolvulus Hawk-moth (caterpillar)
Marcell Kárpáti

Convolvulus Hawk-moth

Convolvulus Hawk-moth (caterpillar) - Adam Gor
Convolvulus Hawk-moth (caterpillar)
Adam Gor

Convolvulus Hawk-moth (caterpillar) - Adam Gor
Convolvulus Hawk-moth (caterpillar)
Adam Gor

Convolvulus Hawk-moth (pupa) - George Tordoff
Convolvulus Hawk-moth (pupa)
George Tordoff