A moderately sized moth with tawny or olive-brown and straw coloured forewings, with a broad whitish central band, pinched in the middle and with a neat chequered fringe.
The adults are usually seen by day flying in the sunshine during mid-summer or nectaring on flowers and is particularly fond of Knapweed and Ragwort. They also fly at night. The caterpillars can be found from late April to early July before pupating in a cocoon underground. They overwinter as eggs.
Size and Family
- Family – Arches, Brindles, Minors, Rustics and allies (Amphipyrinae)
- Medium Sized
- Wingspan Range – 28-32mm
Conservation status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Common
Caterpillar Food Plants
Flowers and seeds of various grasses, such as Perennial Oat Grass, Couch Grass and Cock’s-foot (Dactylis glomeratus).
Favours dry habitats, especially flowery calcareous downland, shingle and embankments where limestone chippings have been used in construction.
- Countries – England, Wales
- Quite well distributed in central, southern and eastern England as far north as Yorkshire, but less frequent in the west. Rare on the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

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Dusky Sallow
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Ryszard Szczygieł

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Dusky Sallow

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Dusky Sallow - Dave Shenton
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Dusky Sallow - Dave Shenton
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