So similar to Lead Belle they are easily confused. In the July Belle, the central forewing spot is usually smaller, rounder and usually closer to the second cross-line.

The caterpillars can be found from September to the following May overwintering as larvae before they pupate in a cocoon among plant debris.

Size and Family

  • Family – Carpets, pugs and allies (Geometridae)
  • Medium Sized
  • Wingspan Range – 30-38mm

Conservation Status

  • UK BAP: Not listed
  • Common

Caterpillar Food Plants

Dyer’s Greenweed (Genista tinctoria), Gorse (Ulex europaeus) and Petty Whin (Genista anglica).


A variety of open, scrubby places including heathland and moorland, downland, open woodland and shingle beaches.


  • Countries – England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
  • Common. Locally distributed throughout Britain and Ireland. Very local on the Isle of Man.
July Belle - Koen Thonissen

July Belle

July Belle - Ilia Ustyantsev

July Belle

July Belle - Gary Barlow

July Belle

July Belle - Garry Barlow

July Belle

July Belle by Keith Tailby

July Belle

July Belle - Ann Collier

July Belle

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