One of only three species of this family that are found in the British Isles.
The adults are incapable of feeding. The caterpillars live inside the trunks of a variety of broadleaved trees feeding on the wood. They overwinter three or four times as larvae and a final time as pupae.
Size and Family
- Family – Leopard and Goat moths (Cossidae)
- Large Sized
- Wingspan Range – 64-84mm
Conservation status
- UK BAP: Priority species
- Nationally Scarce B
Caterpillar Food Plants
Under the bark and in the heartwood of a range of broadleaved trees especially those in damp areas, including sallows, willow and poplars, Ash (Fraxinus excelsior), birches, oaks, Alder (Alnus glutinosa), Apple (Malus domestica) and other fruit trees.
Riverbanks, fens, marshes, parkland, golf courses, hedgerows and woodland edges.
- Countries – England, Scotland, Wales
- Nationally scarce B. Found in widely scattered locations in eastern England south of the Wash, along the south coast from east Cornwall to Kent and in the Thames Valley and the north-west. Also widely scattered in south Wales. In Scotland predominantly found in the Great Glen and Moray Coast.
Goat moth by Tamás Nestor
Goat moth
Goat moth by Tamás Nestor
Goat moth by Ryszard Szczygieł
Goat moth
Goat moth by Ryszard Szczygieł
Goat moth by Ben Sale
Goat moth
Goat moth by Ben Sale
Goat moth by Garry Barlow
Goat moth
Goat moth by Garry Barlow
Goat Moth - Koen Thonissen
Goat Moth
Koen Thonissen
Goat Moth - Dave Shenton
Goat Moth
Dave Shenton
Goat moth (caterpillar) by Ryszard Szczygieł
Goat moth (caterpillar)
Goat moth (caterpillar) by Ryszard Szczygieł
Goat moth (caterpillar) by Tamás Nestor
Goat moth (caterpillar)
Goat moth (caterpillar) by Tamás Nestor
Goat moth (caterpillar) by Tamás Nestor
Goat moth (caterpillar)
Goat moth (caterpillar) by Tamás Nestor