An attractive moth with a broad, slightly hooked forewing. Grey-brown in colour with a striking golden-yellow central cross-band, oval and kidney-shaped forewing markings.
Overwinters as an egg. The larvae are present from April to August, feeding inside the lower stem of the foodplant where they also pupate.
Size and Family
- Family – Arches, brindles, minors, rustics and allies (Noctuidae)
- Medium Sized
- Wingspan range – 32-38mm
Conservation Status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Common
Caterpillar Food Plants
Robust herbaceous plants; particularly thistles, burdocks and Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). Sometimes also ragworts, Hemp-agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) and figworts.
Rough grassland, woodland rides and edges, disturbed weedy places, ditch-banks, fens, marshes and sometimes gardens.
- Countries – England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
- Common and well distributed throughout England, Wales and southern, central and north-east mainland Scotland. Local on the Isle of Man, in Ireland and the Channel Islands.

Frosted Orange
Frosted Orange
Frosted Orange

Frosted Orange by Iain Leach
Frosted Orange
Frosted Orange by Iain Leach

Frosted Orange - Patrick Clement
Frosted Orange
Patrick Clement

Frosted Orange - Patrick Clement
Frosted Orange
Patrick Clement

Frosted Orange - nutmeg66 (flickr)
Frosted Orange
nutmeg66 (flickr)

Frosted Orange by Stuart Read
Frosted Orange
Frosted Orange by Stuart Read

Frosted Orange - Koen Thonissen
Frosted Orange
Koen Thonissen

Frosted Orange - Dave Shenton
Frosted Orange
Dave Shenton

Frosted Orange (larval frass) - Patrick Clement
Frosted Orange (larval frass)
Patrick Clement

Frosted Orange (caterpillar) - Patrick Clement
Frosted Orange (caterpillar)
Patrick Clement