Superficially similar to the Barred Carpet, although the Heath Rivulet is generally smaller and grey, with coarse whitish markings. Flies in the afternoon and can be very active in hot sunshine, particularly amongst its foodplant, Eyebright. Also flies from dusk and into the night.
Size and Family
- Family – Carpets and Allies (Larentiines)
- Small Sized
- Wingspan range - 16-20mm
Conservation Status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Scarce (Nationally Scarce B)
Caterpillar Food Plants
Flowers and seed capsules of Eyebright (Euphrasia spp.).
Found on moorland, upland pasture and limestone hills.
- Countries – England, Scotland, Ireland
- Nationally Scarce B. A northern species, found widely, but patchily, over Scotland north to Caithness and Orkney. It has a very restricted distribution in England, occurring in Cumbria and on the Pennines, with a few records elsewhere in northern England. There is also a single record from Carmarthenshire. In Ireland the species is known from the Burren and the Mourne Mountains.

Heath Rivulet

Heath Rivulet - Tim Melling
Heath Rivulet
Tim Melling

Heath Rivulet - Tim Melling
Heath Rivulet
Tim Melling