The forewings are ash grey marbled with blackish-grey markings, although the ground colour can vary sometimes having a delicate pink flush.
The larvae can be found between April and June feeding at night on woody stems which then overwinter as pupae underground.
Size and Family
- Family – Sharks, shoulder-knots, chestnuts, sallows and allies (Noctuidae)
- Small Sized
- Wingspan Range – 30-36mm
Conservation Status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Common
Caterpillar Food Plants
Wild Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) as well as cultivated varieties.
Broadleaved woodland, scrub, hedgerows and gardens.
- Countries – England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
- Common and very well distributed throughout England north to the Humber, in parts of northern England, Wales, the Isle of Man and Ireland. Local in western, northern and central mainland Scotland. Widespread and abundant in the Channel Islands.
Early Grey - Iain Leach
Early Grey
Iain Leach
Early Grey - nutmeg66
Early Grey
Early Grey - Garry Barlow
Early Grey
Garry Barlow
Early Grey - Heath McDonald
Early Grey
Heath McDonald
Early Grey - Ben Sale
Early Grey
Ben Sale
Early Grey - Koen Thonissen
Early Grey
Koen Thonissen
Early Grey - Clive Jones
Early Grey
Clive Jones
Early Grey - Dave Shenton
Early Grey
Dave Shenton
Early Grey - Dave Shenton
Early Grey
Dave Shenton
Early Grey (caterpillar) - creaturesnapper
Early Grey (caterpillar)
Early Grey (caterpillar)
Early Grey (caterpillar)
Early Grey (caterpillar)