Similar in appearance to the Hornet Moth it can be distinguished by the black head and shoulder and a yellow collar. It is also smaller in size.
They usually overwinter twice as larvae. In the first year the caterpillars feed close to the ground but move slightly higher up the tree trunk in the second year.
Size and Family
- Family – Clearwing moths (Sesiidae)
- Medium Sized
- Wingspan Range – 30-38mm
Conservation status
- UK BAP: Not listed
- Common
Caterpillar Food Plants
Sallows and willows, and possibly also poplars, particularly those in damp situations.
Fens, open woodland, heaths, moors, hedgerows and old quarries where the foodplants can be found.
- Countries – England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
- Common. Widespread across England and Wales, southern Scotland and scattered records in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Local and rare in the Channel Islands.

Lunar Hornet - Koen Thonissen
Lunar Hornet
Koen Thonissen

Lunar Hornet - Peter Maton
Lunar Hornet
Peter Maton

Lunar Hornet - Peter Maton
Lunar Hornet
Peter Maton

Lunar Hornet Moth - Ian Kimber
Lunar Hornet Moth
Ian Kimber

Lunar Hornet Moth larval burrows - Patrick Clement
Lunar Hornet Moth (Caterpillar burrows)
Lunar Hornet Moth larval burrows - Patrick Clement