All Britain's resident clearwing moths fly by day. Several are superficially similar. This clearwing is small and black with a yellow collar and two yellow lines along the thorax which are absent on the similar Sallow Clearwing. Females have three and males have four thin yellow bands across the abdomen. The dark outer band on the forewing is streaked with orange on the Currant Clearwing which helps to distinguish it from the Thrift Clearwing.
The adults fly by day in sunny weather, often around larval foodplants and can also be found resting on leaves. Males are readily attracted to females, often in great numbers. The caterpillars can be found from August to the following April or May overwintering once as larvae in a stem of the foodplant.
Size and Family
- Family – Clearwings (Sesiids)
- Small Sized
- Wingspan Range – 16-20mm
Conservation Status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Scarce (Nationally Scarce B)
Caterpillar Food Plants
Cultivated and sometimes wild Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) and Red Currant (Ribes rubrum), less frequently on Gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa).
Found in rural and urban locations where foodplants occur. They seem to favour neglected bushes in sheltered, sunny positions. Occasionally reported on wild currants along stream banks, in damp woods and fenland margins.
- Countries – England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland
- Nationally Scarce B. Widespread throughout England. Also widespread in Wales, Scotland and Ireland, but more restricted in distribution. Possibly overlooked.
Currant Clearwing - Iain Leach
Currant Clearwing
Iain Leach
Currant Clearwing - Iain Leach
Currant Clearwing
Iain Leach
Currant Clearwing - Iain Leach
Currant Clearwing
Iain Leach
Currant Clearwing - Damian Money
Currant Clearwing
Damian Money
Currant Clearwing - Garry Barlow
Currant Clearwing
Garry Barlow
Currant Clearwing - Paul Kitchener
Currant Clearwing
Paul Kitchener
Currant Clearwing - Stuart Read
Currant Clearwing
Stuart Read