Very similar to the Treble-bar, with which it is easily confused. It is usually slightly smaller with less intense dark cross-bands. The angle of the narrow basal cross-band is slightly acute, the angle being quite sharp. The tip of the abdomen in both sexes is blunt, in the male of the Treble-bar it is pointed.
Readily disturbed by day from its foodplant or surrounding vegetation. Flies from dusk and after dark.
Size and Family
- Family – Carpets and Allies (Larentiines)
- Small Sized
- Wingspan Range - 32-38mm
Conservation status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Common
Caterpillar Food Plants
St John’s-worts.
Found in a range of habitats, including gardens, field margins, woodland rides, calcareous grassland, waste ground, sand dunes and sea-cliffs.
- Countries – England, Wales
- Mainly restricted to southern Britain, being found north through Wales to Cumbria and Co. Durham. Most frequent in the southern parts of its distribution. Rare on Jersey.
Lesser Treble-bar
Lesser Treble-bar - creaturesnapper
Lesser Treble-bar
Lesser Treble-bar - Lez Round
Lesser Treble-bar
Lez Round
Lesser Treble-bar - Donald Hobern
Lesser Treble-bar
Donald Hobern