The Feathered Gothic is common and well distributed throughout most of Britain but very local further north. Adults are regularly attracted to light, particularly males.

Winter is spent as an egg, these are scattered over grassland while the moth is in flight. The caterpillars can be found between March and July, feeding at night, at first on the leaves and when larger, on ground level on the stems.

Flight Season

Flies in one generation from August to September.

Size and Family

  • Family – Noctuidae
  • Medium Sized
  • Wingspan Range – 32-45mm

Conservation Status

  • UK BAP:
  • Common

Caterpillar Food Plants

Caterpillars feed on Hard-bladed grasses, including Mat-grass and Sheep's Fescue.


Found in rough grassland, including downland, woodland rides and edges, parks and some gardens.


  • Countries – England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
  • Common and well distributed throughout most of Britain but very local further north. Scattered and local in Ireland and the Channel Islands.
Feathered Gothic - Rob Blanken

Feathered Gothic

Feathered Gothic (close-up) - Rob Blanken

Feathered Gothic (close-up)

Feathered Gothic - Simon Roddis

Feathered Gothic

Feathered Gothic - Peter Maton

Feathered Gothic

Feathered Gothic - Peter Maton

Feathered Gothic

Feathered Gothic - Peter Maton

Feathered Gothic

Feathered Gothic - Tamás Nestor

Feathered Gothic

Feathered Gothic - Tamás Nestor

Feathered Gothic

Feathered Gothic (male) - Garry Barlow

Feathered Gothic (male)

Feathered Gothic (female) - Garry Barlow

Feathered Gothic (female)

Feathered Gothic - Damian Money

Feathered Gothic

Feathered Gothic (detail) - Paul Kitchener

Feathered Gothic (detail)

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